God, Heaven & Hell & Immortality of Soul (Original Title: Rawleigh His Ghost)
Citation (APA): Lessius. (2018). God, Heaven & Hell & Immortality of Soul [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from Amazon.com
THE APPARITION to his Friend.
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My Spirit is, at this tyme, permitted by the Al|mighty to appeare to thee,
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foule, & most vn|iust aspersion vpon Me, for my presumed deniall of a Deity. Fro~ which abhominable and horrid crime, I was euer most free.
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esteeme the Booke of Lessius, written in proofe of the being of a Deity, & entituled, De prouide~tia Numinis.
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earnest request is, that thou wouldst take the paines to translate the said treatise into English;
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I am in hast to leaue thee, since my Spirit is not suffered to stay any longer vpon earth;
THE TRANSLATOVR to the Reader.
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by many most irrefragable argumets is conuinced, and proued the Being of a Deity, and, the Immortality of the Soule.
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beget in many an earnest desire of perufing this Booke; and so become the more profitable.
THE PREFACE of the Authour.
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then no man were obliged to yield an account (af|ter the death of the body) for things done in his life time;
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is a God (through whose prouidence and prescience all things are guided and measured) then it ine|uitably followeth, that we ought greatly to feare and reuerence him,
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belonging to a gouernour, to giue a iust retaliation
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admitting that there ought to be proposed both rewards and ch[...]tis[...]en[...]s, thereby to debar men from vice· & incyte them to vertue;
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gra~|ting the being of such a Deity, the denyers therof stand culpable of a most heinous blasphemy, and of spirituall treason against so great a Matesty:
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if it could be proued that the Soule of man were mortall (as the soule in beasts is) the~ should we not need to stand in feare of what hereafter might fall vpon vs; but we might securely lead a carcles & pleasurable life.
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with as much breui[...]y and perspicuity, as possible I can; omitting diuers curious
VVHO THET VVERE, THAT DENY|ed a Deity: and what were the reasons perswa|ding them therto. CHAP. I.
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the Atheist (being a most impure & impudent Sophister).
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to be laughed at, to say, That that cheife, and supreme power (whatsoeuer it is) hath any solicitude or care of humane things;
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Epicurus, and Lucretius acknowledging a Numen or diuini|ty, denyed only all prouidence of the sayd power;
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that al things did happen either by force of Nature
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by the casuall concourse & meeting of infinit Atomi, as
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madnes. Therefore either preference and prouidence is to be ad|mitted, or els all diuinity is to be reiected.
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at this day there be many who deny
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all diuine power and Deity, yet
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feare of the lawes doth impose silence to these kind of men, and only secretly among their famili|ars they do vomit out their Atheisme. The
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once departing from the true religion· mans vnderstanding findeth nothing, wher|in it may firmely and securely rest;
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instantly falleth to doubt of the whole my|stery of all religion;
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pretext of a Diuine power, the people may the more easily be contained
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among Heretickes, such as are of sharper wits doe inwardly doubt of all relig[...]on, and either deny, or at least rest vncertaine, whether there be any diuine and supernatural power at al· being thus prepared to entertaine any religion, so farre forth as it forteth to the augmentation & in|crease of their temporal estates.
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how much the more any religion is conducing to the bettering of their political and temporall estate; by so much it is by the~ more esteemed and practised.
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Among these men Nicholas Machiauel hath gained the chie|fest place,
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religious worshippers of God to be oppressed, to endure extreme want and other calamities, to liue in a despicable and contemned state of life,
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many waging most iniust wars haue obtained the victory, either because they were more numerous & powerful
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men, as maintaine vnlawful suites, do oftentymes by periuryes and false witnesses purchase the sentence of the Iudge.
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one thing begetting another without cessatio~ or end, to the perpetuating of the same species or kind,
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no other higher power, then Nature her selfe,
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like end of ma~s life, as of other creatures; and as they do vt|terly perish away after death, s also doth man.
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credible, that it doth not intermedle with mans affaires, nor busieth it selfe with things done among vs.
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In lyke sort, Men scorne the labour & busines of Ants or flees,
THE FIRST REASON IS TAKEN from the Confession of all Countries, and of al wise men. CHAP. III.
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all these had their religions, their ceremonies, their temples, and their Priests
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diuers wayes laboured to appease, and pacify the wrath
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offer vp sacri|fices to it in vaine, if it knew not our estates nor intermingled it self with our estates,
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opinion of a Deity is not entertained only by force of Tradition, but is planted in the minds of al, euen by nature her selfe.
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there is no country so barbarous, or of so iron and hard a disposition, which doth not acknow|ledge, that there is a God, though they be ignorant, what this God should be. Which
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know that there is a God) is con|naturall to all, and euen engrauen in their soules. Now
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vniuersall assent in the vnderstanding of what is false, neuer ta|keth it origin, and first being from nature.
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how is it credible, that, that which is not only false, but also altogether impossible, should be so belieued among all nations, and should be so engrafted in the mynds of euery man,
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heere is discouered the force of this verity, which is so potent,
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al countries in suddaine and vnexpected dangers (with|out any deliberation at all) do recurre & fly to God,
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do pray for fauour for their friendes, and reuenge against their enemies, as Tertullianelegantly sheweth
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so probable, as that the mind of ma~ is instantly ready to giue assent therto,
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only such, whose na|turall iudgement, through some false and weake reason, or through the peruersenesse of his phantasy
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sometimes it falls out, that some men haue denyed thinges, as were most euident to their senses: so Zeno denyed motion, and De|mocritus, rest; this
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the faculties of those few Philosophers mynds infected, who denyed a Diuinity, or Prouidence,as
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thus the Priests among the Egyptians, the Magi among the Chaldeans, the Gymnasophistae amo~g the Indi|ans the Druides among the French, and the chiefe sects of Philosophers among the Grecians; to wit, the Pithagoreans, the Plato|nickes, the Stoicks, &
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finally it is warra~ted by the force of nature which hath imprin|ted this truth at his very birth in ma~s soule.
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Atheists do herin discouer their wonderfull folly, and insupportable pryde, which thus hath en|chanted them.
THE SECOND REASON DRAVVNE FROM the motion of the heauenly Orbs.CHAP. IIII.
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their Orbs with a most rapid and swift motio~.
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those celestiall Orbes cannot ap|prehend or conceaue their motio~ to be pro|fitable to this inferiour world;
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reflect vpon the profit of another, is peculiar to a mynd and intelligence endu|ed with reason.
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Orbe of Saturne per|fecteth its course almost in 30. yeares. The Orbe of Iupiter in 12 yeares, of Mars about 2. yeares, of the Sunue in one yeare,
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vn|knowne 24 for somany ages to all antiquity· are lately discouered by the helpe of a Per|spectiue glasse inuented by a certaine Batauia~. As
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necessarily in|ferred, that the starre of Venus is carryed in a huge Epicycle about the Sunne; so as it is sometimes far higher then the Sunne, other tymes much lower.
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one degree in a hundred yeares.
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which course is perfected in 7000. yeares.
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so multi|plicious, and so various a locall motion should proceed from nature, and not from some one most Wise and Excellent
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either worketh this im|mediatly of himselfe (which is the more probable opinion) or els by the ministery and help of inferiour Spirits,
THE THIRD REASON, TAKEN FROM that, that Corporall substances, and such as are subiect to the eye and sight, cannot haue their being by Chance, or Fortune. CHAP. V.
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do depend: and that we call God. That there is such a cause
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except one will say, that this world is produced of another world, and that other of another, and so still infinitly; which assertion is in it selfe absurd, seing it implyeth an infinity & in|terminable progresse and proceeding.
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other of another, and so still infinitly; which assertion is in it selfe absurd, seing it implyeth an infinity & in|terminable progresse and proceeding.
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Absurd to assert infinity of world
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neither from themselues, nor 28 from Chance or fortune;therfore it followeth necessarily,
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they proceed not from Chance, to wit, from a casuall concourse of Atomies, or
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exceedeth the wit of all art and knowledge, should notwithstanding be produced of a meere casual concourse of Atomies without reason, and without art?
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to say thus, were as much as to defe~d, that some one most faire, sumptuous, and stately pallace were not made at all by any artificer with art, but only by a suddaine mingling and meeting together of certaine peeces of stones into this curious and artifi|ciall forme, fallen from some huge rocke of stone, shaken a sunder by an Earthquake:
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Annales of Ennius, or Commenta|ries of Liuy were not co~posed by any wry|ter, 29 but by a strange and casuall concourse of letters:
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why can|not Pallaces, Temples, Cittyes, vestme~ts, bookes, epistles and the like (in all which is discouered much lesse art, skill, and wit then in the former) take also their making and being from Chance? Therefore,
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foolish absurd opinion of the concourse of Atomyes be abolished,
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inuented to no other end, then that the maintainers thereof, should not be forced to acknowledge the world to be gouerned by diuyneProuidence: against which Prouiden|ce they had a mighty auersion;
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Random atoms invented to deny Gods providence
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to a mynd wallowing in all wickednes & voluptuousnes,
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those which are most perfect (as Man & other liuing Creatures) 30 cannot be of themselues;
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how can that be of it selfe, which is extinguished & peri|shed with so great a facility?
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further mani|fested, in that the whole Species, or kynd may vtterly be extinguished or perishd.
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what once did be|gin, sometimes was not,
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what is of it selfe, did neuer begin, & the|refore shall neuer end;
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What hath a final cause, to the which it is directed and ordai|ned, the same hath also an efficient cause, by the which it is so ordained; for
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if this Cause were corporeall, the~ doubtlesly the heaue~s should be this Cause, since there remaineth no other corporeal Cause, to the which it may be ascribed: But the heauens could not produce
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heauens should produce this Materia prima in vacuo, not hauing any pre|cedent subiect matter to worke vpon, and therefore should create it of nothing;
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the cause of this Materia prima must be incorporall and most powerfull, as being able to giue it an essence and being, euen from nothing.
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sto|red this our inferiour world with such o|pulency & abundance of riches of al kynd· 38 as of metals, pretious stones, hearbs, trees, birds, fishes, earthly creatures, and all other variety of things whatsoeuer?
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al|though the Sunne be incomparably greater then the vniuesal[...] Globe of the earth and water (as is euicted from the poynt of the shadow of the earth, which reacheth not to the Orbe of Mars)
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the Su~ne with its whole orbe is carryed about with such a velocity and swiftnes, that in com|passe of one houre it goeth in its motion aboue ten hundred thousand myles;
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moue e|uery houre more then 40. millions of my|les (euery million being ten hundred thou|sand)
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admiration of his boundles power, who turneth about such vast and immense bodyes, with so in|comprehensible and impetuous a celerity?
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the Sunne performeth a farre greater course in one houre, the~ a bullet would do in fiue thousand houres.
THE FOVRTH REASON, FROM THE beauty of things, and the structure and com|position of the parts, in respect of the whole. CHAP. VI.
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one most wise mynd or in|telligence· which first conceaued, weighed, measured and conferred with himselfe all these proportions;
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The heauen being extended aboue, like vnto a vast and most large vault,
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It is for greater ad|miration, beauty, and ornament, distin|guished with an infinite number of starres, as with so many Iewels:
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Now what is more plea|sing to the eye of Man, then those blewish 43 and purple colours of the Heauens?
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what pulchritude and beauty hath it? What delight is discouered in the mou~tai|nes, and the vallies thereof, in the springs,
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various and diuers vest|ment of hearbs, flowers, and groues?
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nether the Sunne nor the starres can know, of what kynd euery tree (for example) will be,
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there is in euery worke of nature (as their phrase it) so great cunning, skill, and subtility, as that no art can attaine to the thousand part thereof;
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cannot pro|ceed from this Sunne, seing his operation and working is vniforme, and a like vpon al bodies; but it ought to be reduced to some principle or begining, which may contayne distinctly al these things in it selfe,
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what excee|ding beauty is in all kynd of Plants?
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many in number, and therefore they al become grateful to the eye.
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there is scarce any one flower which hath not a peculiar smell to it selfe, different more or lesse
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How forcible is the power of smelling in dogs, Vultures,
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To con|clude the motiue power obeyeth the appe|tite with incredible celerity and speed, as appeareth euen in the motion and flying of flees.
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if one could attayne the perfect knowledge of one small flye, the pleasure of that knowledge would ouer|ballance and weigh downe all riches, ho|nours and dignities of Kings.
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making euen of the least flye; they being such as yet the most emi|nent Philosopher that euer was, could not apprehend them,
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such as may serue to entertaine a most sweet and serious specu|lation of the~, for the space of many yeares?
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By the vnderstan|ding, the soule co~ceaueth the whole world, and frameth to it selfe certaine inuisible i|mages or pictures (as it were) of al things.
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By the memory, it retaineth al those images 56 of things wrought by the vnderstanding,
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it maketh to it selfe election, or choyce of any course of life.
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the reasonable Soule is of wonderfull pulchritude, splen|dour, and perfection;
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it would seeme to be a kynd of diui|nity;
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in the contemplation whereof, the mind would be
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absorpt and swallowed vp with an incredible pleasure & delight;
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surpasseth by many degrees
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vegetatiue and sensitiue soules
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foure degrees of beau|ty 57 of things in this world;
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first (which is lowest) is of bodyes,
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seco~d of the vegetatiue soule;
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not only the first, but also the rest are formed by some most prudent and skilful intelligence or mind. For
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All the pulchritude and perfe|ction of an Effect, ought to be contained in 58 the cause;
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as the worke is contai|ned in the mynd, or art of the workeman.
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euen as the forme of a house, and all the measures and proportions of it
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who framed the soule of man, endewing it with reason, vnderstanding, and frewill, cannot possibly want reason, vnderstanding and frewill; but must haue them in more perfect and excellent manner.
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He which 59 planted the eare, shall he not heare?
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a cer|taine supreme Intelligence, or Spirit, which is the inuentour, authour, and architect of all
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& this spi|rit we call God, who be eternally blessed,
THE FIFTH REASON DRAVVNE FROM the structure and disposition of the parts of the world, with reference to their ends. CHAP. VII.
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nothing is made for it selfe, but with respect to some extrinsecal end,
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The Sunne, excelling in fayrenesse all visible things, is not for it selfe (for it can not apprehend, or reflect vpon its owne beauty) but for the good & benefit of other things, to wit, that it may enlighten the world,
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hart is in man, and other liuing creatu|res, which is not for it selfe, but for the good of the whole body;
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cannot be assigned by any, but only by such a mynd or spirit, as is able to consider the end and the meanes,
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if the Sunne be made not for it selfe, but for some external end,
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what ca~ not perceaue its owne good, is not made for it selfe, but for some other thing, to the which it becomes profitable.
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degree of a reasonable nature transce~ds and exceeds much in worth the degree of a corporeall Nature,
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Therefore it followeth, that not cor|poreall or bodily nature is made for it selfe, but euen of its essence & being, is ordained to some other thing, to wit, to a reasonable nature, for whose behoofe and good it ex|isteth.
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if there were no reasonable nature, then all the corporeall nature should exist, as in vayne & bootles· as not being able to bring any benefit to it selfe, or to any other thing;
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fruition of great riches should be altogeather vnprofitable, if the man posses|sing them, should haue neither knowledge, vse, nor feeling of them.
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celestiall Orbs, which motion bringeth no benefit to the heauens themselues, but is wholy applyed to the good and vtility of man,
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motion of them is so tempered,
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enioy within the space of 24. houres both day and night;
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causeth the foure seuerall te~peratures of the yeares,
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For no other benefit of it can be assigned the~ this, nor any other cause can be alledged, why the motion of the Sunne, and the other celestiall Orbes 65 should be in any such, and such sort.
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close places (we may obserue) wherin the wynds blow not, are become most pestiferous and noysome.
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certaine seasons so great store of raine and snow may fall, as that therby the springs and riuers may be continually maintayned and fed.
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fro~ a great height they should distil by little & little through a large tract of the ayre, wherby they being deuided into infinite most small drops, do be sprinkle the earth with a pleasing moisture and humidity.
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in colder cou~|tryes, and such as are subiect to frosts, men are of a more robustious & greater stature, and longer lyued, then in hoater regions.
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immense weight and heape of moun|taines, is far higher, and more remote from the Center, then the water is.
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so the earth as free from being couered with water, might be made seruiceable for the habitation of men and other creatures,
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by this structure of the Earth, it is made free from all perillous inundations,
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of mountaines, we shall fynd; that in nature there is no necessity of them, but only for the behoofe and benefit of man.
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incessantly exercise it selfe in vexing and subduing their borde|ring neighbours.
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not only co~|duce to an absolute necessity of mans life; but also to a greater conueniency, delicacy and splendour thereof;
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not in each part of the Sea all kynds of fi|shes are found; for some kynds do breed in the North,
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im|planted (contrary to the course of nature) a 80 fecundity in the earth for the bringing out and nourishing of plants,
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Neither can there be rendred any other reason, why they should be ordered in such sort, as they are, but only for the emolument, commodity, and seruice of Man.
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yet hath he so tem|pered these things, that withall they may serue, as scourges for the castigation of sin|ners;
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wanting altogether sweet water, is supply|ed heerein by diuyne Prouidence from a tree there growing;
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furnished with all things seruing either for necessity, or pleasure and delicacy;
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in the 84 which man is placed, to the end, that he acknowledging a diuyne and supernaturall po|wer to be the authour of this world, may loue, reuerence, and adore the said power;
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For man only considereth al things in the world, apprehendeth all things, and vseth and enioyeth all things.
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fi|nally in vayne were such variety of formes colours, smels, sapours, and temperame~ts. For if man were not, then there were no|thing left, which could discerne or appre|hend these things, admire them,
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do not apprehe~d any thing vnder the shew and forme of good, but what is agreable & sorting to their belly, or venereous plea|sure, & this also after a brutish ma~ner.
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exist in vayne and fruitlesly, if there were no rationall and intelligent nature, to reside and dwell therein, who were able to ap|prehend, obserue, and discerne the admi|rable workes therein,
THE SIXT REASON, BORROVVED FROM the structure or making of liuing Creatures, and Plants, with reference to an end. CHAP. VIII.
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al these things were first excogitated, inuented, & made by a most wise spirit, or mynd; and
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The teeth are thirty two, the ridge of spine of the backe consisteth of 32. Vertebres, or ioynts.
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For some of them are in fixed & driuen in (like nailes (as the teeth of the iaw bone are:) Others are inserted, and as it were sowed in, as we see in the bones of the scull.
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euery bone is made fit and apt to its end and function, that it cannot be concea|ued, how it could be made more commo|dious.
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nothing in vaine, no|thing redundant or superfluous,
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in mans body more then six hundred muscles, as long muscles, short, broad,
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upon Galeneconcludeth, that mans body is framed by some most wise and most puissant worke|man.
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the braine. The Hart is ordained for the vital heat, and spirits of the whole body; the Liuer for the sanguineous, bloody and naturall spirits; and the braine for the animal spirits. To
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there proceed from the hart two Arte|ries, the one going vpward, the other dow|neward;
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inward substance of the back|bone is nothing els, then a certayne conti|nuation and production of the braine.
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brayne is inuolued and couered with a double skin;
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by the helpe of which spirits the soule moueth the muscles;
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the braine is (after a manner) throughout the whole body, & in euery part therof,
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three principall members, to wit the brayne, hart,and Liuer, (by
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serious co~|sideration of them hath seuerall tymes mo|ued me to an admiration of the diuyne Po|wer, who
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sinews deryued from the braine, by the which the spirits are deferred and car|ryed to the Muscles.
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they are found in flies, gnats, fleas, and the least wormes. For these small creatures haue their braine,
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made with such an invisi|ble 103 tenuity and smalnes, as is incompre|hensible to mans wit.
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kinds? Birds are made with small heads, & sharpe becks the more easily therby to cline and pie[...]ce the ayre;
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their wings are most light, and so framed, as they may easily open and close for flying;
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Such of them as feed vpon flesh, haue most strong & hoo|ked beckes to teare the flesh asunder,
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How pleasant is the beauty of their wings? How great is the difference of their sound and voyces? How sweet is the singng of some of them?
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In their mouth they haue two teeth aboue, and two below, long and strong to hold, and teare a sunder;
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Those other beasts, as feed vpon hearbs, leaues, or fruits, haue their teeth and hoofs otherwise formed.
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their feet be not ouerpressed with the weight of their body.
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certaine holes, by the which they disburden themselues of this water.
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&c. So many differences of colours in Shels, so many figures and formes·
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The shining & purity is incredible in diuers of them, exceeding [...]ll mettals of gold and siluer,
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giue~ at his birth, neither any thing to cloath his body, nor any weapon for his owne defe~ce, but in place of these; Hands are giuen him,
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The leaues serue partly for ornament, and parly for the safty of the fruits, least they perish through heat and showers.
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which marrow be|ing taken away, though the tree do beare fruite, yet is this fruite destitute of seed.
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all the miracles (as I may truly tearme them) which appeare in the structure and making of Plants.
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all those parts were made by some one supreme and most wise spi|rit or intelligence, who first conceaued in him|selfe
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so wonderfull and admirable a proportion & conuenie~cy of so many innumerable Media, or meanes,
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this Prouidence hath a care in the least things: seing that euen in Gnats, Myse, little wormes, and the least hearbes
THE SEAVENTH REASON: THAT ALL things do worke most orderly to a certaine End. CHAP. IX.
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demonstrate the same from this consi|deration, that all things do worke for some one end or other.
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se|ing the things themselues can neither per|ceiue the ends, wherunto they are directed,
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effecteth by so multipli|cious and strange an art,
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What mynd or vnderstanding can be intent to so many things at once?
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the skill whereof transcendeth by many degrees all mans skill and artifice;
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touching the small body of a flye, how many feet it ought to haue,
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which beginning cannot be any nature depriued of reason & vnderstanding:
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to performe this, requireth a most perfect and distinct knowledge.
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flowers do appeare externally faire to the eye,
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neither are they stir|red vp to the act of generation through the desire of hauing young ones,
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neither eating, nor the act of generatio~ 125 are ordained for pleasure;
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doth direct bruit beasts to the said ends,
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The Spider (for example) weaueth
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web with wonderfull art,
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insertions of 126 one threed with an other (still obseruing a precise distance) are most strange.
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she prouydeth her selfe of a little hole to lye in
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lest she should be espyed.
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hindering the motion of her wings, lest she should fly away,
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The Bees worke their fyne hony-Combs,
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roomes of six corners, which they frame with their six little feete.
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lay it vp in these small roomes, to serue for their prouision in the winter tyme.
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How they deuyde the la|bour herein among themselues is most ad|mirable·
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couer them with a small mem|brane or skin, least otherwise the liquour therin should slow away,
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con|spire together to performe one generall worke; helping one another according to their facultyes & powers.
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strange policy and gouerment of Bees· obserued curiously by diuers.
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in|dustry of Emmets. ] how much care is taken for the tyme to come, and yet they want all knowledge of the tyme to come?
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little concaui|tyes of the earth,
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for greater se|curity & quietnes are ful of many wyndings and turnings.
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they do first knaw and byte the corne, lest it should take roote againe
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hundreds or thou|sands, they meeting one another in a most straite way, are no hindera~ce or let to their passages,
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they only of all liuing Crea|ture (excepting man) do bury one another.
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The Silkwormes do worke out of their owne bowels,
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imitating herein a second birth or generation through a stupendious metamorphosis and change:
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fynenes and yet the firm|nes of the threed thereof is strange.
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so great aboundance of silke, wherein the world now offendeth so much in wast and luxury.
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The Hedgh[...]g goeth vnder the Vyne tree, and by shaking the vyne
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contracteth his body into a round compasse, & so tumbling him among the grapes, and they sticking vpon his pricks,
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in Cats; for with what silence of pace, do they rush vpon birds,
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their excrements they hyde and couer ouer with earth, lest otherwise they be discouerd and betrayed by the smell thereof.
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130 In fishes also
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yea euen in such as are thought to be most dull of nature,
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the Polypus is vsed to cast within the shels a little stone; that so the shels not closing together,
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The Whale (as
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being of an imperfect eye sight
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little fishe, as his guyde, which goeth be|fore him,
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fish Sepia, when she perceiueth her selfe to be touched, doth darken the water
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hyding her selfe in the darknes 131 thereof she may better escape.
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fish Torpedo being immersed in mud and durt, hydeth himselfe,
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Birds ] much care, skil, and forcecast (as it were) do they build their nests,
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in trees, or thickets of brambles and qushes, therby to be far from the danger of men and beasts.
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they lyne the inward part therof with some soft matter, as mosse, hay,
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for the more softning of it, and for the greater heat, they strow it within with downe of feathers, small hayre
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different manner of archi|tecture (as I may call it;) as among vs we find seuerall kynds of building, to wit the Corinthian, Dorick, Tuscane, Gothick, and
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extraordinary care of bringing vp and feeding their young ones;
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not finding sufficie~t store of meate for themselues, and their brood, are content to suffer hunger, therby to giue the greater quantity to the other.
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with what earnestnes of mynd they defend their ofspring from their enemies;
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rouse vp their fethers in terrour to their Enemy,
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vse strange sleights for diuerting their enemy from their nests,
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if their nests be found, how much then lamentation doth appeare in many?
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what inco~solable griefe doth afflict them for the tyme?
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in all liuing crea|tures a strange industry for their owne pre|seruation.
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make his last bounces and leapes won|derfull great, that therby the dogs by such his iumping may lose their sent of him.
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so~times wil swimme ouer Riuers· because their smell stayeth not in the water.
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tumble himselfe in myre and durt, which after is dryed and hardned
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armed with the dryed myre (as with a breast plate)
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entring into the chawes of the Crocodyle, (when he is a sleepe)
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penetrating his body doth kill him by gnawing and eating away his bo|wels.
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[Note: Beasts know what is hurtfull to them, and what medici|nable.
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procure a vomit by eating of grasse, & so do purge
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tree; Swallowes haue taught vs that the hearbe Celandine is medicinable forthe eye sight;
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the Panther with a piece of flesh coloured with the iuyce of a venemous hearbe,
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bowels of a dead man, which is to her the onely cure for this disease.
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made knowne to vs, partly by the diligent inqui|sition & search of man, & partly by the ofte~ experience had of them:
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necessarily followeth, that they are directed thither by some cause. But the beast it selfe cannot be this cause;
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theSpyder knoweth not to what end his web so wouen is pro|fitable, or with what order he is to proceed in making of it.
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why he eateth or drinketh, or begetteth little ones, or feedeth and nourisheth them, or flyeth away from his enemy,
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he knoweth not the end or reason of any thing he doth; and yet he performeth his operations,
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some of the ancient Authours maintained, that all liuing Creatures had reason, though they were depriued of all speach or la~guage,
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But this opinion is most false, and ridiculous.
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well know|eth what is conuenient to the safety and de|fence of their liues, and to the propagation
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that supreme Architect, & Maker of all things to imprint in ech liuing Creature peculiar and accom|modated instincts,
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these instincts are certaine impressi|ons of the wisedome and reason of the diuyne prouidence, and
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certaine printe or imitation of reason; And in this later manner are irrationable creatu|res moued by the diuyne Prouidence. There|fore
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immedi|atly moued by the workeman, but by the meanes of a certaine impressed vertue,
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we see that Dogs & Apes are taught by mans labour to dance with distinct paces to the pleasure of the beholders,
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many other things are dogs taught especially tou|ching hunting.
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Now if man can transfer a certaine imitation and shew of his art vpo~ irrationable creatures to effect certaine fun|ctions,
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gouerneth himselfe, setteth downe his owne end, and disposeth of fitting meanes for the same end) hath no need of these na|turall instincts, which other creatures haue.
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inclyning them to certaine artes; yet they are not to gouerne themselues by these in|stincts, but by the guyde and force of reason,
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But other Creatures haue (as it were) a certaine sparke of prudence, or rather a peculiar instinct lyke vnto prude~ce,
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the web in the 141 Spider, and the hony combe in the Bee) is a certaine participation of diuine art,
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it appre|hendeth after a certaine manner a thing, as conuenient or hurtfull, according to tyme & place,
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his 142 prouidence extendeth it selfe to the least things;
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Wright maketh his worke in a matter or sub|stance, which he neither made, nor ought to conserue,
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therfore all things may againe reuert & turne to nothing; euen as a heauy body being by force lifted vp
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as the light of the ayre depends vpon the Sunne,
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if God should but for a moment withdraw or diuert this substance-making beame (for so doth Diony|si[...]s call it, terming it [...]) then would all things instantly vanish away, & returne to nothing.
THE EIGHT REASON FROM THE diuersity of Mens countenances and voices, and from the pouerty of Man. CHAP. X.
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The diuersity of faces is so multiplicious and almost so infinit in Man,
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suppose Men to be in countenance alyke, as sheepe, cro|wes, sparrowes,
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neither could maryed Men discerne their owne wyues fro~ other women,
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nor the magistrate the delinquents,
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would be extremely in[...]ested with adulteries,
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cofyding & resting vpon likenes of face and fauour, haue at|tempted to inuade other mens beds,
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in vayne, but euer with great trouble and tumults.
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what proceedeth from chance is not perpetuall, but rarely hapneth; and is not found in all, but in few only,
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borne with fiue fingers, ca~not be said to come by cha~ce,
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borne with six fingers.
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Prouidence, which hath or|dained the same, the better to preserue iu|stice and ciuill life betweene Men,
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that Men are like, is to be imputed to chance; that they are vn|like, to Prouidence.
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sheepe, goates, horses &c. it is an easy mat|ter 149 to set on them a marke for their better di|stinguishing.
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vnlikenes not only in faces, but also in voyces; that so by a double sense (to wit by sight & hearing) as by a double witnes, one man should be made knowne from another.
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matters are often menaged in darknes; as also some mens eye sights are so weake and imperfect,
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suppo|se, that all things, which are in any sort ne|cessary to mans life, were
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giuen to al men without any labour
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granting the former position, no man would learne any mechanicall arts, or learning would pra|ctice them.
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no man would performe these things, were he not forced therunto through want & penury.
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so we should want all rich attyre all fayre and stately e|difices, all costly furniture for houses, all magnificent temples and Churches,
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lasciuious courses do commonly accompany idlenes and abundance of wealth;
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men li|uing. 152 before the deluge, (whom lasinesse, opulency and fulnes of temporalities did o|uerthrow) as also from the inhabitantes of Brasile, who (by reason that the country af|forded them abundantly without labour, through the natural temperature of the Cli|mate, all things necessary)
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slaues to Epicurisme, lust,
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whiles penury affli|cteth and presseth men, they are (for the further preuenting thereof) willing to vn|dergo any labour and paines.
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who|lely imployed· bent, and intent vpon its de|signed worke and taske, is freed from dan|gerous and vicious cogitations, and conse|quently hath not leasure· and tyme, to spend the tyme in sensuality.
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is, Pe|nury and want begetteth wisedome. This
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most pleasing and gratefull alteration and change of day and night,
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of the foresaid· motion is wrought the flux and reflux of the sea, the blowing of wynds,
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the deluge and inundation of the whole world,
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safety of men and beasts by the Arke,
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burning Sulphur with the which the· Citty Pentapolis was consumed,
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plagues of Aegipt,
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submer|sion 156 & drowning of the Egiptians,
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so many apparitions of God
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punish|ment of rebellious, incredulous, and misbe|leeuing people,
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staying of the Sune in the midle of its course for the space of ten howres;
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preseruation of the serua~ts of God put into a burning fornace;
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fury of Lyons suppressed that they hurt not the true worshippers of God, the dead recald & raised to life, and the wicked and impious by the peculiar hand of God, wonderfully chastised.
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vnder|taketh a particuler charge and defence of the vertuous,
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often effecting for their good and safety many things, aboue the ordinary and setled course of nature.
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least suspition of any imposture or deceit; first, because the authour, which wrot all these (some few excepted) was in|dued with extraordinary wisedome, and grauity, and was accounted the greatest Prophet
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No least suspicion of imposture
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many predictions set downe by him in his works,
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we fynd by the euent to be most true, we may rest assured, that he was most fai|thfull in his relation of other things Thirdly, in that euery one of the things recyted a|boue, are so particularized with all their circu~stances of tymes, places, persons, names occasions,
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euen an eye witnes of the same passages & occur|rents could not deliuer them with greater 158 exactnes.
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Eyewitness couldn’t be more exact
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if he addeth them, then is the fiction ea|sily discouered
Note - Location 1843
Fiction is easily discovered
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some contradiction is found in the matter it selfe, as falleth out in the fabulous historyes of Homer, Nonnus, Virgil, Ouid,
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precise|ly. Fiftly, if he had written differently from the truth
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he might easily haue bene conuinced of fal|shood by many hundred thousands of wit|nesses, who were also then present with him.
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all these things were red openly before the whole multitude,
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read ouer againe euery seuenth yeare
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re|corded in Hebrew verse by Dauid, who was a King and a Prophet,
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which verses euen from that tyme to this very day, are continually sung in the publicke prayers, almost throughout the whole world by the Iewes,
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and by Chri|stians
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almost in e|uery age rise vp among the people of Israell certaine Prophets
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being guyded by the assistance of the holy Ghost, did gouerne, teach,
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their actions were such, as exceeded al hu|mane forces,
Note - Location 1860
Actions surpassing human ability
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such were those acts performed by Iosua, Debora, Gedeon, Sa~pson, Samuel, Dauid, Nathan, Salomon,
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their writings were re|plenished with diuers predictions and Pro|phesyes of things to come,
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an|swerable accomplishments and fulfillings: a poynt so worthy of obseruation, as that the lyke cannot be found in any history or wri|tings of other nations. Seauenthly euen
Note - Location 1865
The like cannot be found in other nations
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festiuall dayes, sacrifices, and other rytes, least the memory of them should in tract of tyme perish
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feast of Pentecost was in memo|ry of the law giuen vpon the fiftith day af|ter their deliuery.
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the Arke of the Couenant was kept and preserued,
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in the which the Rod of Aaron which blossomed, and the vessell of the Manna, and the Law written in two ta|bles of stone by the hand of God,
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all which benefits of God and his wonderfull workes were celebrated with the singing of diuers Canticles and songs.
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the very bookes themselues of the testame~t were
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most secure place (as diuyne Oracles) preserued, least otherwise they might by any deceit be cor|rupted and depraued.
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old testament are full of wisedome, piety, and grauity; in which are found no vanity or improfitable curiosi|ty;
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most aptly for the informing and rectifying the mynd with vertue and piety, for deterring it from all wickednes,
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wonderfull documents and examples of most excellent men alledged to this end:
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wrytings 162 of Philosophers, in the which many vayne curious and improfitable passages are found, as also sometymes many wicked, prophane and impure instructions
Note - Location 1884
Many vain unprofitable passages found in books of philosophers
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they in their bookes, by reason of the then commo~ vse, do permit the worship of Idols, though they were perswaded that there was but one supreme diuyne Power. In
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as also fornications, filthy lusts,
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inward beauty of vertue, as also the turpitude and vglines of vice (which two sole points are vsually aledged by Philosophers) are but weake incyteme~ts to the mynd;
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there is need of more veheme~t per|swasions.
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very few men haue bettered their mynds (so far forth I meane as concernes piety) by rea|ding of their labours, though many by that meanes haue arriued to a great pryde and e|lation 163 of spirit;
Note - Location 1892
Reading philosophers futile to better oneself
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he shall clearly see, that such things as were done by the Iewes, did serue but to adumbrate and shadow the mysteries of our Christian fayth,
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credit and fideli|ty is to be giuen to the bookes of Moyses (&
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as to certaine most vndoubted Oracles, writte~ by the speciall concurrency and assistance of 164 the holy Ghost. The like may be auerred of other holy bookes of Scripture (whether they be historicall or propheticall)
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Oracles written by assistance of Holy Ghost
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he restored sight to the blynd, hea|ring to the deafe, speach to the dumbe, go|ing to the lame, and life to the dead.
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He also commanded the wynds, restrayned tempests,
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He wrought all these not in priuate, but openly in the sight of the whole world;
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not with much en|deauour, or with any long preparation afo|rehand; but only either by his word, or by the gentle touch
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in his death the Su~ne was obscured, the earth trembled,
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many thousands of me~ were witnesses hereof, which might (& would no doubt) charge
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Thousands of witness
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with sacriledge, if they had diuulged fictio~s
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since to lye in poynt of Re|ligion is s[...]c[...]ledge in the highest degree.
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stupe~|dious a miracle was it, that our Sauiour co~|uerted the world by the meanes of twelue men, and these ignoble, poore, despicable, and ignorant fishers,
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(notwithstanding the gainsaying of
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eloquence of the whole world,
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great reluctation to flesh and blood, mans corrupt nature,
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his doctrine was not to perswade men to an easy religion,
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repugnant both to mans vnderstanding and his manners:
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loue our enemies, render good for euill·
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and finally pray for all such, as do in any sort persecute or wrong vs.
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How difficult a labour was it, to persw|ade the world (blynded afore with Idola|try, and placing all its felicity in riches, ho|nours, and pleasures)
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this against the custome and authority of their forefathers,
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and threatnings of Princes,
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with a resolute neglect of all commodities or discommodities of this life, of honour or contumely, of wordly allurements or tor|ments, how great soeuer?
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Now the Apostles were a|fore most rude, fearfull, pusillanimous, ig|norant of heauenly misteryes, ignorant of the tongues, and indeed altogeather vnapt, for so high an enterprise.
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Apostles were altogether unapt
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instantly became most wise, fearles, mag|nanimous, skilfull in all the tongues, hauing the courage to vndertake so great an ex|ployt,
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Instantly skillful in all tongues
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These things are of such an infallible truth, as that no man had the forehead to deny them, all ancient Hi|storyes recording the~;
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no torments (how exquisite soeuer) of Tyrants
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could hinder the beginning, progresse,
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Neuer did the like happen
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Which miracle being deeply weighed, is not only of force to the iustifying of the being of Gods prouidence, but also of the diuinity of Christ, & of the truth of Christian religion.
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Proves divinity of Jesus and truth of Christian religion
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Apostles had the guilt of working miracles, which in some sort was most necessary;
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world could hardly haue bene induced
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except in were waranted therunto by some most wonder|ful signes
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that they were not true, but only for|ged;
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or if true, performed by the helpe of the deuill.
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they are not ac|complished by the force and power of natu|re, we all grant, and from thence do proue, that there is a diuyne and inuisible power, more potent then nature,
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to say, that they are feigned, is implicitly to take away all credit of histories,
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no historyes are written more accurately, diligently, & 169 with greater inuestigation & search of truth then are the miracles aboue recyted,
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euer most sollicitous and carefull, that false miracles should not be ventilated, and giuen out for true;
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euident. Thirdly who condemne all these miracles for fictions, do charge
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all the Christian world of madnes, and extreme simplicity, in suffering innumerable fictio~s & lyes
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not hauing so much perspica|city and clearnes of iudgment, as to be able to discouer the deceit.
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lying nar|rations for true miracles, they by this mea|nes most egregiously deluding the whole world.
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re|corded, by so graue authours
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with so many particuler circumstances, as that all possibi|lity of fraud
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forgers are accustomed pur|posely to declyne and auoyde the circum|stances 170 of names, and especially of tymes and places, for the better concealing
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no iust and vrgent cause, why these should be falsly in|uented.
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with what hope or reward
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No man doth any thing, but there is some reason which induceth him so to do.
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what graue and religious man had not rather suffer death, then deliberately to wryte one lye,
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Sixtly, if the foresaid miracles were but inuented· then might the authours of them be easily conuinced of forgery by the men then liuing in that age,
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not any one Man, who
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durst charge the wryters of the said miracles with any fiction therein. Seauently, Mans nature is of it selfe incredu|lous and full of suspicion,
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hereupon it examineth all things concerning the same most precisely and particularly, least there be some imposture
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prying into each particuler, do euer labour (as much as in them lyes) either wholy to call in question such miracles,
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at least to depresse and lessen the worth the|reof.
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performed by the worke of the deuils,
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it followeth, that there are spirits,
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consequently it is to be granted, that there is one suprem[...] Spirit,excelling all the 172 rest in power
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cannot with any shew or protext of reason, be referred to the power of the de|uils;
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restore sight to the blynd, going to the lame, to cure the paralitcks only with their word, and to raise the dead to life, do far transcend
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deuils, who cure diseases only by the medi|ation of naturall causes; to wit, by applying the vertue of hearbs and other medicinable things,
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Devils cure disease by natural means
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so far from vsing them as a meanes, as that they proclaimed open war against the Deuils;
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they ordinarily dispossessed mens bodyes of them,
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so many wise and prudent men were become so stupid and blockish, as not to be able to discerne true miracles from a|dulterate and forged wonders, and the illu|sions of the deuill from the hand and worke of God?
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Belyke only the Pharisyes, the heathen persecutours, & prophane Atheists haue this guift of distinguishing miracles from the prestigyes and deceites of the de|uill; and all other men are blynd, foolish, and in this poynt depryued of all sound and perfect iudgment.
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calumny of the Pharisies against our Lord, & of the Heathens against Martyrs;
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when they were clearely conuinced with supernatural signes and miracles (as plainly seeing them daily wrought) and being then conscious of their owne inward wickednes, did burst forth into horrible blasphemyes;
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many do not sufficiently & seriously penetrate these matters, but are (as it were) blynded here in through the daily and continuall seeing of them; for how ad|mirable a thing is it, that from some few graines of corne so great an increase should rise?
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it was necessary, that some workes might be effected, which should transgresse the bounds of nature, least other|wise 175 men might thinke, that there were no power aboue the nature and condition of corporall things:
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to the end, that men may be confirmed in other poynts of religion,
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miracles are certaine diuyne testi|monyes both of the infallibility of doctryne, and of sanctity of life; especially where the life is conformable to the doctrine. Fourthly, that
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seruants of God may be honoured: for there is nothing, which maketh holy men more celebrious and fa|mous
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incyteth the mynds of others to
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imitate the~ then the exhibiting of miracles.
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there is no feare of Idolatry in honouring here Gods Saints; for where there is Idolatry commit|ted, there is supreme honour giuen, by the which a Creature is worshipped, as the Creatour and first beginning, but no wor|ship is ascribed to the Saints in this sort.
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men through occasion of corporall benefits obtai|ned therby, may the sooner be stirred vp to repentance
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re|morse of their former licentious lyues, do vndertake an amendment
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by this meanes it hapneth, that the soules of many thousands are saued, which otherwise had perished e|uerlastingly. To
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must also (a [...]ortio[...]) know all things present and past; and consequently must k[...]w all things absolutly;
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that is, Humane mindes are blind in thinges to come. Therfore there is an inuisible intelligence far more
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euident signe of a Diuinity, and for that cause this kynd of prediction is cal|led Diuination; as
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Gods of the Gentils are refuted by Isay, in that they had not the ability to fore tell fu|ture eue~ts;
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(since prenotion far transcen|deth mans capacity) but they receaued it from some superiour power,
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the world is with|drawne from idolatry and pernicious er|rours, to the worship & knowledge of the true God, and shall by him obtayne the hope of eternall saluation.
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interpretation of certaine most obscure dre|ames 181 touching three stocks of a vyne, and three baskets;
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exposition of Pharoes dreame,
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49. Iacob the Patriarch [...]before his death, did prophesy to euery [...] of his sonnes, what should happen to them posterity;
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scepter shall not depart from Iuda,
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translated vpon Dauid, in whose family and race it continued 520. yeares.
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Thirdly, that Christ was to be reiected by the Iewes, & receaued by the Gentils;
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booke of Numbers, Balaam being possessed with a diuyne fury, foretelleth many things
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these three. First, that the King at Israel was to be taken away
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Secondly that a King should rise out of Israel who (like a glorious star)
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haue dominion ouer all men, which was performed in Christ. Thirdly, that the Romanes
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effected vnder Titus & Vespasian, more then a thousand, eares after the [...]prediction.
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Moyses prophe|syeth, that [...]od would [...]aise out of the Ie|wes, a Prophet
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whom all ought to heare,
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would not, were to be seuerely punished by God,
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incredulity of the Iewes, & their ouerthrow.
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people in the desert with Manna from hea|uen
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with his owne celestiall body and bloud;
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hidden Manna; he is the Rock of eternall saluation, which giueth drinke.
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of Deute|ronomy the Idolatry of the Iewes, their sins and diuers calamityes, which were to fall vpon them
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Moyses [...]telleth the particuler lot to euery try be, and diuers euents,
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which Iacob had not ex|pressed in his benediction.
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when Iero|boam incensed frankinsence to the Idols, a certaine Prophet thus exclaymed forth, Altare,
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as Iosephus wryteth in the tenth booke of his Antiquities c. [...].
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many yeares passed betwene that prediction, and the ac|complishment
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kingdome of Cyrus (who was to be b[...]ne some two hundred yeares after) is prophesyed, his name being expresly set downe,
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when the Iewes had shewed to Cyrus, he wonderfully admyred the diuination of the Prophet;
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conferred great benefits vpon the Iewes, as Iosephus recordeth
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ter|rible statua or Image, whose head was 186 made of gold, his breast and armes of sil|uer, his belly and thighes of brasse, his legs of Iron,
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he saw a stone cut
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out of a mountaine without hands;
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increase into a great mountaine, which filled the whole earth.
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by the statua were figured foure Monarchies,
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the head of gold did signify the Empyre of the Chaldeans, which the~ was most ample opulent, and rich. The breast of siluer de|signed the monarchy of the Persians and the Medes, which succeeded the former,
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brasse did specify the monarchy of the Grecians: the legs of I|ron did prefigure the most powerfull mo|narcy of the Romanes, diuided into the Em|pire of the East and the west.
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The stone cut out of the mountaine without the help of handes, did demonstrate Christ our Lord,
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without any endeauour of man was borne
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proud King prostrated himselfe vpon his face before Daniel his seruant, and worshipped him, and openly confessed the maiesty & power of God.
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vnder the forme and shew of foure beasts; & then after was signifyed to him the king|dome of the Saints, which (after all the kingdomes of the world were extingui|shed) should continue and florish eternally.
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seing we haue obserued by experience all those things to be accomplished concer|ning the foure Monarchyes,
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we therefore ought to assure our selues, and not to fluctuate in any vncertainty of beliefe,
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yet the monarchy of the Chaldeans florishing, that other monarchyes should succed
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also was foreshew|ed the manner, how the first Monarch was to be destroyed by this other;
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persecute 189 and afflict the Iewes, shall profane the sanctuary, shal take away the daily sacrifice,
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the space of 23000. dayes, which is for six yeares, three moneths,
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(without any machination or endeauour of Man) shall, euen by Gods re|uenge only, be extinguished.
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King of the Grecians, ouerthrowing the Empire of the Persians)
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that Alexander reioyced much therat, as interpreting this was to be performed by himselfe; to wit, that he was that Grecian King
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prophesyed, first the progresse and good successe of the Persian Empire. Secondly the expedition
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em|pyre of Alexander the great should succed
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fourthly the diuision of the 190 Grecian Empyre into foure kingdomes.
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most bloudly warres should fal out betwene two
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kings of Syria and Egipt, during which
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being seated betwene them both) should be most miserably afflicted.
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foreshewed the a|mityes, mariages, deceites,
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diuers other euents,
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it seemeth to the reader rather a history then a prop[...]y.
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persecutio~ of Antichrist pre|figured by that of Antiochus. Now that all these (the last only excepted, which is to receaue its performance in the end of the world) are already accomplished,
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appeareth out of the wrytinges of the Heathens, out of Iosephus, &
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so exact, particular, and various
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especially in the 3. of Ba|ruch that God was to conuerse with men in an humane shape; Hic
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afterwards he was seene vpo~ the earth and dwelt among men; as
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That he was to be borne of a virgin, appeareth in Isay c.
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Emanuel. By which name it is in|sinuated, that he
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shalbe both God and man;
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That he was to be borne in Bethlee~, Micheas c. 7.
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The time wherin he was to come· was foretold by Iacob
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scepter shal not be taken from Iuda &c til he come who is to he se~t,
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a precursour, who should prepare the mynds of the peo|ple to receaue him, was prophesyed in the third of Malachy:
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Angelum &c. Behold I wil send my messenger, & he shal prepare the way before me,
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also foretold in the 40· of Isay; Vox cla|mantis &c a voyce cryeth in the wildernes,
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he hath sent me to preach good tydings to the poore, to bynd vp the broken harted to preach liberty to the captiues,
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to preach the acceptable yeare of our
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Lord and the day of vengance of our God,
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Say vnto them that are fearfull bee you strong, feare not behold our God co~meth with vengea~ce,
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then shal the lame man leape, as a Hart,
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prodition & betraying
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in Psal. 41. Etenim homo pacis &c. For the familiar friend who~ I trusted which did ear of my bread, hath lifted vp the heel against me. Which
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That he was to be sold for thirty pieces of siluer, is in Zachary.
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clearly prophecyed, that Christ should be valued at thirty pieces of siluer;
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diuers kinds of paines and dolours by reaso~ of his stripes, his Coronation, and Crosse, is in like maner foretold
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we saw him despised and reiected of men· he is a man ful of sor|rowes,
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afflictions with won|derful modesty, gentlenes and patience,
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prefigured in the b[...]asen serpent being hanged a height at the beholding wherof al such as were bitte~ by serpents were cured. Numer. 21. as our Lord himselfe declareth, Iohn. 3.
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blasphemyes of the Iewes against Christ
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21. Ego sum vermis &c. I am a worme, and not a man, a shame of men, & contempt of the people.
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That his bones were not to be bro|ken.
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neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. &c.
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of a rude & ignora~t fisher, became a most wise Doctour of the whole world)
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your sonnes, & your daughters shal prophesy, your old men shal dreame dreames, and your young men shal see visions: Which prophesy was fulfilled in 198 the second of the Acts,
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Let their eyes be blinded, that they see not. and make their loynes alwaies to tremble. powre out thine anger vpon them,
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Seauenty weekes are determined vpon the people & vpon thine holy Citty, to finish the wickednes,
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ap|pointed the space of 490. yeares (for so many yeares do seauenty Hebdomadaes, or weekes of yeares containe)
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towards the end therof) the Messias was to come,
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then he declareth, where these Hebdomadaes are to begin, and where to end. Scito
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that is 69. weekes, or 483. yeares.
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building of Ierusalem, to wit, when the Citty was finished & dedicated,
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Furthermore from the third yeare of the 80. Olimpiade to the baptisme of Christ, when Christ was de|clared by his Father to be Dux Populi, and that he begun so to shew himselfe in doc|trine & miracles, are precisely 483. yeares.
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street shall be built againe, and the wall
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often attemp|ted, 200 but [...] [...], & at the last perfe|cted;
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it shal not be his people which shal deny him &c. that is, the people of the Iewes shal not be accou~ted any longer as the people of God.
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he shal co~firme the couena~nt with many in one weeke; that is, Christ
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shal confirme his Euangelical law by many miracles
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in the last week (to wit the 70. Weeke)
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in the weeke, he shal cause the sacrifice & the obla|tion to cease
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reason of al the old sacrifices shal cease, which were instituted to prefigure
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in the Temple the ab[...]ominatio~ of desolation &c.
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deso|tion shal continue vntil the consumation and end of the world &c.
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Al which things (the last only excepted) we see fulfilled;
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therfore we are not to doubt, but this last also shal be performed·
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desolation & dis|persion of the fewes haue already co~tinued almost 16. ages.
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conuersion of the Gentils to the faith of Christ is prophesyed
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66. I will send those, that haue escaped of them, vnto the nations of Af|fricke, Lydia, Italy, and Greece,
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vnto the 202 Isles a far of, that haue not heard my fame,
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wonderfull predicti|ons, in which he manifested his diuinity,
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he fore|told most particularly, and in order all the seuerall passages of his Passion;
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shall de|liuer him vnto the Gentils to be mocked, and to be scourged, and the third day he shall rise againe. Which
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before the Cock crow twace, thou shalt deny me thrice. Doubtlesly this so particular and precise a prediction was most strange,
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at 203 the speaking of these wordsPeter seemed most constant
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he knew this thing so to come to passe, but also knew, that telling Peter afore hand of it, should not in any sort hinder & pre|uent the euent.
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prodition or betraying of Iudas, and the flight of his disciples
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meeting of the man carrying a vessell of water was prophecyed,
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take the first fish that commeth vp; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt fynd a peece of twenty pence;
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he sheweth himselfe not only to foreknow things to come, but also to be the Lord both of the sea and fishes,
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finall destruction of the Iewes,
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they shall not leaue in thee a stone vpon a stone,
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see Ierusalem com|passed about with an army, then know that the desolation thereof is at hand.
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let them which are in Iudaea, flie to the mountaines;
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already accomplished, is euide~t out of the history of Iosephus the Iew.
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gather three poynts,
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First, that there is a diuyne Power, who is priuy to all future euents,
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he reuealeth to diuers of such, which truly serue and worship him, those future euents,
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Secondly, that Christ is the true and only Sauiour of the world; since all his actions and doings were foretold by his Prophets so many ages before, and since himselfe was so eminent
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Thirdly, that the faith of Christ is necessary to saluation;
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no man can with any shew of reason call these three poynts into question, who hath with iudgment and maturity of discourse expended and waighed the forerehearsed predictions, and Prophesyes.
THE ELEAVENTH REASON, TAKEN from the being of Spirits. CHAP. XIII.
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infinite example and long experience, that there are Spi|rits· that is, certaine inuisible substances indued with an vnderstanding,
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manifest, first from Oracles and answeres,
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those statuaes or images (wanting altogether life and sense) could not returne any answere, but it was spirits or deuils entring into the said statuaes, which so answered.
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answeres were giue~ by Idola|trous Pri[...]st[...];
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with certaine Ceremo|nies[...]alling vpo~ the Diuel, were so posses|sed by them,
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the Diuel speaking through their mouths, or belly, or Nauill, or some other part of their body.
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or ventriloqui; to wit, speaking through their belly. These
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The Diuels (se|conded by this imposture and deceit) did propagate and spread Idolatry, procuring themselues by this meanes to be worshiped as Gods,
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euen at this day they are so honoured in India, China, Iapon, Ta[...]|tarr, 208 Brasil, Perù, & seuerall other countries.
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al the Gods of the Gentils are Idols, but the Lord made the heauens.
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prac|tise of Nigromanticks, and Magi, or Wisards, which are found in all places
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through certaine ceremonies and verses are able to call vp the Diuels,
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also make them to appeare in a visible forme, and to conuerse familiarly and talke with men.
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much vsed in those former times; yea that it is most ancyent, appeareth from Gods sacred writ,
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Wiseme~ ( [Note: Exod. 8. & 9. [...]. reg. 28. ] ) of Pharao. and
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those, which are ob|sessed, which are called Energument: for two things appeareth in them, which are aboue humane power.
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such as are pos|sessed, do speake strange tongs, which the~|selues neither vnderstand, nor euer did le|arne. The other, that they discouer things secret, or do relate things done in great di|stance of place, as if they saw them openly.
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Speaking in tongues
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many ap|paritions of spirits,
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apparitions.Pythagoras was of opinion (as Laertius wry|teth) that all the ayre was full of spirits or 210 soules;
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taught, that euery one had his genius, or spirit assigned by God.
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ine|uitably may be concluded, that there is one supreme spirit,
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euery multitude of things (except there be a dependency and subor|dination to one most high) begetteth disor|der and confusion.
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if among spirits there were no order, & that the rest should not be subiect vnto one, at the command wherof the power of them were to be restrained; then might euery one of them trouble and afflict the world at its owne pleasure, might take away mens goods, burne and destroy all things,
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how prone wicked spirits are to hurt and afflict men, appeareth both fro~ the history of Iob, (all whose substance the Diuell destroyed, killed his sonnes and daughters, infected his body
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also fro~ the innumerable sacrifices of the heathens, in the which the malignant spirits comma~|ded that mens bodyes should be sacrificed vnto the~; still making choyce of that, which was most deare to the sacrificer, as his sonne, his daughter,
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warres and tumults, to the which the Diuels vnder the shew of diuyne and ce|lestiall powers, haue stirred men.
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God but giuing them in some sort the bridle for the offences of men, what would they not do,
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as among Princes, who acknowledge no su|periour, ofte~times wars are stirred vp (with the which the world is miserably afflicted)
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wars, (with the which the world would be vtterly ex|tinguished) if they stood not in subiection to some one supreme power:
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seeing there are many spirits (as is shewed aboue) I would here demand, from whence this multitude had its begining?
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who brought the~ into the world?
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Neither is one of them ingendred of another (as we see liuing creatures are propagated) seeing this kind of generation is peculiar to things, which are subiect to corruptio~, to wit, that by this meanes, the species & kinds of things may be perpetuated, whiles the nature, being extinct in the parent, is conserued in the issue.
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none of those is for it selfe, but for another,
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what is of it self, ought to be altogether perfect, and sufficie~t to it selfe, needing not the support & help of any other thing.
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Therefore that, which is of it selfe, and independent of another, must needes be but one, not many;
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sufficient by it selfe, being the fountaine of euery thing,
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grant a being of many spirits inde|pendent of any, is to introduce a [...] or confused company of Gods, and many first beginnings,
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pe|culiar Gods to euery particuler busines & affaires of man;
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they madeVenus the goddesse of loue and lust, Diana of hunting, Ceres of fruyte, Mercury of negotiation,
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(I hope) suffi|ciently demonstrated, that there is one su|preme spirit, to the which all other spirits are sub[...]ect,
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of whome they are all pro|created and made, and this supreme spirit we call God.
THE TVVELFTH REASON, TAKEN FROM the absurdities rising from the contrary doctrine. CHAP. XIIII.
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(supposing that there is no celestiall power or Prouidence)
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open the sluce to men to all impurity of life, to all wickednes, iniustice,
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For nothing
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which (taking away all feare of diuine power) ma~ would not vndertake and do,
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foole said in his hart, there is no God: they are corrupted,
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would extinguish and cancel in mens minds all feare and reuerence.
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making men to exceed in all vice and impurity?
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by how much this perswasion and feare is greater and more vehement, by so much it worketh more eminent and re|markable effects of vertue and goodnes in the soules of men, and in a politicall state.
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how much the more any one became irreligious, by so much he also became more wicked
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testimonies of all sacred and prophane histories.
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in a false & im|possible fiction or imagination, so great a power to the procuring of all vertue;
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solid and vndoubted truth, so great an incytement and prouocation to the perpe|trating and performing of al flagitious out|rages, and wicked attempts?
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chiefest and most true Wisedome extinguisheth all [Note: If there be no God, the~ should Wise|dome extin|guish all vertue & Errour increase vertue. ] vertue, and maketh men most vicious:
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chiefest Er|rour stirreth them to vertue,
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it followeth from the said ground, that truth and wisedome are to be concealed, as being that, which impoyso|neth 221 mens mynds,
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but Errour is to be aduanced by all meanes, as the fountaine of all vertue
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that the wisest men of all haue bene for manners the worst men of all;
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mere Chimera, or a plaine fiction of mans braine;
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blasphemous, and a contemner of all di|uine and supernaturall power, is not euil in it selfe,
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then all these acts, by the which he is contemned and ignominiously trea|ted, are good;
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Contumelyes and disgraces committed a|gainst the Idols of the Gentils are laudable
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we testify no true diuinity to be in those Idols,
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mighty Com|monwealth consisting of all kynds of men, in the which there is no lawes, no Iudge,
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if it be so, how then can the world continue,
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Commonwealth wanting a magistrate and ruler, wasteth it selfe away
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in the end be dissolued through a colluctation and fight of contraries,
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existeth thus by chance. For
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acknowledged, that it hath its being by chance, according
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casual force & concourse of Atomi, or
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parts of this mountaine being thus shiuered, did through meanes of this collision and fall, cast and frame the~|selues casually into this curious forme of a pallace.
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so simple, that would belieue this?
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that principle, which is the fountaine of such pudled aud stinking wa|ters, must of necessity be most far distant & estranged from all truth.
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they rewarded and chastised men ac|cording to their different deserts
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co~|ceyt of theirs, abstaine from many iniuries,
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as thinking the Gods to be offended therewith,
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this perswasion of the heathens was false in particuler (to
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their persuasion was true in generall, that is in thinking that there was a diuyne power, that mens affaires were subiect to his prouidence, and that he ex|acted an account of them.
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ascribing a diuinity and Prouidence to those· to whome they ought not, and in worshipping it in them.
THE 13 REASON· DRAVVNE FROM the Immortality of the Soule. CHAP. XV.
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if the lowest spirit be incorporeall, intelligent, and im|mortall,
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why should not then there be a supreme spirit, endued with the same pro|prietyes?
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there be found one supreme degree, as well as the lowest and midle degrees.
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manifest, that the soules of beasts do dye with their bodies.
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there must be after this life a retribution of deeds
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reward for vertue and punish|ment for vyce:
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while they were here inuested with their bodies, did liue wickedly in al affluence and abunda~ce of riches and pleasures,
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made no recompence for the same, should after this life be equall in state to those, who wrongfully haue suf|fred many tribulations, and yet liued very vertuously;
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all Philosophers and all religions
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maintaine, that there were future rewards and punishments,
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wordes. If nothing be to follow after this life, then is there no God;
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granting that there is a God, that God must needs be iust,
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no|thing be after this life, then where shall euery one be rewarded according to his deserts?
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If therefore nothing be to follow hereaf|ter, the iust shall finally depart, remaining still wronged, and the vniust with vndeserued felicity.
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then is God not iust; and if not iust, then he is not God
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that there is a God, all Creatures do preach
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therefore it followeth that that God is iust:
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if he be iust, then dispen|seth he iustice to euery one.
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then followeth it, that there must be a tyme after this life,
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once gra~|ting the immortality of the Soule, it neces|sarily is to be inferred, that there is a God, and
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Therfore it resteth v|pon to proue and demonstrate the immor|tality
THE 14. REASON TAKEN FROM DI|uers examples of diuine reuenge, and benig|nity. CHAP. XVI.
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God doth not sleepe, but that he wat|cheth and obserueth mens actions;
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wicked doing all things according to their sensua|lity, and the vertuous being miserably op|pressed and afflicted;
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for the most part after some tyme passed (the measure of the sins being once com|plete and filled vp in any one Country) it discouereth & bewrayeth it selfe by taking reuenge of the said cou~try with some heauy and notable punishment;
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first then may be the generall deluge, in the which al mankind (except eight per|sons)
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the diuine Prouidence· hath seuerall wayes displayed it selfe.
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foretelling 231 it to Noe a hundred and twenty yeares be|fore it came to passe.
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an Arke to be made in that prescribed forme & measure,
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sufficient for the receite not only of all li|uing Creatures, but also for meat for them for one yeare,
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cleare that this propor|tion or quantity was appointed not by ma~s aduise,
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rest of that yeare (to wit 175. dayes) it was so wasted away & dissipated & dissolued into clouds that the last day of the yeare, the earth be|ing become dry, Noe with
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therefore he continued in the Arke a whole yeare
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Sixtly, in giuing to those miserable men space of repentance through the length and [...]lownes of their punishme~t,
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innume|rable persons (feeling the dreadfull hand of God in so horrible a castigation) had true penitency and remorse of their Sinnes, and 233 obtayned mercy and pardon
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deepe remorse of their former iniquities, and promising an ame~d|ment, do purchase their soules saluation, by the losse of their bodyes.
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All heathen historiographers make mentio~ of this floud and the Arke, as witnesseth Iosephus in
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euen in his tyme the remnants and broken peeces of the Arke were ac|customed to be shewed amongst the Arme|nians.
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second example of diuine reuenge may be the ouerthrow of Sodome, and
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not|withstanding the late and fresh memory of so great a chastisment, would ingurgitate themselues into all kind of wickednes,
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chiefly into most filthy and beastly lusts, which was indeed the chiefest cause of the foresaid inundation.
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most ready to spare Sodome, if therein could be found, but ten iust persons.
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to spare ten thousands wi|cked persons for the sakes often holy men liuing among them?
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So preciable and esti|mable is the life of vertuous men in the eye of God.
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so vnexpectedly,
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in so short a tyme of repentance, God oppressed them
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euen to this day, they bring forth nothing, but certaine aples full of a stinking dust,
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the Egiptians for not dismissing and setting at liberty the people of God. Moyses describeth
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conuerted all the waters in Egipt (whether riuers, la|kes, or welsprings) into bloud,
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a|bundance of frogs, as that they filled all the houses of the Egiptians, infecting all things with a loathsome smell. Thirdly, next
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lyce breading among so great a multitude of the Egiptians, & feeding vpon their flesh.
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infection of the beasts, by meanes whereof all the Horses, Asses[...], Camels,
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all Egipt, (those only preserued, which belo~ged to the children of Israel) did perish.
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afflicting the bodies of men and beasts yet remaining.
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cruell haile, mixted with thunder (the like whereto was neuer seene in Egipt before)
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huge number of Lo|custs,
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wonderfully afflicted mens bodyes
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beating of their winges, filthy excrements & smel.
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horrible darknes throughout all Aegypt (that place where the Israclites inhabited, only excepted:) this continued three dayes,
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a great destruction, to wit, in the midest of night in the compasse of one houre, there were slayne by an An|gell all the first borne of men,
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depriued of that, which was most worthy and deare to the~.
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memory of this is yet so markable amo~g the Iewes,
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they euen to this day do celebrate it with pecu|liar ceremonies, to wit, with the sacrifice of the Pascall Lambe, the
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oblation of their first borne of any thing.
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a little after repenting the~|selues of their former graunt, they follow|ed the Israelites
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to bring them backe againe into their seruitude;
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no hope to escape; God suddenly opened the sea,
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These calamities of the Aegyptians (persecuting the people of God) are (as it were) a certaine type and a|dumbration of the tormentes, wherewith the wicked after the end of the world
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(whe~ God shall free and deliuer his seruants from 239 the tyranny of the reprobate)
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he shall send to them diuers afflictions, thereby that they may reclaym[...] themselues fro~ their enormities and sinnes;
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diuers ex|amples of the diuyne prouidence (especially of Gods benignity and seuerity)
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a vast desart so many of them, as amounted to twenty hundred thousand persons;
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a new and vnheard manner he proui|ded sustenance for them: for euery day (the Sabbaoth only excepted) there did rayne downe from heauen
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defending their campes or tents from the heat of the sunne, in the forme of a great cloudy pillar; by night, by lightning their tents with the said pillar in forme of fyre;
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with a slow pace, that they might know, what way they were to goe, and staying when, & where, they were to rest;
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in the second yeare, the first moneth and first day therof, erected it in the middest of the ca~pe,
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with his rod a dry Rocke, out of which presently gushed great store of water;
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place Moysessomewhat doub|ted (in regard of the Israelites incredulity) whether God would giue them water or no, and was therefore chastised
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Thou shalt not bring the people into the Land of pro|mise;
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thou shalt dye before that tyme.
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(though offended therewith) promised them flesh,
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did send into their camps such a multi|tude of quayles,
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presently punished this their inordinate desire of eating flesh, with the death of many of them,
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debasing the land of promi|se, the people through feare shewed great diffidence in Gods promises; in so much, that they disclaymed from al interest in the land of Promise, & desyred to returne into Egipt; For which cause
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death all those, who were twenty yeares of age or aboue (which number came to 63. thousands of Men, and fiue hundred) two only excepted, to wit, Caleb and Iosue, which
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decreed, that none of them should enter into the land of Promise,
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detained them fourty yeares in the desart, leading them now hi|ther, 243 now thither vntill they were all con|sumed and wasted away.
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Yet their chil|dren, [Note: Num. 26. ] which arriued not to the years of twenty, were reserued aliue, & substitu|ted in their parents places.
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raysed a sedition against Moy|ses and Aaron; and
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matter, Moyses appealed to the iudgment of God heerein,
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decy|ded the cause by inflicting a most horrible chastisement vpon them, in the eye of all the rest;
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earth 244 vnderneath them began to tremble,
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absorpe and swal|low downe Core, Dathan, and Abiron, with all their tabernacles and goodes, and after closed it selfe togeather,
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two hundred and fifty, being their associates in rebelling, a huge fire from heauen rushed vpon them,
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no parcels of their bodies remayned.
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people began another insurrection against Moyses and Aaron, as
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that God (for their sakes) punished with death (as they thought) innocent men, at which God was so highly offended,
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four|teene thousand and seauen hundred were instantly burned to death.
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a|gaine murmuring against the diuine Ma|iesty, by reason of the length of their tra|uell,
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erected the brazen ser|pent, hanging it vpon a high Pole, or forke, at the beholding only whereof, all those were cured, that were afore wounded by the foresaid dangerous serpents.
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most illustrious and cleare type or fi|gure of Christ our Lord hanging vpon the Crosse,
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wounds of the old serpent are cured,
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during those forty yeares
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neither their clothes, nor their shoes be|came worse, or old with wearing; Gods good prouidence so preseruing them, in that they had not there conuenient meanes of procuring of new.
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enemies slaine either with no losse or with very small on the Israelites side;
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during all that tyme that Moyses was lifting vp his hands to God, Israell ouercame,
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walles of Iericbo being most stro~g, fell downe to the ground only at the sound of the trumpets, & voice or clamour
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The Sunne and the Moone at the commandement of Iosue (God yealding to his petition) for the space of ten or twelue houres stayed
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figures and types of such things, as should happen in the Church during the tyme of the new testament;
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as ofte~ as (after the custome of other countries) they fell to the worship of Idols,
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brought vnder the yoke and seruitude of their enemyes,
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raised vnto the~ a Captaine or leader, which did vindicate and free them from their thraldome and oppression, and did reduce the~ to their for|mer liberty.
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as often they relapsed into Idola|try, so often they were deliuered into the hands of their enemies;
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first Iosue and others of the more ancient, being dead,
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they left God,
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subiecting themselues to the worship|ping of the Idols of Baalim and Astaroth. For
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of Mesopota|mia, whome they serued eight yeares. Now this subiection seeming in the end very heauy vnto them, and they (through the admonition of holy men) acknowledging it to be inflicted by God
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taking mercy of them sent them Otho|niell, who gathering forces, ouerthrew the King of Mesopotamia, and freed the people from their bondage.
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people againe (forgetful of Gods benefits and commandements, & led with the custome of other countries) returned to Idolatry;
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badly intreated for the space of eighteene yeares;
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afflicted them twenty yea|res together; but tribulation giuing them againe vndersta~ding, they grieued for their sinnes,
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raysed vp Debora a pro|phetesse, & Barac a man of armes, who ga|thering an army, vanquished
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death of Sisara his captaine, by the hands of a woman cal|led Iahel.
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] Madianits, by whome during seauen yeares
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rebuked by a Prophet, because they being so often deliuered out of the handes of their enemies by God, and hauing receaued so many benefits from his diuine bounty, did neuertheles so often depart
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he raysed Gedeon, to whome an Angell was sent in mans for|me, encouraging him to so great a worke;
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assured by pregnant si|gnes from heauen of the victory, he alone with three hundred vnarmed men,
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instantly did ryse so great a tu|mult amo~g the enemies,
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there were dead of them more then a hun|dred thousand. Gedeon being dead, they re|lapsed againe
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Scarcely had fiue and twenty yeares passed from the death of Iepthe, but the I|sraelites returned againe to their old vomit by abandoning of God (of whose benefites they had before so often tasted) plunging themselues a new into Idolatry,
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space of for|ty yeares;
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them Sampson, whose strength of body was such (seconded with the peculiar force of God) as nothing was able to withstand him,
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o~ly with the Iaw bone of an Asse, wherewith he killed a thousand,
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Which afflictions gaue to the I|sraelites some breathing tyme of ease and rest:
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once more cast into the handes of Philisti|ans, by whome there were slaine 34. thou|sand Israelites: besides the Arke was taken,
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Phinees, two principall Priests) were killed, as God fore[...]ould by Samuel, that
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when they offered the Arke of God to their Idol (as a spoyle to to the Victour) God in reuénge
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the Idol did not only fall twice downe before the Arke, the head and handes of it being maymed and broken; but also the bodies of the Philistians throughout all the citties were stroken with a most loathsome disease,
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intestine or gut became putrifyed,
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innumerable dyed thereof.
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their yeares pro|uision aforehand were eaten & consumed with abundance of myce,
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Therefore the Philistians were in the end enforced to confesse the power of God of Israel, and honourably to send backe the Arke,
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) Saul after a wonder|full manner, and by the speciall fauour of God (to wit by diuine election, and also by lot)
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kingdome transferred vpon Dauid, himself with his eldest sonne was slaine in the warre.
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most seuerely punished of God euen after his repentance:
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Sonne (to his great griefe) was depriued of life,
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fairest of his daughters was violated,
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sayd sonne was afterwardes trea|cherously slaine by his owne brother,
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cast out of the Kingdome by his owne sonne,
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his wiues were constuprated & abused by his sonne.
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All which aduersities, that they should fall to him in punishment of his a|dultery & homicide, were foretold by Na|than the Prophet.
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pride of mind, in numbring the people,
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Prophet Gad, sent to him, gaue him choyce of one of these three chastisements,
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he made choyce of pesti|lence,
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suddenly sent from God, there dyed seauenty thousand men in three dayes;
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4. Salomon succeeded Dauid, who being indued from God with a greater measure of wisdome, then any other man, and en|ioying more riches, honour,
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longer peace, then any of the former Kings of that people,
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at length being giuen ouer to the loue of women, was so absorpt with the pleasure of them, as that for their sakes he was content to worship Idols:
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In reue~ge of which so great an offence,
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shared his King|dome, ten trybes wherof were transferred vpon Ierobam; and
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other two only left to the sonne of Salomon; with
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The prouidence of God appeared wo~|derfully in the execution of this diuision,
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5. Ieroboam aduanced from a meane es|tate to the Kingdome,
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his Kingdome might be lost,
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for the better preuention hereof, he caused two golden calues to be erected vp as Gods, and 256 diuulged an Edict, whereby the people were commanded not to go to Ierusalem, but to sacrifice to those two Idols.
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13. For this cause the house of Ieroboam is ouerthrowne, and blotted
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instantly so extinguished the race and family of Iero|boam, as that there was not left one thereof. And this very thing was threatned to him by the Prophet.
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who make religion to be subiect and seruiceable to policy, & who imbrace that profession of faith, which best sorteth eyther to the obtayning, or keeping, or en|creasing of their States, and other such hu|mane respects:
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conuenient; yet in pro|cesse of tyme they commonly inuolue and intangle the Actours, with great difficul|ties, & such as in the end do occasion their destruction;
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Israelites, was houlden by Baasa, whose indiscretion and madnes was wonderfull:
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though he knew, that Ieroboam with his whole family was vtterly extinct for committing of Ido|latry, notwithstanding himselfe did not for|sake it,
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when he had raigned two & twenty yeares (as Ieroboam did)
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by death did extirpate all the fa|mily of Baasa.
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impious wife Iesabel; for Achabhimselfe af|ter he had tasted of many calamities, was 258 slaine in warre against the Syrians,
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cau|sed Iesabel the Queen to be cast fro~ a height headlong downe, to be deuoured of dogs. Al which miseries God by his Prophets did foretell to fall vnto them,
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seeing the Kings of Israel, and the people would neuer cease from sinning, and particulerly from wor|shipping of Idols
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depriued of their Kingdome, Citties, houses, grounds,
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carryed away into Assyria to liue in perpe|tuall bondage and slauery.
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as often as they yielded to the committing of Idolatry, they were worne out with diuers warres and calamities,
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when they worshipped God truly and religiously, then they enioyed great pros|perity, 259 and were honoured with many vi|ctoryes, as also flowed in all opulency and wealth,
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but Abia finding himselfe much inferiour in forces, put his sole confidence in his prayers to God, beseeching his help
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for Zara the Ethiopian, with a huge army consisting often hundred thousand armed men,
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Ethiopians were suddenly affrighted and dismayed, and thereupon began to fly, but Asafollowing them, killed most of the army, and returned enriched with in finite spoiles of the enemy.
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) Iosaphat, who only with his prayers,
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without any weapons at all o|uercame a mighty army,
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he commanded his Qui|risters, who did sing diuine seruice & lau|des, to go before his souldiers, singing; at which sight the Enemies were by Gods speciall prouidence possessed with such a fury, as that they killed one another,
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chiefest subiect of the holy Scrip|ture 261 is this;
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to instruct men, that prosperity and aduersity do depend of the prouidence of God;
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the sacred Write of God differeth from all prophane histories; for that being written by the peculiar incumbency and direction of the holy Ghost, relateth humane matters as they are gouerned by diuine prouidence.
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them, [...] they pro|ceed only from mans prudence and indu|stry.
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humane wisdome, and certaine small trifling cautions and obseruations in|uented, through the wit and industry of man; which for the most part are but of little power, yet often are accompanyed with danger and destruction.
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nothing is more agreable to the education & framing of Princes, then the reading of sacred and diuine histories;
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foundation & ground-worke of a kingdome and of true policy, is seated in true religion and iustice,
THE 15. REASON TAKEN FROM THE secret punishing of Blasphemy, Periury, and Sacriledge. CHAP. XVII.
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more seuerely punished by Gods inuisible hand, then other sinnes are,
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hath a sense and feeling of these iniuries & indignities co~mitted against it.
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if there were no diuine power, then were these for|mer actions no sinnes, as it is no sinne to speake co~temptuously of a chimera, or ima|ginary thing,
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with disgrace to tread the signe of it vnder our feete.
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King of Egipt) when he misprised God, and spake of him with contempt
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VVho is the Lord, that I should heare his voice, and let Israell goe? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel goe: was for such his offence afflicted with many Calamityes,
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seeing (said he) the Gods of other nations were not able to defend their wor|shippers against the puissance and might of the King of the Assyrians; therefore neither 264 could the God of Israel. For
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God in one night destroyed almost his whole army, there being a hun|dred eighty fiue thousand armed men slaine by an Angell.
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sacrifi|cing to his Gods (who could not defend him) was murthered by his owne sonnes.
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these words: Quis est Deus? VVho is God, that can take you out of my ha~ds? did
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stupendious miracle, by the which the children being in the middest of the flames remained vnhurt & not burned.
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thy dwelling shalbe with the beasts of the field; They shall make thee to eate grasse, as the oxen;
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he was present|ly depriued of reason & grew madd.
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during seauen yeares liued after the manner of beasts. Which period of tyme be|ing ended, he was restored to his wits and senses,
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a diuine power. That this was to happen vnto him, God foreshewed it a yeare before in a vision,
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regall seat, began to make a speach to the people;
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flat|tters cryed out, that it was the voice of some God, and not of man;
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willing to assume diuine honour to himselfe) he was suddenly stroken with an Angell,
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(6) Syrians being ouercome in warre by the Israelites in certaine mounta|nous places, ascribed their ouerthrow to the Gods of the mountaines,
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they would fight with the Israelites in the val|lies, where they thought the God of Israel was not interessed;
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Because the Syri|ans sayd, the Lord is God of the mountaines, and not God of the vallies,
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Israelites (though but few in number) killed in one day a hun|dred thousand footmen:
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manifest reuenge and punishment of the former blasphemy.
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intending to inuade the Iewes vpon the Sabaoth, was admo|nished
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he shoud forbeare that sacred day:
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Is there a Lord in heauen, that commandeth the Sa|both 267 day to be kept?
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he replyed; Et ego potens &c. And I am mighty vpon earth
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ouerthrowne by very few,
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His blasphemous tongue likewise was cut of, and by small peeces cast vnto birds;
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sonne of an Israelite wo|man, who had blasphemed against God, should be stoned to death;
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[Note: Leui|tieus· 24. ] ) Qui blasphemauerit &c. He that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall bee put to death; al the congregation shall stone him to death,
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let him be slaine Certainly this repetition doth intimate & insinuate the firme and resolute will and 268 mind of the law giuer herein.
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auerred, that the Iewes were secure and safe, in that they worshiphed God religiously,
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which words Holofernes in great indignation
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pe|ople of Israel is defended by their God,
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I will shew thee, that there is no other God, but Nabuchodo|nosor
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&c.For which blasphemy pa[...]d deare, for his owne head was cut of by the hand of a woman
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Antiochus ( [Note: 2. Machab. ] ) for his pryde and blasphe|my, was stroken from God with an inui|sible and incurable disease;
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Invisible and incurable disease
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fell out of his charriot, wounding himselfe da~gerous|ly;
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his body putrifying with a filthy consumption, and breathing out a most loathsome smell
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consumed aliue with wormes.
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heauy afflictions from God, in that they handled the Arke of the Lord vn|worthily;
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except they had sent it backe againe within a short tyme, perhaps they all 269 had then perished:
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within seauen moneths they restored it
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plague afore among them instantly ceased.
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behoulded the Arke of the Lord curiously & with smal reuerence (contrary to the diuine precept
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of the common multitude fifty thousand:
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with death that curious and irreligious sight
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Balthazar ( [Note: Da|niel [...]. ] ) (King of the Chaldeans)
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comma~ded the holy vessels to be brought to him (which were taken out of the temple
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did drinke in them with his noble men and his Concubines;
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for such his prophaning of the~ did presently feele Gods iust reuenge,
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There appeared fingers of a mans hand, which wrote
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this appeared in the sight of all men, and with great consternation of mind
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Thecel: thou art weighed in the ballance, & art found too light.
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that very night the Cit|ty· was taken,
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three ob|seruations we collect
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there is a certaine period of tyme giuen by God to all Kingdomes; the which being once expired, the Kingdomes are changed, and the Souerainty of them trans|ferred to others.
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beginning of principalities and Kingdomes, their destru|ctions, their continuance, and translations are disposed
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endeauoured to rob the sacred Treasury
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prophaning the sanctuary of the temple;
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Iewes pray|ing deuoutly to God for the preuenting hereof,
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for such his sacrilegious at|tempt;
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there appeared vnto him a horseman of a terrible aspect, and rich in apparell, whose horse comming violently vponHeliodorus with his former feet, did greatly hurt him;
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whip him, as that he dispayred of his life.
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pro|phane Histories, and other Ecclesiasticall wryters, we should find almost infinite of them:
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very ter|rour and feare of his chastisements heere in hath beene sufficient to deterre many men from the perpetrating of so heinous sinnes.
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contem|ners not only of one true and supreme di|uine 272 power, but also euen of false Gods, to haue been punished most strangely.
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some of the souldiers burst into the temple for the spoyling of it; suddenly a flame of fyre burned and blinded the eyes of them all,
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he tooke certaine marble tyles or plate out of the temple of Iuno
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couered the building which he made at Rome,
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madd, and in the end dyed through griefe, conceaued for the losse of his two sonnes
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these punishments do not proceed from the true God; but from the Diuells, who are emulous of diuinity;
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that they may the more easily extort diuine ho|nours,
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imitate the custome & proceeding of the true God.
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so many false and a|dulterate miracles perfourmed by them; so many benefits seeming to be bestowed by them vpon their worshippers;
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a statua or Image of Iuno Veiensis spoke to a souldier, that it in|tended to go to Rome;
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Heathens in committing indigni|ties against their false Gods, did either sinne against their conscience, which perswaded them, that there was a kind of diuinity in them;
Note - Location 3246
Can sin against conscience when disrespecting even false gods
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contempt, not only of false Gods but also of all diuine and supernatu|rall power whatsoeuer.
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easily be induced to thinke, that there was no di|uine power at all,
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that all things had their be|ing and euent by a fatall necessity, or by|temerity and rashnes of fortune.
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among the Iaponians & the~ of China, such as are ignora~t, are ey|ther 275 Atheists,
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ei|ther they sinne against their conscience, in the which they belieue, that there is a cer|taine diuinity in those Gods; or els they sinne through a generall contempt of all di|uine power;
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there is a far greater number of those, who are not punished in this life; then of those who are punished;
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only of the delaying of the punishment.
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Since otherwise, mankind would shortly be extinguished,
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enforced, then free, or proceeding from any ingenu|ous or generous lyking of vertue.
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that Prouidence manifesteth it selfe suf|ficiently, if it taketh punishment of some particular men in this world after an vnac|customed manner;
THE ARGVMENTS ANSVVERED, which are brought against the being of a Prouidence, and a Deity. CHAP. XVIII.
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pro|phane Athists do chiefly ground themselues vpon this argument;
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But the answere hereto, is ob|uious, facile, and easy. For as there is a double end;
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we are to consider a double Prouidence,
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tyme to take and enioy their proceedings and desires; and this for many causes.
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true vertue exerciseth it selfe not through any seruile feare of punishme~t, but through loue of honesty:
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it was necessary, that the Diuine Prouidence should not constraine men thereto,
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then would the world be in a short tyme extinguished and ended;
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there should be few imbracers of vertue, and the meanes for the wicked to their saluation should be re|cluded and shut vp.
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take away the seuerity of tyrants, and then there shalbe no glory of Martyrs;
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vsed the malice and ambition of the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Persians, Egiptians, & Romanes, as a meanes, wherwith to cha|stice the Israelites &
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to afflict and molest the people of God,
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temporall bene|fits are not much to be esteemed; since both the vertuous, and the vicious do promiscu|ously participate of them; and in the which the wicked do commonly more increase, then the pious and the iust.
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while it slowly proceedeth to re|uenge, it daily expecteth the conuersion of sinners.
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euen in this life, it punisheth sinnes, to show that God doth not sleepe, but that he will in due tyme
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not only, not be scandalized at the vneuen dispensation of these humane things; but will greatly admire & prayse the Proui|dence of God,
THE SECOND ARGVMENT AGAINST the diuine Prouidence, answered.CHAP. XIX.
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the Prouidence of God, in matters of warres, & laying his hand vpon his sword, said, That (& no other) was the Prouide~ce, wherupon he was to rest and depend.
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where greater industry or power is found (though lesse iustice or equity) there it is 284 commonly acco~panyed with more happy and fortunate euents.
Note - Location 3336
Might not right often succeeds
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en|deauours of the wicked may (for the tyme) be ouer preuailing, yet there is no perpe|tuity or continuance thereof;
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This appeareth first in the most celebrious & famous
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For Nabuchodo|nozorbeing placed vpon the highest pinacle 285 of prosperity,
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extinguished. Alexander the great after the dissolution of the Persian Empire,
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dyed without any heires, and left his kingdomes to be shared by his Generals and Leaders,
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inward afflictions so weakned and impouerished themselues,
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Now for the Romans, with what sweating, paynes, and labours did they rise and grow dreadfull?
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how many of their Generals and Em|perours after their incessant and indefatiga|ble paines vndertake~for the honour of their countries, were ignominiously and basely handled, and in the end cruelly butchered?
Note - Location 3359
Butchered after taking pains for honor of country
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vnlawfull at|tempts and labours (though they were ex|traordinarily furnished and enabled with power & forces) had most vnfortunate and deplorable successes: the Prouidence of God interposing it selfe, and disturbing al their wicked motions & endeauours,
Note - Location 3362
God thwarts well planned wicked plans
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procreated and generated of another (without end) to the perpetuity or continuance of it species or kind.
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therefore (saith the Atheist) no other Prouidence or Deity (besides nature) is to be sought after, neither any rewards or pu|nishments are to be expected.
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Atheists of these dayes do chiefly support themselues with this argu|ment, as S. Peter prophecyed in his second epistle
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not to be accou~ted as vaine, because they seeme to be deferred, for a lo~g tyme; since what is long in tyme to vs, is most short to God:
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they erre, who affir|me 288 the world euer to continue in one, & the same state; for long since it was ouer|flowed with water, and hereafter it shalbe consumed with fyar, & then there shalbe created new heauens and a new earth.
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this consta~cy is assigned to things by an intellectuall Pro|uidence, that they may the more commodi|ously serue mankind, vntill the end of this world,
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waxing old, and dying (which is indifferenly common to men with beasts)
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Atheist argueth, that men are absolutely & vtterly extinguished by death, as well as vnreasonable creatures.
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although man, in respect of his affecti|ons or passions of the mind, be like to beasts;
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man approacheth more neere to God and incorporeall spirits, then to beasts;
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Pliny, and some others of the an|cients did dispute, who measured God by the narrow straits of their owne vnderstan|dings.
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he is Summum bonum, and the fulnes of all goodnes,
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architect, who leaueth a pallace builded by himselfe vnfinished and neglected,
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Neither is that Law giuer to be praysed, who (though he hath set downe many wholesome lawes) is carelesse of the execution of them,
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that father is much to be reprehended, who taketh no care for the education and bringing vp of his children.
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what Prince is he, who is indiffere~t how his subiects beare themselues in his sight and presence,
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whether they obserue or violate his lawes, whether they affect him with honour or contumely,
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madnes to thinke, that God is not touched, offended, and deligh|ted 295 with the words, deedes, & thoughts of men:
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so much the more sharpely and fee|lingly he considereth all iniuryes and trans|gressions of his lawes,
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will in due time take iust reuenge
WHEREIN Is proued the Immortality of the Soule. CHAP. I.
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these two Articles are in themselues so linked together, as that they do reciprocally presuppose the one the other;
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necessary, that the Soule af|ter 297 this life be immortal, that it may be re|warded according to its merits;
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there are not few, who do doubt thereof,
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they may seeme, not altogether to doubt of a deity, or
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wor|thy the labour to discusse this point more elaborately and particulerly.
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mortall and corruptible, since it desireth nothing, nor reposeth its delight in any thing, but what belongeth to the benefit and pleasure of the body.
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the Sagi, and wisemen among the Hebre|wes or Iewes, among the Chaldeans, the Egiptians with their Trismegistus Mercurius,among the Indians, the Gaules (whom
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the Pithagorians, the Platonicks (with their first Maisters) & the Stoicks vnanimously maintayned the Soules Immortality, though
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What Aristotlethought herein is somewhat doubtfull, because he speaketh variously and vncertainly; yet
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mans Soule doth not depend of the body; and therefore it is not ingendred by the vertue of the seed, but proceedeth from without.
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who haue denyed the same, were for the m[...] [...]art most impious and wicked men, as the Epicureans, & the Atheists.
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that of beasts is absolutly ex|tinguished euen with the body. For beasts do not perceaue in any sort those things, which belong to men;
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they loue not their maister for any other respect, but be|cause by the help of their phantasy they apprehend him vnder the shew of profit, in that he giueth them meat, or the like.
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beasts haue a knowledge so imperfect and limited, and apprehend 302 nothing, but what appertaineth to the co~|seruation of their bodyes and lyues,
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For if the soule of a beast cannot eleuate it selfe (in knowing and apprehending) to some thing, which is aboue the body and which properly belongeth to a spirituall nature;
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its ratio formalis, or the true & natiue reason (which is the profit or hurt comming to the body) doth only respect the body;
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tyed and restrayned to the body.
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the knowledge of the Soule is altogether illi|mitable.
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neither doth it apprehe~d only things, which are, but also things, which are not;
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frameth therein new worlds.
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It searcheth into the rea|sons, causes, effectes,
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manifest argu|ments, that the Soule of Man is not immer|sed in the body,
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all these actions and operations beare no refe|rence to the benefit or profit of the body; but are ornaments only of the mind.
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not apprehended, as they are ad|vantagious 304 to the body or sense (to wit of tast & feeling)
THE SECOND REASON, Proouing the same. CHAP. III.
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the soule doth not only desire such things, as belong to the body,
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but it stretcheth it selfe forth to euery truth, desiring the know|ledge and contemplation of euery verity.
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also to euery thing that is good;
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desireth not only those 305 things, which are profitable to himselfe,
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wisheth to euery thing, whatsoeuer is best fitting to it, and (as much as in him lyeth) procureth the same.
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how much the power of de|siring in man is eleuated & aduanced aboue the matter & condition of his body.
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she is delighted chiefly with the contemplation of truth,
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de|lighted with the pulchritude and beauty of all things, and in admyring the art & skill, which appeareth in euery thing;
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de|lighted 306 with fame, honour, glory,
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so esteemed by man, as that in compare hereof he contemneth and vilifyeth al profits & pleasures of the body.
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none of all which be|longeth to the benefit of the body, but all are touching spirituall obiects, or at least concerning such things, which are estran|ged from the benefits or pleasures of the bo|dy;
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seeing the Soule esteemeth all these things farre more then any corporall goods; It is therefore most perspicuous and euident, that the Soule is of a farre higher
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contrary falleth out in beasts, for seing their Soule is alto|geather mancipated and enthralled to the body,
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necessarily (and as it were vio|lently) carryed to such things, as are plea|sing and beneficiall to the body,
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Soule in beasts hath neyther her passions nor ex|ternall motions in her owne power, and at her owne command.
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prize any thing at so high a rate, which willingly she would not loose for the pre|uenting of Death; for Death of
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present life her greatest good and happynesse.
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defend nothing, so much, as present life.
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many do make so 309 small an estimate of life,
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they willingly spend it for prayse, fame,
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for the exercise of vertue.
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for the purchasing of a very little reputati|on, sticke not to become their owne parri|cides & murtherers.
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no pleasures, briefly no finite and limitable good can quench her insatiable thirst and desire; but
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some one immense, infinite, and boundlesse good,
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fulnes of all good
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if the Soule were re|strained to the narrownes of the body, it should not be capable of an infinite good, neither should her desire be extended to a|ny thing but what were conducing and ac|commodated to a corporall life;
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pro|pagation of themselues; but because they haue no sense or feeling of their nourish|ment, they therfore receaue neither pleasure nor griefe thereby.
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they seeke it, from the vse of it they take pleasure, and from the want of it they receaue griefe and molestation.
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limited within certaine narrow bounds; for it only extendeth it selfe to the profit or hurt of their bodyes;
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co|uet and fly no other thing, they are deligh|ted and grieue at no other thing;
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their soule dependeth of the felicity of their body.
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rea|sonable soule or mind, whose knowledge & affection is not limited to things belonging to the body,
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no o|therwise then the ability of spirits or celesti|all Intelligences, which is an vnanswerable argument
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Soule of man is endued with the faculty of vnderstanding,
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(by vnderstanding what is true, and affecting and louing what is good)
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it followeth, that the soule doth not depend vpon any matter or bodily substance.
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in the Soule of Man the effect is found, to wit, the force of vnderstanding,
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cause also is to be found, that is, a spirituall nature
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Platonicks do cal man the Horizon of the whole Vniuerse of things created.
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greater association and affinity in nature betwene the Soule of man and spirits, or Angels, then betwene man and beasts:
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desire of beasts is restrained to their feeding, and to venery.
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familiarity with spirits, conuerseth with them, intreateth help and ayde from them,
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wisheth her selfe to be like in dignity to them:
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beasts can neither apprehend nor desire the 317 state of man,
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of Epi|cures and others (who did hold the soule to be vtterly extinguished with the body) taught the chiefest good to rest in the plea|sures of the body.
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that during the tyme of this life, we are to giue our selues wholly to pleasure, holding this to be mans felicity,
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if this illation were true, then were it lau|dable in a man to indulge and pamper his belly, and studiously to affect and seeke af|ter,
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hol|den as a thing dishonourable in man, and vnworthy his nature,
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those, who abandon themselues wholly to their corporall pleasure, are ranged among brute beasts: for nothing draweth more neere to the nature of beasts,
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more capitall plague, then the pleasure of the body.
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then were it lawfull for the auoyding of death and tor|ments (at the commanding and forcing of a tyrant) to commit periury, and blasphemy, to worship Idols,
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law of nature, and of it selfe ingrafted in al men, that no|thing is to be preferred before Summum bo|num or
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wherin is ne|cessarily enda~gered the losse of our greatest good,
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e|uery inferiour good whatsoeuer, is to be willingly lost, for the retaining of the chie|fest good; and euery lesser euil to be endu|red, for the auoyding of the greatest euil.
Note - Location 3685
Must throw away inferior good for greater good
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NATVRE which is intelligent, and indued with an vnderstanding is the worthiest
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such a nature is capable of all natures; for it comprehendeth them all, it vseth them al, and applyeth them to its owne benefit;
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a nature enioying a mind, reason, and vn|derstanding,
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ab|surd opinion, to maintayne this nature vt|terly to perish and to be mortall;
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for if the earth, sea, and starres (al which were created for the vse of this rea|sonable or intelligent nature) do neuer de|cay, but continue eternall,
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those things (which neuer shall decay, and be ruined) were cre|ated for its seruice; then how can it stand with any probability, that it selfe shall pe|rish and resolue to nothing?
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chiefe fe|licity of Mans nature ought to be infinitely more excellent, then the summum bonum of beasts.
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ought infinitly to excell the action and pleasure of beasts in the fruition of their felicity.
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if the Soule of man be extinguished
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all the kinds of beasts would be more happy then Man.
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mans nature stands obnoxious and subiect to innumerable afflictions, from which beasts are most free.
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inces|santly solicited with cares, vexed with fea|res,
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burned with desires, alwayes anxious, sorrowing and complaining, ne|uer content with its owne state,
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often endureth pouerty, banishments, pri|sons, 323 seruitude,
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solicitude and care of things to come;
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labours and paines taking,
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that it may be defended from the iniuryes of the ayre and weather;
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so many suspitions, frauds, ca|lumnyes, diseases,
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they are not vexed with any cares, with any feares of future euill,
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Neither are they solicitous of things to come, nor repent them of actions past,
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Yf we 324 consider the length of their age, we find that many liuing creatures liue a longer tyme, then Man;
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what may be more desired,
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farre distant from the durt or myre of the earth, and to passe through a great part of the ayre by flying in a most short tyme?
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farre more commodious to be couered with haire or feathers (which are no hinderance to the agility of the body) then to be oppressed with the weight of outward vestments:
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more frequently exercise the act of copulation, and this without fe|are or shame:
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it also would follow, that among men them|selues, those should be more happy, who were more wicked, and more giuen ouer and addicted to the flesh and to sensuality;
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yea the best and most holy me~ should be the most miserable; who most estranging themselues from the plea|sures of the body, do afflict & punish their flesh seuerall wayes.
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If in this life only we haue hope in Christ (that is, if nothing remayneth after this life) wee are of all men the most mise|rable; and
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because we are depriued of the goods & pleasure both of this life, and of the next,
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mans Soule should in like sort arriue and ascend to the highest top of its owne perfection:
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vyle creatures do obtaine the perfection of their owne nature,
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man cannot possibly performe, ex|cept it continueth after this life,
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perfection of Mans Soule consi|steth in wisdome & vertue,
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But 327 few there are, who in this life giue them|selues to the obtaining of wisdome, and therefore the greatest part of men make small or no progresse therein;
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scarcely get the hundreth part of that abundance of wisdome, wherof the mynd of man is capable:
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should liue a thousand yeares, yet might he daily profit
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necessary, that the Soule of Man doth liue after the death of the body,
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otherwise in vaine should that capacity and extension of the Soule be giuen her;
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vnquenchbale desire of know|ledge be engrafted in her;
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capacity and desire is in vayne, which cannot be fil|led and satisfyed.
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neuer doth any thing without a due purpose
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how the or|gans and instruments of the senses do con|curre 329 and cooperate with the animal spirits.
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Soule is strangely blind, and diuineth, and coniectureth of them, as it were in a dreame.
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no knowledge is more necessary to her, then the know|ledge of her selfe, and things appertaining to her;
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she is not extinguished after this life,
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then shall she see her selfe distinctly and clearly;
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ornaments, which in this life she so smally prized.
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while she remaynes in the body, she can know nothing perfectly, but what is corporall, and vnder a corporall shew;
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after she is once diuorced from the body,
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vnderstan|ding answerable to spirits,
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then shall discerne spirituall things, as now she appre|hendeth by her eyes corporall things.
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the world seemeth nothing els, then a vast 331 house furnished withall things necessary, whose inhabitant, possessour, or Fructuarius is man.
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it followeth, that man is a most excellent thing, and created for a far greater and higher end, then it can attaine in this life;
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for his better and more easy leading of this short
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he is ordained to enioy (after his emigration
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admirable felicity & happines.
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If the Soule doth perish with the body, the~ it fol|loweth,
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al its admirable furniture was only framed by nature, that man for a short season
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then pre|sently for euer decay.
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not likely, that to so meane & small an end the heauens should be incessantly caryed a|bout, with such a daily motion:
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all this to no other end, but that man (being a mortall creature) should for a small tyme liue in great misery, great ignorance & prauity of mynd, & then instantly should returne to nothing.
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then in vaine is it, & all there|in created;
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what good doth man reape by liuing a short tyme in so many af|flictions
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no corporall good or benefit is for it selfe alone to be desired.
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men, who deny the immortality of the Soule, that no such future good remaineth after this life. Salomon had a feeling vnderstan|ding of this point, who, after he had abun|dantly tasted al the pleasures of this world, did burst out into this sentence: Vanitas va|nitum,
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delights, riches, honours, and pleasures are to be esteemed as of no worth or price;
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it is also intricated 334 and intangled with so many euils, that it were far better, & more conuenient for ma~ neuer to haue bene, then to receaue a soule lyable and subiect vnto death.
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wasted away with infinite cares, diseases, and miseries)
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spending his life (for the most part) in all turpitude and basenes
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Now let the euill, which he perpetrateth, be ballanced with the good
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his wickednes by infinite degrees
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weigh downe his vertu|ous actions.
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authour of so great euill, and worker of so small good,
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no future good can be expected,
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why should he not be instantly exterminated and banished from thence?
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Family, whose endeauours in no sort tend to the common good,
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thought necessary, that the said family should be vtterly extirpated & roo|ted 335 out, as threatning (if it should continue) no smal danger and ruine to that kingdome or commonwealth:
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should not all mankind (which be|trampleth the law of God
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be exiled from al this
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that man and the world it selfe were not only made in vayne
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proceedeth so small good)
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for the auoyding of these (other|wise) ineuitable absurdities, we must co~|fesse,
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partaker of most high and inestima|ble rewards, or els of insupportable tor|ments, according to her different carriage in this world.
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finall impenitency, may (in a certaine manner) be said to be borne in vaine; since they declyne and swarue from that princi|pall end, whereunto they were created: & far better it had bene for the~, neuer to haue bene borne,
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many men do here liue vertuously,
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these men alone are worthy, that the world should be created to their vse,
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he, who husbandeth an Orchard, & planteth in it many trees
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greater part proue dead and fruitles, the rest
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sufficient for the maintaining of his household,
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cannot be iustly said to haue spent his labour in vaine, but rather sola|ceth himselfe at the thought of his owne paines, since the excellency of the fruite recompenceth the small number;
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wicked men are not alto|gether in this world to no purpose.
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stir vp the vertue of the iust.
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while they afflict the ver|tuous by seueral meanes, they minister vnto the other abundant matter of patience and humility,
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euery bad man therefore liueth, that he may either repent, or
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vertuous may be exer|cised. Thus
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ministred he|reby to the Elect a iust occasion of praising 339 and thanking Gods holy name, that they are deliuered fro~ these punishments.
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although the wicked do not arriue to the principall end
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they may be said to be borne in vayne)
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they attaine the second end, whereunto they were or|dained vnder condition (as it were) to wit, if through their vicious lyues they made themselues vnworthy and incapable of the first and chiefest end.
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made by the au|thour of the world, to the end that it may be seene, knowne and esteemed;
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So the pulchritude and goodly structure & artifi|ce of Churches, pallaces, pictures, & other humane workes is framed, that it may be looked vpon, and worthily prized.
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For if it be not seene by any, it is houlden alto|gether as vnprofitable: for to what condu|ceth fayrenes, & due proportion in pour|trature, remaining only in darkenes?
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smels, sapours, and pleasing sounds are but superfluous and needles, if there be no senses of smelling, tasting, and hearing;
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in this life we hardly attaine the thousand part of what is to be knowne,
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it may be boldly auerred that to behold clearly the nature of a flie, or such like small creature, (as the A[...]geis do see) is more to be desired, then to obtaine the empire of the whole world.
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mind would doubtlesly draw more [...] pleasure from this intellectuall light and contemplation, then from all corporall delights
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the an[...]yent Philoso|phers
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so rapt and (as it were) drunke with the fairenes of truth and wisedome, as that for their better leasure therein, they co[...]re~|ned all riches and delights of the body.
Note - Location 3894
Condemned all riches and pleasures for better leisure in wisdom
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not to be questioned, but that the soule of man suruiueth the graue, and shall after this life attaine to the perfect knowledge of all things.
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ought to be knowne of him, for whose cause it was made,
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Now it was framed for the vse and benefit of man, not of Angels (who haue no need of a corporeal world:) Therefore man is to haue know|ledge of it,
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that so from the worke he may know the workeman,
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reuerence him, and carefully obey & keepe his lawes.
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opinion, which
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introdu|ceth all impurity and vice, cannot possibly be
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beauty of any worke riseth from the art which is in the workemans mynd.
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opinion, which teacheth the Soule to be mortall
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ouerthrow the foundation of al probity and vertue,
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who would walke in the cragged way of vertue refraine his desires,
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if he did expect no reward
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such as maintaine the Souls mortality, are of a most licentious and pro|phane life & conuersation;
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vertue in mankind cannot be pra|ctized, & vice prohibited, where there is no expectation of reward and commination of chastisement set downe
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recompensations, seeing they are not euer payed in this life, it followeth,
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reserued for the life to come;
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ex|cellently describeth the improbity of such as deny the soules Immortality
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Our life is short and tedious,
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Come therfore let vs enioy the pleasures, that are present,
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we see how these men do place their chiefe felicity in the pleasures of the body.
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how such men beare themselues to the vertuous, how they spoyle them, afflict them,
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holding that for law|full, which they can and will execute;
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Let our strength be the law of our vnrighteousnes,
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Such things do they imagine, & go astray, for their owne wickednes hath blinded them;
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neither hope for the reward of righteousnes,
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with|out end, and incorruptible; to wit, because he is like to God, as being his image:
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mortality of the soule is so perni|cious to all vertue, morality
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infallibly conclude, that it is most false,
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shining sple~|dour of truth cannot rise from the obscurity of errours.
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absurd in it selfe, that
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false perswasion of mynd, should become the fountaine of all iustice
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soules immorta|lity, and that after this life it is to be rewar|ded or punished,
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ground-worke of all iustice and probity; since through this ex|pectation 347 man is deterred from vice and im|pelled and perswaded to vertue.
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it followeth, that this sentence must be most true;
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incredible, that
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knowledge of it selfe should be the cause of all improbity and lewdnes, and an erroneous perswasion the occasion of vertue.
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nothing more dange|rous, then to haue a true knowledge of it selfe, which paradox
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that all should take notice, that the obseruing of this sentence is the only way to true felicity,
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this sentence, Know thy selfe, descended from heauen.
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that ver|tue is a reward to it selfe,
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this Stoi|call imagination is but weake,
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beauty of ver|tue and deformity of vice,
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apprehended but by few,
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it cannot efficaci|ously mooue the mynds of men:
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no|thing, which is vnknowne, stirreth the af|fection.
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who is he, which flieth pleasure only by reason of its inward turpitude,
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Stoicks themselues (who first 349 did venditate and teach this doctrine) were not perswaded to [...]ine answerably hereto, as mooued only through the force of vertue and vice, but rather through honour or co~|tumely and disgrace;
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] Philosophers, who haue written of the contempt of glory, haue notwithstanding subscribed their names to their owne bookes; And thus in despising of honour and reputation, they seeke after ho|nour and reputation. For
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pleasures (which are obui|ous and neere to the senses) are far more preuayling to draw men to pleasures, then their vglines and foulenes, (which is very subtill and scarce conceyned in mynd) is of force to restraine them;
Note - Location 3975
Obvious pleasure trumps theoretical foulness
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man standeth in need of other more strong incentyues,
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that Paradox of the Stoicks· virtus sibi iustum est praemium: Vertue is a sufficient reward to it selfe, is most false:
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nothing worketh only to the end, that it may worke;
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but it euer intendeth somthing further,
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the Heauens (for example) are not moued, as taking delight in such their motion, but for the conueniency of the in|feriour world, and the benefit of man.
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neither do liuing Creatures worke for the worke it selfe, but that therby they may procure & get such things, as be profitable to the~, and auoyd, what is dangerous & hurtfull.
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yet the mynd,
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is not satisfied with that good, but expecteth some further end thereby;
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honour and glory, or the ioy of future felicity,
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glory is the most ample reward,
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shortnes of mans life is comforted with the memory of posterity.
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to what purpose should we vndergoe so great paines, and labours in this so short a course if mans life? This was Tullies opinion, because he was igno|rant of greater rewards.
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specious and fayre shew of vertue
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led therto through the desire of praise,
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doth de|sire and expect somewhat more, then the beauty,
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functions, which belong either to de|fend life, or to propagate
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taking of meat and procreation of ofspring) with great pleasures;
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least otherwise (perhaps) liuing Creatures, as being weary of the labours & troubles
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necessary for the conseruation of the parti|cular or continuance of the species and kind.
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vertue, ei|ther no pleasure or very small is adioyned,
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great labours, solici|tude and trouble.
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way of vertue is hard,
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It is hard for men to bridle the passions,
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It is a laboursome thing to suffer iniuryes, to restraine hate and anger,
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relieue the needy with their goods,
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vertue, there is either none or very small allurements;
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if the Proui|dence of God hath much sweetned these lo|west functions, co~sisting in the preseruing 354 of life, and perpetuating of posterity,
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consideratio~ of the reward,
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doth so temper and gentle the bitternes thereof,
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an in|ward and serious reflexion and meditation of the most seuere punishments prepared hereafter for vyce and wickednes, causeth the pleasure of it to seeme bitter and loath|some.
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seing in this vision our supreme felicity, formalis beatitudo (as the Schoolemen speake) consisteth.
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God, who is summum verum, su~mum pulchrum, & summum bonum: our chiefest truth, chiefest beauty, and good.
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Besides the Stoicks taught, the opera|tion of vertue to be in our power,
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we maintayne that blessed function not to be in our owne po|wer;
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guift, diuinely infu|sed.
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obiected, that glory and praise is a sufficient incytement
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consequently, that there is no need of rewards or paynes after this life.
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comforteth the shortnes of life with the memory of posterity: which maketh that being absent, we are present, and being dead we do liue;
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euen that is truly life, which flourisheth in the memory of all ages, which posterity nourisheth,
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glory & humane praise is no sufficient reward for vertue,
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the desire of glory corrupteth the good & perfectio~ of vertue,
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not through any loue of vertue, but through the hope either of profit, pleasure, or praise, it is not the worke of true vertue, but only an external pretext thereof;
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vertue is grounded vpon an inward li|king of what is good,
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affection of what is good and vertuous being extinguished, nothing is left, but only an empty shew or image of vertue.
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performed vpon the open stage of the world;
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only to the outward action; & this not to euery action, but to such
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most conspicuous and markable in the eyes of many.
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praise (which is but an idle diuerberation or empty sound of ayre) rather engendreth Hypocrites, then true followers of vertue.
Note - Location 4068
Praise is empty sound in air and makes hypocrites who seek praise
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humane glory is a thing merely extrinsecall, resting only in [Note: Why are men so desirous of prayse ] the perswasion and iudgement of men;
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what can the opinion of a co~|pany of poore mortall men aduantage me?
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almost all [Note: Valerius Max c. 8. ] men are ouerruled with the desire of praise
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there is in all men an innate appetite and desire of excellency,
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to ex|cell others in the same good.
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honour is the testimony of this excellency;
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glory a knowledge and opinion of the same excel|lency,
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apprehension of his owne excel|lency, with the which he is wonderfully delighted.
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reproach there is stirred vp a cogitation of ones vility and basenes, which is displeasing and distasting to euery
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because as the mynd greatly desireth to be eminent and excelling; so it desireth to be so reputed in the iudgements of others;
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a certaine new essence, or as a new intelligible life (as
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it seemeth to liue in the mynds of men.
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giueth a certaine essence and being to the thing so knowne.
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being absent, are pre|sent, and being dead, do liue. Therefore
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this estimation, & eternizing of ones fame is a certaine life of the soule,
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liue in the mynds of men, & to haue so many liues, as there are men, in whose hearts it is highly magnified and va|lewed.
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expose the body to most certaine death, before it will suffer the least blemish & losse of reputation & name,
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such is the excellency of the mynd, as that it preferreth the least goods properly belonging to it, before the greatest corporall goods.
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glory is conducing and profitable
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retayneth and keepeth man in his duty,
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least other|wise he should loose his good name;
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want of shame, and an vtter contempt of what honest men do thinke of one, is a point most dangerous.
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credit negotiate with others in publicke
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de|generous persons dare not appeare.
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aduanced to ma|gistracy and publike gouerment;
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gates of honours and dignityes are shut to the infamous,
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it causeth, that we conuerse among men with fruite;
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learning, or in the administra|tion
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neither of them can be per|formed without the reputation
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the VViseman truly said: Melius est &c. A good name is to be chosen aboue great riches:
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haue regard to thy good name, for that shall be prized with thee, aboue a thousand treasures
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that iniuries and wrongs should remayne vnreuenged, and
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with|out any suffering on the delinquents side.
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no reward al|lotted for vertue & piety,
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in this life oftentimes there is no re|uenge
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we see daily many most wic|ked and impious men, and oppressours of the innocent to flourish greatly in this life,
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abound with all kinds of temporall goods,
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but the iust and vertuous to be still entan|gled with diuers calamities,
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as if Prospe|rity should be the reward of Impiety,
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wrongs and flagitious sinnes are supposed to continue, and to pol|lute this Common wealth of the whole Vniuerse, till they be reuenged,
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that Kingdome or State (if any such were) eyther wanted a gouernour, or that the gouernour were iniust, & a defender of wicked men; if therein there were decreed no reuenge for notorious & publicke trans|gressours;
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Euen so if in this Kingdome (as it were) of all mankind,
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or if there were any, yet that he is vniust.
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first office of a go|uernour is, that Lawes may be obserued with due distribution of rewards and pu|nishments,
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where this is wanting, it is cer|taine, that prouidence and true gouerment is also wanting.
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it is absurd that
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exa|ctly be measured and giuen by the Prouidence of God to myce, gnats, wormes, and the like (who are not capable of iustice or wrong) & yet those things should not be giuen to the soule of man,
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as if a Prince should carefully pro|uide of al things necessary for horses, mules, and dogs, and yet should absolutely neglect his owne family,
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As if care for animals but neglect family
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this nature only acknowledgeth God,
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alone contemneth and offendeth him;
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therfore it alone deserueth reward and punishment.
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if it be extingui|shed, then is there no retribution nor any iustice;
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in the worthyest creature of the world, the greatest pertur|bation and inuersion of order,
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in al ages perplexed the minds of men, and hath impelled them to deny diuine pro|uidence, and to satisfy their owne affections & desires.
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And the greatest motiue to with|draw men from this false opinion, was to consider good or euill was prepared for man after this life, as the Prophet most excellent|ly explicateth in the 72. Psalme.
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Only the mature ponderation of this, appeaseth the mynd, and causeth it to tread a vertuous & resolued course in all aduersities.
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death of the soule (if any such were) is ordained not as a punishment, but as a condition of nature;
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no lesse the vertuous and iust do vn|dergoe,
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if there were no other other punishments to be inflicted vpon delin|quents, then the naturall death of body,
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this suppo|sed extinction of the soule (aboue vnder|stood) is not inflicted for any fault;
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suffereth a man to be wicked, and being wicked he ordaineth him to damnation
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all this, which God doth, tendeth to his glory.
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if the soule be mortall, the diuine perfections in God are so farre off from shining in the fabricke
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it is no signe of the power of the Creatour, but rather of his weaknes, that he could not make the Soule of man (which is the Lord of things) immortall,
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It is not a point of wisdome to make such things eternall, as are seruiceable, and (as it were) slaues to man, as the world (which is his house) and the like;
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is no Prouidence to leaue the soule to its own appetites and desires, without setting of a|ny rewards, which may allure it to vertue, or punishments, which may deterre it from 371 vice; to leaue sinne vnpunished,
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the iust and vertuous remaining oppressed, and this without any future hope of bettering of things,
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what mercy is it, that man should liue so short a tyme, and lead his cor|porall life afflicted with so many miseries, without any expectation of happines for the time to come?
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what pleasure can this life afford, which is mixed with such store of worme wood,
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except the sweetnes of a future expectancy doth te~per it?
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afflicted, & murthered by the wicked without any reuenge
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wic|ked· should abound withal the goods of this life (as riches, honours, pleasures,
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rather signes of cruelty and in|iustice, then of mercy and iustice?
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enemy to the vertuous, if there be not after this life a iust compensation
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the Heathens, who thought litle of any retribution after this life, did often accuse the Gods of cruelty & iniustice.
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If no afterlife God is cruel
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which Vniuerse is (as it were) a certaine portrature of Gods diuinity,
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pressures and afflictions heere are but short, and but small in a generous mind;
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ought not to be ac|counted grieuous, which is recompensed with so great & inestimable a reward.
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fyle away the rust of the soule,
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no man in this world is so pure, but some small blemishes are dayly contracted in his soule, which by meanes of affliction
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there is no cause, why the vertuous should stomacke the prosperity of the wicked, since this is short, momentary and mixed with much bitternes;
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No need to be envious of prosperity of the wicked
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here|after to be attended with euerlasting com|plaint
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There is no man, which will enuy a draught of wyne to be giuen to a thiefe, or the enioying of solace for some few houres, which is already con|demned to the wheele and death.
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neyther be enui|ous for the euill doers &c. for they shall wither, [...] [Note: Psalm.
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all sinners like hurtful hearbs or chaffe shalbe gathered togeather,
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suf|fer a secret sting, and touch of Conscience, with
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their conscience doth day|ly accuse & condemne them,
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cause them e|uer to stand in feare,
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(that they may the more diuert their myndes from these thoughts, and free themselues of all such trouble) giue themselues ouer to all sports, recreations, bankettings, and to other exter|nall societyes; thus auoyding their inward accuser and torturer,
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Escapism from sting of conscience and fear
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their trouble of mynd ryseth euen by an instinct of nature
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if nothing were to be feared after the bo|dyes death, and that no euill were to ensue thereupon, then should in vaine this instinct be implanted in mans soule,
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a conscience priuy to it selfe of its wel doing, bringeth great solace to the mynd,
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then shall we liue without feare in great integrity & honesty
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the returne backe of Soules after this life.
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Soule of Samuel (then dead) appeared to the Enchan|tresse Pithonissa, and to Saul, and
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Peter and S. Paul appeared in sleepe to Constantine the Emperour, and shewed him a meanes to cure his leprosy,
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Iohn (the Euangelist) and S. Philip the Apostle appe|ared to Theodosius, & promised him victory
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same apparitio~ was seene also by a certaine soul|dier
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least otherwise it might be thought to be forged by the Em|perour,
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Euangelist with the bles|sed virgin exhibited the~selues
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of Gregorius Thaumaturgus then waking, and instructed him in the mistery of the Trini|ty.
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many other apparitions of our blessed Lady recorded by Gregory the great and other more ancient authours.
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S. Agnes appeared to Constantia the daughter of Constantine, and cured her
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third day after her martirdome) appe|ared to her Executioner
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obtained fauour fro~ God in his behalfe in reco~pense of his ge~tle proceding with her;
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Executioner insta~tly became a Christia~
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apparitio~s both of the holy and wicked soules, which are found in approued au|thours; all which to say to haue bene for|ged were ouer great impudence;
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this were to take away the credit of al historyes
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yea euen among the very hea|thens,
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it was a thing generally acknow|ledged,
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eui|dent by so many examples, that the Soules of the dead haue appeared to the liuing,
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demonstratiuely conclude, that those Soules did not dye with their bodyes;
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immortality is in like sort made cleare from the raising of the dead to life. Now
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proued by many vnan|swerable examples.
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Yea Elisaeus (being himself dead) only by the touch of his bones restored to life one, that was dead,
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raised, to life Lazarus (being dead foure dayes
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perfourmed in the eye of all Ierusalem, as S. Iohn relateth
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the resurrection and rising of the dead, is an euident signe, that the soules are not vtterly extinct;
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the soule desireth to be conioyned to the body,
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Soules Immortality is the foundation of all religion, Iustice, Probity, Innocency,
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ground|worke be false, then is the whole sacred Scripture false and a meere fiction;
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thus are all deceaued,
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therefore in vaine haue so many thousands Saints ta|med,
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temperance, & all other vertues, with indefatigable and in|cessant paynes.
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on the contrary part, the truth of this poynt hath bene re|uealed 383 only to prophane, wicked and se|suall Epicures, all which things are most repugnant euen to the light of Reason.
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As if sensual epicures got it right
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if they be seriously weighed, do so conuince the iud|gement,
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they take away al ambigu|ity and doubt of this point.
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we will adioyne a testimony or two of a heathen.
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Euen as our mothers wombe, containeth vs nine monthes, and prepareth vs, not for it selfe,
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by the helpe of this tyme (which indureth from our infancy to old age) we are made ripe and ready for another birth. Another beginning expecteth vs,
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As yet we cannot enioy hea|uen, but (as it were) a far off;
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it is not the last to the Soule, but to the body. 385 VVhat
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here co~passe vs, all is to be esteemed, but as an vnprofitable cariage or burde~ in an Inne; for we are to depart.
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That day, which thou fearest as the last, is the birth day of Eternity.
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free thee from the company of a filthy & smelling belly. The secrets and misteries of na|ture shalbe once made euide~t vnto thee, this dark|nes shalbe dispelled,
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how great that fulgour shalbe, when so many starres do mingle their lights together.
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he hath deliuered many excellent things as concerning the Soule of man. First, that the Soule is like vnto God; since it exten|deth it selfe to all places, and to Eternity.
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to be reputed in that de|gree, as burdens or prouisions are, which serue only the more conueniently to finish our iourneys.
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as an Infant is prepared in nyne months for to liue in this world; so ought we (during all the tyme we liue here) to learne to dispose our selues
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we ought to lead our life in such sort as it may be approued of God, who is the beholder of al things.
THE ARGVMENTS, OBIECTED· against the Immortality of the Soule; and their Solutions, or Answeres. CAAP. XXIV.
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cannot exist separated from the body. And such is the soule of beasts.
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function or operation of thevnderstanding doth not depend of the body by it selfe and immedi|atly, may be proued by many reasons.
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the vnderstanding ought not to follow the imagination and conceit of the phantasy, neither
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rather it is to correct the phan|tasy, that it selfe may by this meanes arryue 390 vnto the truth.
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able to cor|rect the errours and mistakings of the phan|tasy, and to attaine vnto the cleare truth of things
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conclude, that the working of the vnderstanding doth not immediatly, or in its owne nature depend of the phantasy. Seco~|dly,
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we chiefly couet to know things spirituall; of which things the phantasy is in no sort capable.
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knowledge of truth is not reckoned among the goods of the body, but of the mind only;
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to be desired for the perfection only of the mind.
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we cannot vnder|stand 391 any thing, except we forge a certaine image of it in the phantasy? And
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putteth vpon the state and nature of the body, and becometh in a sort grosse and dull,
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conceaueth & apprehe~deth vnder a certaine corporal shew and forme.
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neither shall it haue any necessity of framing the Idea's & images of things in the phantasy; no
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for the perfect exercise of the vnderstanding, it is re|quisite, that the soule be altogether free & vnbounded; that so it may bend & bestow all the force and power of its essence vpon such an operation.
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when we vehemently apply our mind to vnderstand, and apprehend any thing, we scarcely obserue and note such things, as do occurre our sense;
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force of the soule busiyng it selfe in its most su|preme and most noble action of all.
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soule cannot exercise the highest & most worthy of the~, if at the same present it doth alienate and estrange it selfe from the lowest.
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naturall propension to be vni|ted with the body; therefore to be separated from the body, and to exist and continue se|paratly, is co~trary to its naturall inclination,
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all ancient Heathen Philoso|phers were vtterly ignorant of this doctrine of the resurrection of bodyes.
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they auerred, that only the soule was man, and the body the prison;
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repugnant to reason.
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if the soule be with-houlde in the body as in a prison, why then doth it so much feare and auoid death?
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why is it so grie|uous to the soule to be disioyned and sepa|rated from the body?
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Why at the hurt and losse of the body, is it so infinitly afflicted
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couet to be vnited with it.
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able (through the benefit of its owne sub|[...]ilty and spirituall substance) to subsist by it selfe;
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it yealdeth (if it selfe will) neither to plea|sure, nor griefe, nor death it selfe; which priuiledge is not found in irrationable cre|atures.
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it was not first ordained to be an entyre and complete substance (as an Angell is)
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Soule requireth the body (once lost) to be restored to it; but to be restored so firmely & strongly, as that it is neuer more to be lost,
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Philosophers were ignorant of this resurrection,
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lesse inconuenyent to teach, that the soule remained after death perpetually separated,
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I do not thinke, that the soule (being separated) doth of it selfe much co|uet to be reunited with the body;
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priuiledges it possesseth, as it is separated, are more to be esteemed,
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third Argument. The structure of [Note: The 3. Argume~t ] the body
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almost wholy framed for the temporal
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that the body may be maintained and preserued, and nature pro|pagated
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the gall to receaue the sharper & more bitter parts of the nutriment;
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But after this life, there shalbe no need either of the vse of meates or of procreation:
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accoun|ted in vayne & superfluous, of which there neuer shalbe any vse.
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body prooueth, that in it selfe, and by its owne nature, it is 399 mortall; but it doth not prooue the soule
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those functions of the members, which belong to nourishment of the body, and to generation shall cease,
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followeth not, that those members shalbe superfluous;
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shall serue to the naturall con|stitution of the body, as parts necessary to its perfection and beauty:
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wherein it participateth with plants, and is heerein attended with much drosse, filth, & rottennes, it was not conuenient, that they should be perpetuall, but that in due tyme they should be taken away,
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the function of the voyce and speach shalbe perpetuall,
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in this respect also they shall not be in vaine & superfluous.
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fourth argument may be taken fro~ those words, which Pliny in
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that is heere assumed, which is first to be prooued, and therefore it is deny|ed with the same facility, wherwith it was affirmed.
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this saying of his is false, it is prooued from
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no necessity, why that, which once begun, should sometimes cease,
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although there was no sense of the soule before its creatio~, yet fol|loweth it not, that therefore after death it shall haue no sense.
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death is not a destruction or extinguishme~t of them both, but only a separation of the body from the soule.
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soule being in state of separation, hath no need of a braine or a body, that it may thinke,
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force of vnder|standing, by how much it is more remote & distant from the body, by so much it is more excellent.
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soule needeth not the function and operation of the outward senses seing,
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God is, he is all sense, all sight, all hearing,
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In like sort we say of the soule being separated, that it is all sense, all sight, all hearing, all vnderstanding,
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the Platonicks, and the Peri|pateticks teach, who placed ma~s chiefe feli|city in conte~plating of the first beginning and cause of all things?
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to acknowledge no good of the soule without the senses is incident to swyne and beasts, not to Philosophers:
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seeing the world tooke a beginning, the number of the soules is not infinite,
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this number ex|ceedeth not two or three Myriades of mil|lions.
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here|in (as in all the rest) he is deceaued; for the life of the soule is not iterated after the death of the body; but the body dying, it continueth
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not only rest, quyet and fredome from the troubles and mise|ries of this life belongeth to the soules se|parated,
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feare of what is to succeed af|ter this life, doth lessen the pleasures of this life. Thus we heere see, that this is the chiefe reason, why wicked men are loth to be|lieue the immortality
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being conscious and guilty to themselues of their owne impiety,
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they wish that their soule might dy with their body,
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extin|guishing of the soule is not the chiefe good of nature, (as Pliny thinketh) but the chiefe euill rather of nature, since euery thing 409 chieffly auoydeth its owne destruction,
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though it were for the good of the wicked, that the soule were mortall, yet it were most iniurious to the vertuous,
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inconuenient to the good of a temporal commonwealth, if no rewards should be propounded for vertue, nor reuenge
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punishments, which after the death of the body, they are per|swaded (through a secret feeling of nature) their soules are to suffer.
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contrary part, the former cogitation doth increase the ioy and comfort of the vertu|ous;
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reioyce at the death of the body (by meanes whereof they are discharged of al the afflictio~s of the world)
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obiecti|ons and reasons of Pliny are most weake
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proceding rather from an in|ueterated hate and auersion of the contrary doctrine, then from any force and ground of reason.
Note - Location 4569
Rather from hate and aversion than ground of reason
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Be it so, that the soule is immortall, not|withsta~ding it may so be, that after this life it shall suffer no euill, but enioy great li|berty,
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Or if it shall suffer any punishme~t, yet this sufferance shall not be perpetuall, but longer or shorter,
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returned to some one appointed starre or other; and there remayned either vntill the generall exustion and burning 408 of the world, if it were vertuous & wise; [Note: The vayne iudgme~t of the Stoicks touching
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these assertions are friuolous, and not war|ranted with any reason;
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Since otherwise where should the Prouidance of God be? Or where Iu|stice?
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if Sou|les for a certayne tyme can subsist without a body, why can they not for euer continue so?
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if they can (but for one instant) exist and liue without a body, the~ can they for all eternity perseuer in that state, as being not subiect to any extingui|shment or destructio~,
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it is a spirit more thin, pure, and light, then either ayre or fyer.
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what is dissolued with fyer, ought to be corpo|reall,
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certaine par|ticles or relicks of a diuinity. And this diui|nity they did hold to be anima mundi, the soule of the world, from
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parti|cular soules of liuing Creatures, & chiefly the soules of men,
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so absurd, as that they need not any painfull refutatio~. For if the soules be parcels of God,
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how ca~ they be depraued with so many facinorous crymes and impieties?
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this errour of Origen (which he borrowed of the Platonicks) was further acco~panied with many other errours.
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after they had continued in heauen for many ages blessed and happy, then (as being againe satiated and cloyed with the fruition of diuyne things) they should contaminate & defyle 412 themselues with sinne; for the which they were againe to be detruded into bodyes,
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But Origen extremely doteth in these things.
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Al which dreames of Origen might be re|futed by many conuincing and irrefragable reasons; but this is impertinent to our pur|pose, & would be ouer tedious to perform.
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Tedious to refute
Of the Punishments of the life to come, out of the holy Scripture. CHAP. XXV.
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what this reward shalbe
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of what continuance,
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neither can mans reason nor the disquisitio~ and search of the best Philosophers giue any satisfying answere hereto.
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nature of sinne (and consequently the puuishment due to it) is not made sufficiently euident and per|spicuous by naturall reason.
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may haue some infallible cer|tainty herein·
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holy Ghost by his Prophets & other pious men, haue pronounced of this point;
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world shalbe consu|med be not already enkindled, yet it now existeth
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said after a propheticall manner now to exist, or to be done.
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horrible & vnheard manner, and such as fury is wont to suggest and inuent.
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anger and wrath of God are not passions in him, (as they are in vs) but a peaceable and quyet will
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gouerned with reaso~, notwith|standing it is most seuere,
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indeed transcend all fury,
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deseruedly be called fury, wrath, and indignation. Thir|dly,
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fire shall not only heere on earth burne the wi|cked, when God shall iudge the world, but also in hell,
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this fire shall consume the earth
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trees wood· hearbs, and all works of man now extant, as Houses, Cittyes, the proud Pala|ces
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also shall penetrate vn|to the bowels of the earth;
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all mettals, pretious stones, and all other ri|ches 417 of the earth (with the pryde whereof the world
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shalbe destroyed by the same fire;
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This is insinuated in the 97. Psalm.
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though in a propheticall manner, it spea|keth of things, as though they were alrea|dy performed;
Note - Location 4674
Prophesies in past tense
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mountaines melted like waxe,
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mountaines leape vp from their foundations &c. The rockes melt at thy presence like waxe. We
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showes and forerunners of the horrible & interminable 418 punishment of the wicked.
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of Iudith 16. Dabit ignem
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be burnt for euer. In
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Me|mento irae &c. Remember that vengeance wil not slacke.
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bodyes of the wicked shall instantly after the resurrection be punished with fire, and shall so burne like wood,
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do not thinke that these wormes shalbe corporall,
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to what end shall it be needfull to make such base and vile creatures immortall by force of a new mi|racle, and to liue in a most raging fire,
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bytings of any beast whatsoeuer in comparison of the paines of that fire, are to be estemed, but as sports and of no moment?
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name of wormes in this place may be vnderstood those very small sparkes and flames of fyre, which in a thousand places breake out of the flesh of the damned like vnto little wormes;
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els the worme of Con|sciencemay be signifyed thereby, whose most bitter byting & gnawing doth in hel afflict euen the body.
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two seuerall cogitatio~s do daily present themselues to the minds of the damned;
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depriued of eternall glory, the which they might with small labour and paines haue purchased;
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e|uerlasting torments, which easily (whiles they liued) they might haue auoyded.
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double griefe, which with extreme bitternes gnaweth & byteth (like a worme) the heart
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apprehension of so in|comprehensible a good lost, and so infinite and insufferable a punishment to be endu|red (and both these for all eternity)
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more afflicteth the wicked, then the only paine of hell
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double cogitation, and the double griefe proceeding from thence be not vnderstood, thereby, the~ the chiefe torment of the damned may seeme to be o|mitted, and not spoken of
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holy Iob insinua|teth, that the doctrine
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generally knowne and made vulgar to o|thers, besides the nation of the Iewes, eue~ in his owne tyme,
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shall pay for all things he hath done, and yet he shall not be consumed;
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damned per|son shall so suffer, that he shall neuer be consumed and wasted away, but euer shal remaine whole to suffer fresh torments.
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the wicked, and him that loueth iniquity, doth his soule hate.
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a sin|ner (whiles he loueth sinne) hateth his owne soule (as here is said) because he pro|cureth to it an euerlasting euill;
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euery sinner while he seemeth most to loue himselfe,
Note - Location 4722
Sinners hate not love himself
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doth then most hate himself, 422 to wit, by falling into the greatest euil
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he shall raine snares. These snares or nets are inextricable and indisso|luble links of misery
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snares, because they shall so firmely cleaue
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by no art, or meanes possible shall they be of force to free themselues of them for the shortest tyme.
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shall come from a height, to wit from the decree
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force of a whirle wind.
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most rugged wind shalbe stirred vp
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by means wher|of the fire
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co~tinually be blown.
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shalt make them like a fiery Ouen, in time of thine anger.
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after the wicked are heere punished with fire, they shalbe cast into that fire, which is in the lowest ditches,
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feed them with all bitternes, for so the word, feed, is to be taken, as appeareth out of the Hebrew & Greeke text.
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books of the Psalmes is full of such comminations and threats of punishments after this life,
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as a bundle of tow quickly taketh flame, so the multitude of sinners being gathered toge|ther shall with small labour be set on fire.
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sinners are tearmed in the Scripture, dry wood, & the iust,greene wood; according to
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[Note: Sinne the seed of Hell fyre. ] but also of Hell fire, which all sinners hau[...] kindled to themselues,
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Sinnes are (as it were) certaine fiery seedes, contai|ning within them, a secret flame, which, in its due tyme breaketh forth into an open fire.
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Sinnes in the holy Scripture are compared to a matter easy to be set on fire, as dry wood, hay, chaff, straw, and thornes. Who therefore encreaseth the number of his sinnes, gathe|reth together a combustible matter, with the which he shalbe eternally burned.
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through whose iudgment & sen|tence the Iewes were destroyed by fire; & all sinners (not repenting) shall hereafter be tormented with the same.
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continu|ally afflicted with the griefe of so great a good lost, & so infinite an euill contracted
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sinners shall vtterly be rooted out of the earth, so as no remembrance of the~ shalbe left;
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in one short admoniti|on doth thrice insinuate the paynes of the life to come.
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eternall reuenge, which hangeth ouer the heads of sinners.
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all things which giue occasion of sinning, (though they be as profitable to vs, as the hand, the foot, and the eye are) are to be forsaken;
Note - Location 4877
Must abandon something that is profitable if occasion of sin (more loss than gain)
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more secure to want temporall bene|fits and solaces, then to be cast into eternall fire.
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by the often iteration of it, it might be firmly imprinted in the minds
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not sufficie~t for Christ to say, To
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doubling the same,
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suggesting to vs twice in one sentence the eternity of this fire.
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become as certaine o|blations to be sacrificed to the Iustice of God,
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seasoned (as it were) with fire, as with salt;
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as beasts were killed in honour of God to expiate sinnes, and to appease the wrath of God
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sacrificed vnto God, that their punishment may in some sort sa|tisfy for the sinnes, and so Gods indignatio~ (as being appeased therewith) may cease.
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salt burneth and conserueth the bo|dyes, wherupon it is sprinkled;
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only God is to be feared, and that all Euils of this life are not of any moment or importance,
Note - Location 4903
Evils of this life not big deal
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that do offend, and them which do iniquity;
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words, All that do offend; are vnderstood all those, that
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counsell or example do prouoke others to sinne; such are tyrants, hereticks, wicked counsellers,
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those other words: [...] which do iniquity, do signity
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cause of their owne iniqui|ties only, without giuing occasio~ to others to sinne:
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Lord by diuers pa|rables laboreth firmely to imprint & pla[...] this doctrine of future rewards and punish|ments in our minds.
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nothing is more frequently propo|sed and inculcated, both in Parables, and in other most graue se~tences by Christ him|selfe, then punishment and rewards after this life.
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ech sinne as a seed of e|ternall fire, which except it be washed a|way in this life with the teares of true re|pentance,
Note - Location 4930
Tears of true repentance
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he calleth those fearful, who throgh feare of death or losse of goods depart from the true faith of Christ;
Note - Location 4948
Fear of loss of goods
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burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the se|cond death. I
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remuneratio~ after this life is most euidently co~firmed & warranted:
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it being the foundation of all vertue and Iustice;
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more veheme~tly de|terreth him from vice, then any other mo|tiue
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future retribution was first excogitated and forged only for policy, & the more easily to retaine people in obedience
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a thing, which is a mere fiction and forgery cannot be so powerfull, as to beget probity, innocency,
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such men as most laboured in the diuulging of this doctrine, regarded nothing lesse then ex|ternal policy,
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vsuall to flatterers, and such as gape after the fauour of Princes, to inuent such proiects, which may best serue for po|licy,
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which kind of Sycophants the world at this present swarmes.
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yet thou art not acknowled God of many;
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yet art not knowne.
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gouernest all things, and yet they deny thee to be fountaine & authour
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thou giuest the 452 being to all things, and yet they belieue, thou hast no being.
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manifestest by infinite meanes
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diuers of these eyes (as be|ing blind) do not perceaue this thy mani|festatio~.
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saying, Ipse fecit nos &c. He made vs, & not we our selues; neither [Note: Psal. 99.
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through any casuall concourse of Atomies. It
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imprinted in euery one of vs this our seue|rall pulchritude,
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This is the voyce and language of euery creature in the world;
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possessed with a deafe Diuel.
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stupendi|ous force in seedes,
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Nothing of these ca~ be made by it self, since nothing of these is for it selfe.
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Neither can they receaue their being from fortune, or chance, for
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precise pro|portions proceed fro~ these;
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all their effects being (indeed) changeable,
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vncertaine, & 444 full of disorder, and confusion.
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all these things do take their beginning from some mind which through itswisedome was able to excogitate and inuent so many wo~|derful
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And this mind or intellige~|ce we call Thee, being our Lord and God. Therefore thou art the Origin
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worke of the artificer lyeth inwardly hid in his vn|derstanding, and resteth knowne to him alone, before it becometh an externall and sensible worke.
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most powerfull, & yet most benigne; most mercifull, and yet most iust;
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Thou art euer working, and yet euer quyet,
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aboue all in gouerning of things, vnderneath in supporting and sustentating of them;
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copiously powrest out the trea|sures of thy goodnes vpon thy enemyes, which betrample thy law, blaspheme thy holy name, deny thy prouidence, and im|pugne thy Church; enriching them with|all the temporall goods of this life, & inui|ting 456 them to a contrite repentance;
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thou louest, yet art free from heat of desire;
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re|pentest, yet grieues not;
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Thou art not poore, and yet thou reioycest at gaines;
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thou repayest debts, owing nothing;
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we speake of thee who aboue all speach art ineffable, and aboue all vnderstanding in|co~prehensible?
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woe, woe, to all them, which do either oppugne or reiect (as Atheists do) thy who|lsome doctrine,
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shyne vpon the miserable soules 457 of all such, that they may acknowledge
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that they may see the danger of their owne eternall damnation;
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they being thus illuminated, may acknowledge, feare, loue, praise