Friday, August 21, 2020

Firm Foundation (Highlights)

Full text downloadable here:

Firm Foundation

Citation (APA): Caumont. (2018). Firm Foundation [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

THE PREFACE OF THE translator.
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not a litle reioyce vvhe~ I hitt by chance on a litle frenche treatise, vvhich doth lyuelie expresse, & as it vveare in a table sett furth such sufficient, true, & infallible tokens of Christ his Church,
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And albeit my skylin the french tonge is but small, yet the loue vvhich I beare to you my deare frendes hath supplied that vvant, and giueth me corage to attempt somthing aboue my stre~gth in translating
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this is the trew firmament of the Catholikes, more firme then the hea|uen it self.
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all that which is of heretikes, is accursed and abo|mination before God: their faith, their prea|ching, their prayers, their fastings, their al|mes,
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nothing els but cursed sacriledge & pol|lution.
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if they should delyuer their bo|dies to be burned: if they should shyne with an Angelical holines: all this serueth them for nothing being diuided from the body of the Church: al this vvould not any thing appease the rigour of the eternal ire of God vpon them.
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did sacrifice to the same God that [Note: Nuus. 16. ] Moyses did,
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but for that it was done in diui|sion from the body of the Church, the earth did open and swalow them vp aliue, with their wiues, their childre~,
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and 14700. of the people, for that they murmured at that iustice:
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God doth not receaue sacrifice but of his Priestes whom he hath ordayned for that purpose,
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That hath bene alwayes the cloke of impietie of heretikes, they carie against Iesus Christ, the signe of Iesus Christ, sayth S. Augu|stin,
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The Arrians would not agree to any one point, if it were not expresly in the scripture. The Mahome|tanes 4 pretend the gospel to make for them,
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The deuil him self hath cyted the scripture against our sauiour,
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conuerting bread in to poy|son.
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When the holy scripture speaketh,
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euery man must
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yeld vnto it as to the assured and infallible verditt of God his truth, sub|mitting all his vnderstanding
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it is treason to God his maiesty and damnable sa|crilege for the boldnes of humaine vnder|standing to gaynsay the same, yea or only to be so bolde as to thinke it:
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vvho so doth not bowe downe his vnderstanding, he doth oppose him self against God, with an ingratitude & deuelish presumption.
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al the heretikes of the vvorld
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haue no other thing in their mouthes but the texts of the scriptures. What shal the sim|ple man then doe,
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the scripture is like vnto certaine paynted Images, which what way so euer you turne you, you thinke their eye foloweth you;
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yet notwithstanding, the right looke doth con|sist [Note: [...]. ] in some one point to the workman in|tended, & those that are cunnyng in that arte know it very well.
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God him self is the author of the holy scriptures: whose vnderstanding being infinite, the sense of his scriptures may be also infinite. Not|withstanding there is one proper sense, cer|taine, & assured in the scriptures,
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the right, trew, and natural sense
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For properly the Gospel doth not consist in figures of letters and dead characters of the writing of the Eua~gelists: Those thinges be but as an Image of the sense of the Gospel.
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S. Paul doth define the Gospel, to be the mighty povver [Note: Rom. 1. ] of God to saluation,
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vertu supernatural, diuinely infused, ennobling mans nature aboue it self,
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which of his owne force and faculty he could neuer attayne vnto,
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Gospel which doth shew the reuelatio~ of goods, not these earth|ly, perishable,
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in|corruptible goods promised from the begin|nyng of the world, and foretold of all the Prophetes,
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All the matter is to knovve vvho be the true sovvers,
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God doth not auouche all those vvhich thrust them selues into this diuine embassage,
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he complayneth him selfe in Ezechiel, of false Prophetes vvhich runne vvithout [Note: Psal. 49. Ezech. 13. ] 8 sendinge. They runne sayth he, and I sent them not,
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if in the traficke of this world, we feare to medle with a false marchant, how much more owght vve to feare in the traficke of euerlasting saluation.
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sent? There neede not so much disputing, nor so much making of bookes, to confound the heretikes. Men do in a maner defile them selues vvhen they exami|ne their doctrine:
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God is greatly offended with the ouermuch regarde that is geuen vnto them, and those which wolde that men shulde heare them reason, haue not the spirit of the feare of God.
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The Samaritanes were heretiques, and did fortifie them selues with the texte of the law of Moyses. Our sa|uiour hath condemned them with his owne mouth, when being asked of the Samaritane whether God should be worshipped in Hie|rusalem or in Samaria,
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Samaritanes which be distracted from the Iewes, you shal haue nothing in the treasure of saluation, and you can not but erre.
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thundering from heauen, you worshipp that you know not, is a sufficient flash of lightening to ouerthrow
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although heretikes [Note: S. August. in Enchrid. ad Lauren. ] do preache the name of Iesus Christ,
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in tytle and shew only:
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they sound out with full mouth, that they holde the sonne of God for the redeemer
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buyl|ding [Note: Opt. li. 3. & 6. ] of heretykes is but only a wal which hath no corner stone nor couerture aboue,
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if they make a gate, he that entreth in, is alwayes without, subiect to wyndes, rayne,
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Catholike Church is an en|tier howse in the which God doth dwel, and he dwelleth not in any other.
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he compareth heresie to artificial trees, which fowlers fashion in likenes of a natural tree, hauing the shew of a true tree, but full of snares and of glew, where the brides searching their life, fynde their death:
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the Church is a true 11 tree in deed, full of good fruits, without sna|res and fraude.
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idolatry was chased out of the world, Satan seing his seates and temples desolate,
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he found a new craft vnder the self same na|me of Christian, to intangle them that were not wel aduised,
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not contynewing in the vnitye of the Church, they may yet cal them selues Christians, and walking in darkens, they may perswade them selues to haue the light:
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blinde without perceauing their 12 blyndes, yea then when they thinke them selues most sure of the light.
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he leadeth them in to likelihoodes of truth, that he may so deceiue them in the truth:
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Antichrist vnder the name of Iesus Christ.
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hauing once bleared them with his iugling tricks, he holdeth theyr iudgements so fast tyed and hampered, that they can not see the very open and manyfest truth:
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suffer them selues to be deceiued, it happeneth (sayeth S. Cyprian) for not searching the truth of faith by the right way,
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as auncyently was the chayre of Moyses, to the end that in the doubtful points of faith, men myght haue a place to resorte vnto, as to a certeine Vniuersite,
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vnto whom he hath promised assi|stance of his holie spirit vntil the end of the worlde:
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to decyde the controuersies of faith that rise among men: whose iudgements in earth be ratified in heauen:
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If any of those which were out of the Arcke of Noe vvere saued, those also shal be saued which are founde out of the Arke of the Church.
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al grace of reconciliation to God, was annexed to the bodie of Iesus Christ:
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dayly groweth by increase of the chosen, preordi|nate
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taking out from the heape of mankynd al men of good wyl, which haue bene, are, and shal be, to the end of the world:
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his phantasie, and his owne presumption for his God: he maketh him selfe an Idol, & doth worship only his owne imagination in place of God.
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If such a man calleth him self a Christian, that is as the de|uil often sayth he is Christ: and
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if he be kyl|led for his heresie, that is no martirdom, bur the reward of his heresie,
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without any hazard or possi|bilitie to erre: because she taketh her di|rection of the holy Ghost, & of the tradition of the Apostles,
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in al places whear S. Paule pas|sed by, he recommended to the Churches, to kepe the ordinances of the Apostles and of the elders, which were things not written.
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When the Apostles had planted the Gospel, they did not say al things at one time, nor in one howre: nor wrote al that they sayed:
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not so muche a full doctrine of faith, as a witnes of the faith that they preached.
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law of Moyses co~|sisted no lesse in tradition than in writting:
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not only the sense but the letter and text thereof was to be learned by tradition. For they had the scriptures in maner but by half: the pointing beeing not yet put to the he|brew text.
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the Church and the holy scripture are so linked together, that they both be as an indissoluble cheyne of golde.
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Euen so in the olde law in al difficulties, that rose, the law of Moyses ordained that they should goe to the hygh priest for the tyme being, and that they [Note: Deut. 17. Malach. 2. ] should folow his verdit,
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our sauiour com|maundeth, that if any obey not the Church, [Note: Matt. 18. ] he be degraded from the name of Christian, and holden for an Eathnike:
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Catholique in his faith, doeth renounce his own reason, his own iudgeme~t,
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heretike doth grou~de & builde his fayth vpon his owne iudgement.
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to staye vpon him selfe, that is to say vpon his owne iudgement, is to stay him sel|fe vpon the deuil:
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she is assisted of the holie Ghost: that she hath the trevve traditions of the A|postles: and doth take the scripture in the E|uangelical sense; sayeth nothing of her selfe, putteth nothing of nevve,
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but only giueth vvitnes of the Euangelical sense,
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contraryvvise that the heretike is not stirred but of his ovvn particular spirit: hath not any tradition but of his owne proper ma|king:
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taketh the scripture in a sense by him self inuented:
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al heresie maketh a new paradox, & putteth a new sense, neuer Euan|gelized, not of the holy Ghost, but inue~ted of Satan,
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as it is certein that the holy Ghost is authour of the scripture:
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certein that the holy Ghost is the soule and lyfe of the Church, by whose direction she can neuer erre,
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neuer doth vse these termes: I am: I can, I wil, as for me, this is my opinion, and such like speches, which be termes of deuelish ar|rogancie.
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If the Church should deceiue vs, then vpon her be the maledictio~, to vs doth apperteyn the glory of obedience,
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yea I say fur|ther, that the iniquite of him that is in the Church, is better, that is to say, is lesse da~|nable then the good works of him which is in heresie.
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he hath but committed that sinne wherein he is fallen: the which is blotted out by pennance
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he which is fallen out of the Church, sinneth alwayes, & in al that he doth:
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Yea although he do pen|na~ce yet ca~ he obtein no pardo~, because in the societie where he is, there is no remission of sinnes: there is no good worke meritorius,
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The pretended good works of those which be out of the Church, be
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lyke great paynes taken for a mat|ter of nothing, where no reward is to be got|ten.
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He which runneth out of the listes, shal neuer carie away the price:
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let no man (sayeth S. Ambrose) accept good woorks, done before faith. Faith is the soule of good woorkes, without the which they be dead, and be not to be rewar|ded with lyfe euerlasting:
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True it is that an heretyke renouncing his heresie is straight wayes cleane,
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fornicator repenting hath need of teares & of tyme to be throughly clensed, and to ex|tinguish vtterly the concupiscence which hath occupied the soule, and defiled the bo|dy, the reliques of the one being harder to be healed,
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the heretike shal carie a more rigorous iudgement than the fornicator.
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there is but one only Church, vvhich doth administer eternal lyfe: vvhich hath the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen:
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euerie particular assemblie out of the same is the Synagog of Sathan.
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All diuinitie out of the Church is vaine, false, basterdly, co~fuse, ful of deceit & impietie.
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The Gospel in their mouth becometh the woord of man, and the woord of the deuil:
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false and leud counseilors of a prince or state, whoe in giuing counceil re|dounding to ther owne particular profit, and not of the Prince or common welth, doo be|tray the Prince and the comon welthe:
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let no man be deceiued if somtimes they seeme to teach the same doctrine that the catholikes do: betwene the true and the false there is but a hears diffe|rence.
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suppose they preached
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same doctrine of faith
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irreprehensible of 26 their life
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spend their bloud for the name of Iesus Christ: all this notvvithsta~ding,
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hold not the vnitie of the catholike Church they be in sta|te of perdition.
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creed of the faith, which is dayly songe in the Church doth ex|pressely shew that there is but one Church to the end that all men might know that out of the same there is no saluation.
to fall into heresy is like falling into the bottomless pit, like Satan
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to fall from the assured firmament of the Churche in to 27 heresie,
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is as the fall of Satan, vvhen he vvas headlonge throvven dovvne
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hovv litle so euer it be, from the catholike Church, no, not in one only litle thought: let vs yeeld vniuersallie to all that the Church doth teach,
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as if that syde vvhereunto, by our ovvn direction, vve resolue to leane, vvere to vs a better euiden|ce, and cleeret testimonie than the vniuersal Churche.
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to make our selues iudges of the Church, and of the holy Ghost also, vvhich teacheth her.
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The iudgement of one particular ma~, hovv vvise so euer he may be, is but as a litle candle
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clothed with the sunne, hauing the moon[Note: Apoc. 12. ] vnder her feet) dothe cast her beames vpon the face of the vvhole earth,
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Avvay vvith this rashenes of particularities in opinions seue|red from the Church. This is the verie cockle of wicked spirits.
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hands of the deuil: vvho being not able to wound a man to death, by making him to forsake the Church absolutelie, dothe 29 yet vvound and disfigure
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whole. Raither suffer
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all the torments in the worlde, than to be diuided from the Church,
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dissent from the Church in any one iote only, or in any one sole litle point.
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He that would agree with the Church in all, except one only point, is not a catholi|ke.
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it is not to be holden by halues: it is a gift of God, and a grace infused:
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he is no lesse drouned, which is but two fingars ouer head in water, than he which is an hundred fathoms dieper.
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giue to them selfes some times libertie to blame or contemne certein obseruances and ceremonies of the Church, as in their opinions vnprofitable.
disagree with her in the least point that a man can think of
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nothing vniuersallie receiued in the Church is of small consequence, or importance.
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When men debate of humain mat|ters, let then humain reason take place: but in the doctrine of faith, the only authoritie of the Churche ought to rule.
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so soone as faith is seuered
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she is out of her natural element: she hath no more vital spi|rit. The Church hath secret motiues, & con|siderations
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incompre|hensible to any one priuate person: yet not|withstanding they haue theyr foundacions and grounds verie firme and sure.
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reduced all the effects of the second causes to the first cause immediatlie: he dyd not attribute to the sunne, the light of the day: nor to cloudes the rain: nor to eyes the sight: nor to eares the hearing:
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he trauersed through all the ran|kes and troupes of the host of all second and instrumental causes
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the first mouer: first cause, and cause of causes:
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this Philosophie of 32 Abraham was as a shining beam of the in|nocencie of nature before sinne:
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whereupon also God loued him more, and was more reuealed to hym, than to tho|se that loue the second causes, and search deeplie in to them, not satisfied otherwise with the first.
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those which doe rest altogether vpon the Church shal rather be illuminated of the holy Ghost, than those which doe not giue credit to her, but vpon a caution or con|dition of some natural reason.
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in [Note: 1. Petr. 3. ] dede the studie of such a science is the most noble and most worthie that is in the world:
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though he vnderstan|deth not the reason of any obseruances: yet notwithstanding the same is grounded vpon some iust reason aboue his capacitie.
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teach him considerations more deep, more excellent,
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therein he shal take more pleasure, than if he had in his head the collectio~s and gatherings of al the knowleige in the worlde
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state if a Bishop, vvould not accept the same, but with reseruation
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The fathers condescen|ded to his desire, assuring them selues, that so excellent a wit would easilie cast of al those reseruations of his philosophical folie,
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being made Bishop, did soone cast away al reser|uations of his seueral opinions: and confor|med him selfe in al points to the Church,
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deriding his own va|nitie, proceding rather from the root of folie and pryde of a philosopher, than of malice.
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persuading him selfe euermore to haue in the compasse of his brain, all that God is hable to doe, or wil doe, mesuring all things by his own capacitie, and sufficiencie: which is not onlie an extreme folie, but also verie daunge|rous.
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such folk vpon the least motion of the deuil wil throw them selues
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from the firmament of the Church, to the bottomles pit of heresie.
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stay more sure then the firmament of heauen: yea, I say truelie, more sure than the firmament of hea|uen.
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rather the heauen shal fall in pieces, and all the whole frame of the worlde shal fall into co~fusion, and nature shal erre, rather than the Church shal come to errour in that doctrine of the saluation, which she doeth teach her children.
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her vnderstanding his higher than the vndersta~|ding of all nature:
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vncreated vn|derstanding, the holie Ghost, God him self, which doth gouerne the same
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for the Churches sake, heaue~, earth, and all Nature haue bene made,
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in|heritance of saluation, which are
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She is the strong fort of the citie of God, founded vpon the rock,
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fortified by the inuincible for|ce of the holie Ghost, garded by heauenlie armies, vvhich are camped round about,
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true earthlie Paradise, where the tree of lyfe is planted, which all of her house may freelie vse, and thereby receiue nourishment of lyfe euerlasting.
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our lord should in vain haue bidden men resort to the Church, and obey it, if it were inuisible
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she can not by any manner of wayes be hidden, nor darckned in the earth,
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that strayght after the Apstoles she was eclipsed of her light, and became an Apostata,
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those which doe compare her to the Sinago|gue in the time of Eli: those (I say) are ve|rie impudent,
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as if the sonne of God (which sayd, that he is the light of the world,
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had not doen that vvhich he promised,
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as yf his light had bene as a flash of lightening vanishing avvay, and not as a sonne rising,
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to make, that GOD hath not kept his pro|misse.
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Occident: that she shal fill Asia, Af|frica, Grece, Italy, all tounges, all nations, and the Iles ferre of:
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first signe [Note: Iud. 6. ] giuen to Gedeon of the flyse only devved from heauen, the earth round about re|maining all drye, did prefigure the Si|nagogue:
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secound signe of all the earth bedevved, the flyse contynevving drie did prefigurat the Churche. In
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prefigured by the [Note: Dan. 2. ] litle stone cut from the mountaine vvithout hand of man,
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Esaie expressely fortold, that the Church [Note: Esa. 2. 54. 66. ] shal be as a mountaine manifestly, lifted vp aboue the mountaines whervnto all nations [Note: Matt. 5. ] shall resort:
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Church sithens the Apostles time hath not only not lost any part of her light, but also hath alwayes augmented
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the new moone from smal
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If any one (saith he) doe not perceiue the moone in the first point of hir increasing, one might excuse the vveakenes of his eyes: but he that doth not perceiue the same in her fulnes, that man is starke blinde.
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simple men we|re deceiued by false teachers, saying, here is the Church, here is Christ,
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but now how blinde is he that erreth in the ful moone? Pope
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The Church (say they) may be diminished in the Globe of multitude of chil+dren, but not in light and clearnes:
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Poore Cicero [Note: Cic. l. 2. q. Ac. ] searching the soueraigne God, complaineth, saying, by the dissention of philosophers vve are constrained to be ignorant
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can not know vvhich is he that vve ought to worship
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contradictions which heretikes doe make against her, doe not darken her, but make her rather better knowne.
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make her brighter, geuing occasion to catholikes to vnderstand cleerlie and feruentlie that vvhich before they beleued couertly and coldly.
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Church had more knowleige of God, in some certein articles in the tyme of S. Augustin, then in other tymes before; and in the tyme of S. Bernard, then in the tyme of S. Augustin:
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sufficiently euident, that none can be excused, neither those which refuse to ioyne vnto her, nor those that do depart from her.
first mark - the name Catholic
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an he|retyke vvould be mocked and laughed at to shew his Churche for the catholike. Pa|cianus hath
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saith: Christian is my name, Catho|like is my surname: that doeth name me, this maketh me knowne:
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euerie here|sie taketh the name of some one which is the authour therof:
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lost their name christian in taking straunge names of men. Likewise Iustine
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sectes (say they) be called of the name of the arche heretike, but to vs, no man hath giuen a name:
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beare a name: not of our lord Iesus Christ, but of some other, (as Marcionites, Valentinians) know ye certenly that they are not the Church of Iesus Christ, but a Sinagoge of Antichrist.
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all that bear the name of one particular man be he|retikes,
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there is not a societe in the vvorld, which doth possesse the name Catho|like, saue only the Romain Church. All o|thers will call them selues, Arrians, Lutherans, Caluinists, the reformed Church, Gospellers, Pro|testa~ts, and
Highlight (yellow) - Location 518
in|tended and vnderstood, to be the Romain Churche, yea by the heretikes them selues.
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asked what he is, if he answere, I am a Catholik, is taken of no man there for a Caluinist. Seek
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bottomlesse pitt of euerlasting damnation, if you do not enter again in to the Church and mount vp in to the firmament of Catholikes.
second mark - succesion of bishops
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as to the propagation of mankinde, mariage is ne|cessarie: so to the procreation of the chil|dren of God according to the spirit, the order of preisthood is instituted,
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if all the kings of the earth should faile at once: the people might create new. But if all the priests of the world should happen to fayle: it is not in the power of all mankinde to make new.
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Iesus Christ him selfe must come again in person in to this vvorld for to institute som new. S.
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to proue that the Romain Church is the true Church, he rekeneth the Bishop|pes of Rome from S. Peter, vnto S. Eluther the Pope of his tyme, vvhich vvas the twelveth. Tertullianus,
Highlight (yellow) - Location 549
those auncient fathers haue so greatlie este|med that continuation of twelue, twentie, or forty souerain bishops, successors of S. Peter: how much stronger is that argument at this day for vs which shew the continuacion of more than two hundred thirtie thre,
Highlight (blue) - Location 551
all the heretikes of the worlde ca~ not answer the same,
Highlight (blue) - Location 551
Church can not be without priests, nor without Bishops
Highlight (yellow) - Location 554
Church which is without priests is not a Church:
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where the succession of priesthode is, there is the succession of doctrine: Moyses, the prophets, our sauiour him selfe in the Gospel doth affirme the same. [Note: Deut. 17. Math. 2.
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by ascending fro~ predecessor to predecessor vpward, vntil we arriue at S. Peter, and
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Your Caluin seing him selfe by this argume~t so intangled [Note: Caluin. ] that he could not slip away,
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he broyleth with so great rage, as he speweth out a whole flud of iniures
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Oh the madde dogge, seing cleerlie that succession is a verie 50 certein signe of the true Church, to which he could not answer, whereby he is proued to be a deceiuer sent of the deuil:
Highlight (yellow) - Location 567
examin you without passio~ this argument:
Highlight (orange) - Location 573
appoint them selues to be head ouer rash men, take to them selfs titles of Bishops:
Highlight (pink) - Location 573
like apes, they resemble mens actions;
Highlight (yellow) - Location 574
counterfait the face of the Church;
Highlight (orange) - Location 575
blessing others, being them 51 selues cursed of God: promising life, being the~ selues dead: calling vpon God, being blas|phemers:
Highlight (pink) - Location 577
their priesthood is not priesthood, but a seruice of the deuil, and ministerie of Antichriste. for Apes be al|wayes Apes, and neuer shal be men:
third mark - Antiquitie
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it is certein, that the true church is more aun|cient than the false.
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Romain Church is the same that IESVS Christ him selfe hath instituted,
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In all notable chaunges of religion six things are to be marked: the Author: the new opinion: the tyme when it began: the place where it began: the Impugners that it had: the small 52 number of folowers when the same began
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Arrianisme dyd beginne in Aegipte: the heresie of Nestorius in Thrace: that of Luther in Saxonie.
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neither haue they named vs after any particular man, vvhich they wolde verie willinglie haue done if they could.
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they doe not shew the beginninge of any our nevv doctrine, if they ascend not vp to the Apostles vvhose nouelty is ours, and is our antiquitie
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nor the place, neither where it should haue begun; nor those which did impugne the same, as new:
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nor finally that this our Church catholike, Apostolike, and Romain, did se|parate it self from some greater, that was before,
4th mark - continuance without being interrupted
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Heresie is as a Comet conceiued of the vapours of the earth, vvhereof the flame ceaseth so sone as his earthly norishement doth faile.
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alredie brought in before a thowsand, or twelue hundred yeres. But vvhat heresie hath euer lasted any thing near that tyme?
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Before that Luther did start vp, besydes the Romaine Church, there was not in the vvorld but thes religions, Pa|ganisme, Iudaisme, Machometisme, and the relikes of Nestorianisme in Grece.
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Church of IESVS Christe was not in any one of thies sectes; vvhereof it foloweth that she was in the Ro|maine Church, or els quyte extinguised in al the vvhorld, vvhich can not be.
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two hundred diuers heresies haue had their course,
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so weeded out of the earth, that there remaineth nothing at all, nether of the followers, nor of their bookes, nor of theyr doctrine,
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if they had not written their names in their books, vve had not knovven that such heresies had euer bene
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there is no doute but the flouds of heresies of theis tymes vvil also slyde avvay shortly.
5. mark - largeness of reign
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some notable number; which assamble them selues in the Church and co~|municate Catholiklie in the Sacraments of 57 the Church: among the Turkes, among the Persians, among the Tartarians, among the Panymes,throughout the compasse of the earth:
Bookmark - Location 648
Highlight (blue) - Location 648
spread her self in to the new world, and in all those foure partes of that nevv vvorld,
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of the East syde in the Indians: of the west syde in America: towardes the north in Iapon, towards the south in Bra|silia: what heresie is that, that euer had such largenes?
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All heresie is as a serpent. A serpent neuer [Note: S. August. lib. de pasto. ca. 8. & lib. de vtil. credendi cap. 14. & 17. ] departeth farre of from his denne.
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heresies be not the same euery where: but be of great diuersitie, the one not knowinge the other.
6th mark - conquest of the world by efficacie of doctrine
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more pearsing then any two edged swoord and co~uerting effectuallie the soules to God.
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Philosophers (sayth S. Athanasius) with loftines of learning, and magnificence of speche could neuer perswade any one citie to take their laws of them,
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their doctrine was dead and without force; and their speche did not proceed of the spi|rit of God,
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Neither did any man euer read that the heretikes conuerted Idolators or Iewes to the faith. Their care (sayth Tertullian) is not to conuert straungers to Iesus Christ, but to peruert hys do|mesticals, [Note: Tert.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 668
not to lifte them vp which be on the grounde, but to make them fall that stand vp|right. The
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their dueties are, to increase the howsehold of Iesus Christ asmuch as they can, by conuerting the in|fidels to the faith.
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when we haue conuerted the~ to Iesus Christ: the heretikes come afterwardes to deceiue them.
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the Gothes being alredy made Catholike, demaunding Catho|like Bishops for to gouern their churches; Va|lence sent them Arrians for to subuert them.
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vvordes of the scriptures are but as the sheath which holdes the sworde of the spirite.
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no merueil if they doe not pearse the hartes of Infideles.
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he|retikes and Idolaters belonge all to one self maister:
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This is the Romain Church vvhich did conuert the Saxons and the vvhole coutrey of Almains,
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conuerted the 61 Vandales, Bulgarians, Sclauonians, Polonians, Danes, Norwaies, Hungarians, Morauians, vvith
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one only mounke S. Vincent of the order of S. Do|minike did conuert to the faith 25000. as vvel Iewes as sararins.
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all their force is no maner of waye to get the Infidels, but only to distroy the Christians.
7th mark - conformite of doctrine with the Primitive Church
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auncient fathers did teach the same do|ctrine that we doe at this day, and condem|ned for heretical that whiche we condemne, their bookes beare vvitnes therof;
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who so euer readeth them shal necessarelie frame to him self a catholike spirit,
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they breathe out nothing but humilitie, abatement of presumption, abne|gation or denial of them selues,
8th mark - holiness of doctrine
Note - Location 704
False religion teaches bad manners
Highlight (pink) - Location 704
doth not contein any falsehood concerning matter of faith; nor iniustice concerning maners:
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some manifest impietie, or some iniustice di|rectly contrary to reason· as the sect of Cal|uin doth make God authour of sinne:
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al theyr writings be impugnours of chastitie, of virginitie, of Religion: in|veihing against fasting, against vovves,
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establishing all vice: prouoking to dis|paire: & laboring to extingwishe the seed of immortalitie in the hartes of men.
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she doth teach many things in her misteries aboue reason, but nothing against reason:
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she doth exhorte all her childre~ to walke holilie, iustlie,
Highlight (blue) - Location 713
to haue their verie thoughts holie, purging, il|luminating, & making them perfect for to present them holie to God.
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nothing vniust, nothing impure:
Highlight (blue) - Location 715
comandementes of the true God, or his marueilles declared,
Highlight (blue) - Location 716
ther is no perfect ioye nor true consolation in the vvorlde but there: for that there is not any remissio~ of sinnes in the world but there.
9. mark - holiness of life
Highlight (pink) - Location 721
seruants of the deuil may haue the same in dissimulation. The deuil (sayth he) hath his meeke men, and his humble men: he hath his chaste men, his almes giuers: his fasters,
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to the end that between the true good and the good faigned there should be a confusion,
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they searching the men of God, they light vpon men of the deuil:
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onlie charitie, that the vncleane spirit can not counterfeit.
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by no other action of Iustice a man may so wel discerne where the holie ghost is, as by the vertue of charitie.
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All heresies at te beginninge come masked with a superficial holines,
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as the ape learned by arte to hold the candle
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at the sight of a nut caste before him leaueth all for to runne after it:
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they can not long time indure without manifesting the 65 spirit wherof they be.
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as theyr father was a morderer from the beginning,
Highlight (pink) - Location 732
they be come straight waies theeues,
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worse then Panimes and Barba|rians,
Highlight (yellow) - Location 733
aboue all other vices, Pride is to them peculiar.
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all thes heresies doe springe by acci|dent of some euil occasion. Egesippus speaking
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the church was called a virgin, not being yet corrupted by adulterous doctrine, but
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denied a bishoprike; did beginne to trowble and corrupt all things. It
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Simo~ Magus, Valentin, Marrian, Arrius,
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disdeining that others were preferred before them, they made a secte for to reuenge them selues,
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being eloquent and of great witt, and of those that S. Iohn calleth false Prophetes issued out of the throat of the dragon:
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he would haue denied the presens of Iesus Christ in the Eucharist, if the scrip|ture had not bene so cleare;
Highlight (yellow) - Location 750
he did see that he might do much hart to the Papacie. He
Note - Location 753
Devil taught Luther
Highlight (pink) - Location 753
he sayth, that the deuil did teache him that the masse was an euil thing, and that persuaded by the [Note: Conrae. Gesn. in Bibl. Luth. ] reasons of the deuil he did abolishe the masse.
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to the end that all the world may know that they be not Pa|pistes, and that they do not trust any vvhit at all in good vvorkes, they doe none at all:
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acknowleged that his owne disciples gaue them selues to be more reuengeful, more couetous, proude, vnmer|cifull, vnrulie,
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cheeflie caused for that they had taken away auriculer confession, they vvhere desirous to restore the same again
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Apostatas of nature, publishing their sinnes like So|dome, and not hiding the same; hell it selfe could not cast forth more filth
Highlight (pink) - Location 773
digged out of the earth the bookes of impietie and ethnical 68 corruptions vvhich our forefathers had buried.
Note - Location 773
Heretics revived wicked literature wisely buried by Catholic ancestors
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they helpe them [Note: Beza imag. ] selues with
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witche craft, withe Magick, and with the deuelishe arte
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I would neuer haue beleued that Sathan had bene so impudent, if I had not seen the same in their bokes. They do reuile all auncient fathers with shameful in|iureis, exalting the olde heretikes
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say, that S. Hierom and S. Augustin in that, that they did gainsey IOVINIAN were the~ selues heretikes.
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in their writinges do appeare so many iniureis, such false accusations, and lyes, and not any light of Charitie,
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for to consider by the motion of vvhat spirit they haue burned our Churches, martired, cruellie our priestes, destroyed our howses, & committed a million of in humanities, they should see that such thinges be not the markes of the true church.
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spirit of God is not in a tempest of wind ouerthrowing
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spirit, calme, and gentle, woorking no harme nor ruine, but creating a new & reuiuing in such sort, as the scrip|ture sayth that he did manifest him self to Elias.
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Catholike people, it is too true that there be manie wicked,
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there are also many that
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endeuor to kepe them selues vndefiled of this world: which had rather lose their goodes & their liues then the grace of God.
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flud of corruption which hath swaie, hath ouerthrowen manie,
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Sathan doth reape the field and gather the vines, and that God doth not but gleane or leaze after him.
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VVho if they fall somtime by infirmitie, yet they rise againe quickly,
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praying vnto God incessantlie that he will fortifie them:
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and when they must resolue them selues, will forsake all the respectes of the world for the honour of God.
Highlight (orange) - Location 797
our priests it can not be dissembled, but that there be dreedfull scandals,
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those men that deserue high punishment haue there the highest honours,
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moued more by by exemple, than by reason, doe fall by to much marking the maners of manye pre|lates.
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yet are there some found not vnworthie, dis|persed here and there,
Highlight (orange) - Location 801
The grief is that the greater parte doth surmount the better;
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In the mean tyme, good or bad as we haue them we honor them, as mi|nisters
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we must alwaies make distinction betwene the vocation and the person.
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mines of golde and siluer, one shal not finde the golde all pure:
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but one litle vein vpon a grain of the earth: Yet men let not for that, to take that veine and leaue the earth.
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golde and the siluer be the Sacramentes and the vvord of God: the earth is the corrupted maners. The
Highlight (pink) - Location 806
holines of the church co~sisteth not in the persons, but in the Sacramentes sayth
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ought [Note: Optatus. ] to be as Melchisedech without father, vvithout mother, vvithout genealogie,
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all spiritual, al pure, all holie, vvith|out fleashelie affection, as if they vvere 72 descended from heauen, not subiect to the passions of men:
Note - Location 810
Preaching good but doing evil like carpenters of Noe
Highlight (pink) - Location 810
if thei preach the good and do the euill, they be like the carpenters of the arke of Noe, which taking no care to saue them selues did not enter therin: or
Highlight (pink) - Location 812
Noe did not cast him self in to the water be|cause of the vncleanes of the beastes vvhich weare in the arke:
Highlight (yellow) - Location 813
vve must not depart from the Church for the vices of men.
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If a sike man should refuse the remedie of a Phi|sition, for that the phisition him self is subict to the like disease, he were misaduised.
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The grace of the Sacramentes is not of lesse force for the euill life of a priest:
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beames of the sunne do not defile them selues passing by vncleane places; much lesse doe the Sacramentes
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A man must neuer ground his religion vpon the perfection of creatures: for that vvere idolatrie.
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weake and vnperfect as wee, and can haue compssion on vs,
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If God had giuen vs Angels for pastors, they would haue required too great perfections of vs.
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How contemptible so euer the person of the priest be, I consider God in him, and not the man:
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honoring the contemptible man, in that he is the vicar of God, I honour God more, than if I honored a holie man which were perfect: because I doe it not for any other respect than for the loue of God:
Highlight (blue) - Location 827
From Moises 74 vnto the Messias, the Sinagogue alwayes taught the truth: so the chaire of Messias shal teach the truth,
Note - Location 828
Papacy constrains popes to say well even if their personal conduct is unwell
Highlight (pink) - Location 828
grace of the chaire is of that force, that the same doth constraine those to say wel which do not wel: but manie in that chaire do the one & the other.
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Among Catholikes there be good people, & all may be such: but among heretikes there be none good, nor none can be.
10th mark - glory of miracles
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to raise the dead, to make the blind to see, to helpe the lame, and to cure diseases which are natu|ralie incurable.
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But neuer were there true miracles in the worlde but among the Iewes and the Catholikes:
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Mahomet sayth in the Alcoran, that the mi|racles haue bene giuen to Iesus Christ, and the sword to him.
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an oxe and an Image vvhich did speake, water caried in a siue by a vestal 75 virgin,
Highlight (pink) - Location 841
such like, be al light toyes tending not to the vinification or bettering of anie creature, but be secret trickes which the deuils might ea|silie doe for to amaze and to maintein the folies of Paganisme.
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TACITVS haue written of Vespasian, that he did make one that was blinde to see with his spitle, and heale one that was lame,
Highlight (pink) - Location 846
those be the miracles of Iesus christe, which those prophane persons wold rob him of, for to attribute them to their Em|pereur:
Note - Location 846
Stole miracles of Christ
Highlight (yellow) - Location 850
whereby one may see that the Author of the healing of that blind, was the God of the christia~s.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 853
co~monlie things which be done in countries fer of, be disguised and altered by them vvhich report them:
Highlight (yellow) - Location 854
giuing for historie that vvhich they did imagin, accor|ding to their darknes,
Highlight (yellow) - Location 858
Likerwise the Li|caonians did call Barnabas Iupiter, & S. Paul, Mercurie,
Highlight (yellow) - Location 860
vnderstanding that the Chri|stians did vvorship Iesus Christ in the Eu|charist, said that they did vvoorshippe Ce|res and Bacchus.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 865
Tacitus doth write that the Phi|siciens assembled did saye, that the disease of those two were curable:
Highlight (yellow) - Location 865
in the one the facultie of sight was not lost; and that the same might come again,
Note - Location 867
If naturally might be healed, not true miracle
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if the diseases which naturalie might be healed, haue bene cured by the craft of the deuil: that is not a true miracle.
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the deuil, which [Note: Tert. in Apol. ] did hinder in the one the vse of the eie, and in the other the vse of the legges, to the end that he might seme to heale,
Highlight (pink) - Location 870
to the ende that he might darken the true miracles of Iesus Christ,
Highlight (blue) - Location 870
vnforged miracles haue neuer bene but in the Catholike Church,
Highlight (blue) - Location 871
at all times according to necessarie occasion God hath wrought them,
Highlight (pink) - Location 872
hauing no more need of such vvatering; they haue bene lesse fre|quented. for that it is not for the benefite of the Church to haue so often miracles.
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it is not much more then a hundred yeares from S. Vincent, he which did con|uert 25. thowsand Iewes and Sarasins, of whom 38. dead men weare reised from death to life.
Highlight (blue) - Location 879
Of our time it hath bene written from the Indiens newlie discouered, that Francis Xauier priest, a Iesuit hath healed some of the palsey, some deafe, some domme, some blinde: and raised one dead,
Highlight (blue) - Location 881
new heretikes haue suborned poore people for to counterfait them selues to be dead, to the end that they might raise them again in the assemble of people,
Highlight (blue) - Location 883
counterfaiting to be dead, haue dyed indeed in the act of their feyning, to the con|fusion of the deceiuers.
11th mark - unhappy end of archheretics and their protectors
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prosperitie of those that haue defended the Church.
Highlight (orange) - Location 887
austere and hard to his true children, to the end to a vvake them again, and that they remain not setled in the earth.
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ouer and aboue the most happie eternitie, vvhich is assured vnto them, he doth reward them also temporallie:
Highlight (pink) - Location 893
Simon Magus caried by the deuil in the ayr, at the prayer of S. Peter did fall downe and all brused died shamefullie:
Highlight (yellow) - Location 894
Monta|nus did hang him self: Arrius
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casting out his intrailes: Ne|storius vvas eaten of vermin.
Highlight (pink) - Location 895
Luther died sodenlie the same night that at sopper he had tippled square, gossiped, and made all the companie to laugh.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 896
Corolsta|dius slaine of a deuil by the testimonie of his own disciples.
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Anastasius vvas striken vvith thunder:
Highlight (yellow) - Location 899
Herods, as also Nero, Domitian, Maximin and all the other persecutors of Christians be mise|rablie dead,
Highlight (pink) - Location 900
Contrariwise all the Emperours and Catho|like kinges which haue defe~ded the church, haue bene glorious in the vvorld: God hath made the~ triu~phe ouer their enemies,
Highlight (pink) - Location 902
So longe as Heraclius vvas a good catholike, he prospered against the Persians: after that he bekame an heretike, he vvas vnhappie and died miserablie:
Highlight (pink) - Location 904
Emperours of the east, did vvithdraw them selues from the Romain Church, they grew from daie to daie in decaie, vvaxing weakar and weakar till they lost the Empire.
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Emperours of the west haue floris hed more or lesse, according as their deuocion vvas more or lesse to the church:
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for Fraunce vve can not denie that euer it hath bene in greater glorie and more redowted to the world, than when it vvas a refuge to Popes; and hath neuer de|clined so much as vvhen it hath bene against 82 them.
Note - Location 907
France flourished when refuge to popes, but declined when against popes.
Highlight (blue) - Location 908
in the yere 1531. the Catho|like Suissers had fiue battailes against the he|retik Suissers,
Highlight (blue) - Location 912
Germanie 1547. Charles the fifte vvith a small number had a marueilous victoire of the Lutherans, which had an armie of more then threescore thow|sand men.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 914
seldome or neuer haue the heretikes in iuste battel ouercome the catholikes,
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those vvhich at this daie put 83 them selues in force to defend the Church, God shal croune them vvith honour and glorie, and shal heape vnto them goods, pro|sperities, and temporal blessings,
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Heap on them temporal blessing
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shal cause his vvrath and all maledictions and shames to raigne vpon the persecutors, and vpon the secret traitors vvhich doe fauour he|resie.
12th mark: union of the members with their sovereign head
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Our Sauiour being desirous to giue vs suer and setteled centre in the sphere of his church, from the vvhich all the lines of the doctrine of salua|tion should be drawen to the circumference of the vvorld,
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lifte|nant, and vice gerent in earth,
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Monarchie called the vicareige of IESVS Christ,
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an armie vvithout a leader: a bodie vvithout a head: a building vvithout foun|dation:
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confused chaos, dis|ordered & voyd of all proportion, and an A|narchie
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God vvhich is the author of order and not of confusion, vvhich hath appoin|ted an order among the Angels,
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Who so euer dissembleth to [Note: Thirtie tvvo prerogatiues of S, Peter. ] see in the text of the gospel the principalitie of S. Peter,
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he is a re|bel to light, and fleeth the truth, of set pur|pose, and doth shew that he is stirred by the wickednes of a poisoned hart:
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S. Peter is only he among the Apostles to whom our sauiour hath chaunged the name,
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Now God did neuer put new name, but when he made some great new benefite in the vvorld, giuing vvith the 86 name the efficacie of the which it doth signi|fie:
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na|ming Peter, he gaue him the firmnes of the rocke and of stone, for to ground vpon him some great new building.
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al the other holding their peace, & suffering the ignorant opino~ of the co~mon people to preuaile which had so base an imagination of IESVS Christ,
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S. Peter only put him self forward not hauing respect to the substance of fleashe and blood;
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reuelation of the soueraigne father he did see with the eies of the minde the sonne of the liuing God; and confessed the gloire of his deitie,
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Christ: Thow art Christ the sonne of the liuing God: as if he had said, thow art not Elias, 87 which was taken vp into heauen,
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thou art not a prophet to whom are reuealed the things to come, but Iesus Christ which hast present in thy sight all eternitie.
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he which ought to hold the chaire of Iesus Christ, for to teach all the world the true religion, should haue that loftines of faith, that greatenes of knowleige,
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greate participarion of his name, rocke. And to the end that that name should not be void and idle, he promised him rhat vpon that stone, he would build
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all that he sholde bynde and vnbynde in earth should be bound and vnbound in heauen:
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whom only in particular he praied to his father, to the end his faith should not fayle: to whom onlie he gaue charge to confirme the faith of his brethere~: of whom, as head of others, he did require more loue then of others. whose feet he did first vvashe accordng to S. Augustin:
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him: who onlie, vvhen the disciples were scandalized at the vvordes of our sauiour, saying that he vvolde giue his bodie to eate, answered for all the Apostles, and sayd: Lorde thow hast the wordes of life euerlastlng, and we beleeue the same: whom
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That S. Peter after the sending of the holie ghost, did first preache and conuert in two sermo~s eight thowsand soules:
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he as so|ueraine iudge did condemne the fraude and 90 hipocrisie of Ananias and Saphira, whom he did kill with his woord:
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condemne the first notable Archehere|tike Simon Magus:
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Peter as head of the twelue, is sent to the head of the 91 world, to the Queene of cities, the cheif ci|tie of the Romain Empire; to the end,
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might sprede it self abroode more easilie from the head to all the bodie of the world:
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in the primatiue Church, in the testimonial letters that they gaue to those that went in to farre cou~tries,
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to the end they might be receiued where they went
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there was put downe in subscription after 92 the first letters of the names of the father, of the sonne and of the holie ghoste, the first letter of the name of S. Peter, for witnes, that such a one was Catholike. Finallie let
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Church hath made a feast, or holie dare of the chaire of S. Peter,
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to giue him a chaire eminent aboue the others which shold alwais be certein, vnto whom al the world may haue recourse,
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which feast is very auncient. For Bede and S. Augustin, make mention
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But in none of the other Apostles are the prerogatiues found
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it is well knowen that our sauiour giuing a head to his Church hath not intended to giue onlie the same for the time of S. Peter; as if the Church had had no need therof after him.
TESTIMONIES OF THE fathers, and of Councels, for the supremacie of S. Peter.
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heretikes be so impudent liars, as to sey that the auncient fathers haue neuer geuen to S. Peter nor to his successours
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names of Prince,of Head, or of Soueraigne, I
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S. Irene, being nere to the tyme, of the [Note: Iren. l. 3. c. 3. ] Apostles, sayd.
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all the world should resorte to the Romain Church
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in this Church, the true traditions of the Apostles,
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hath always bene kept. S. Ciprian, he which forsaketh the Chaire of sainct Peter
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doth he think to be 94 in the Church?
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he doth call S. Peter the head, the fountain the Roote, and the matrice of the Church:
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cause of all heresies procedeth of this, that men be not obedient to one onelie Bishop, vicar of Iesus Christ.
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one ys chosen head for to take away all oc|casions [Note: Hieron. cont. Io[...]a. 71. ] of schisme,
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he did write to Rome to Pope Damasus in these termes:
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If I doe erre in any maner of fassion as Ignorant, or as mis|aduised: I desire that you correcte me, sithens that you haue the seate and the faith of S. Peter.
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Your citie of Rome is happie, where the faith of the fathers kepeth it selfe vncorrupted.
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Now in the vvest, the sonne of Iu|stice doth rise: Here in the East, that Luci|fer vvich did fall from heauen, hath set his throne:
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I shunne euerie here|tike, I folowe yow onelie,
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Who eats lamb out of Church is antichrist
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vpon this Rocke the Church is gronded, that vvhosoeuer out of this house doth eate the Lambe, he is pro|phaned, he is not of Iesus Christ: he is of Antechrist.
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Romain Church a verie pure fountain, vvhich doth not receiue Illusions against the faith:
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allwayes continued immaculate,
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neuer heresie tooke beginning at Rome.
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Repentance of S. Peter: Our Lord (sayth he) hath healed the disease of all the bodie in the head: and in the verie toppe of [Note: Aug. ser. 144. de paen. Pet. ] the Church.
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praying for S. Peter he hath prayed for all; for that the benefit of the head doth redounde to the people.
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onely ship of the Church, whereof S. Peter is the gouernour, that ship doth so swimme in the high See of the world, that the vvorld perishing, she shall kepe safe: (as did the Arke of Noe in the shipwrake of the world)
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as the flud being passed,
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doue brought into the Arke the signe of peace: euen so after the burning of the vvorld,
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Iesus Christ shall bringe the signe of his peace
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as an vnmouable Rocke,
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Optatus emong the markes, of the true church putteth the chaire [Note: Optat. li. 2. ] of S. Peter for the first, and cheefe.
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S. Leo. Of all the world onely S. Peter [Note: Leo ser. 3. ] is chosen president
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Prosper. Rome is the seat of S. Peter: 98 A Hatchet of heresies: the head of all
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That which she can not possesse by Armes, she doth hold the same by religion.
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Rome rules world not by physical force but by religion
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care & prin|cipalitie of the whole Church hath bene gi|uen to S, Peter,
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by the voice of our Lord him selfe.
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Bede. S. Peter hath specially had the keyes
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whosoeuer doth separat him self from the vnitie of the faith, & of the societie of S. Peter, he can not be absolued from the bandes of his sinnes, nor be brought in at the gate of the kingdome of heauen.
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Bernard, A man doubtles very holy,
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vsed these termes to Pope Innocent: we
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being a thing mete that the detriments of the faith may be restored in that place, where the faith ca~ not receiue detrime~t: for this is the prero|gatiue of that seat.
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There can be no detriment in faith of Rome
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the great priest, the soueraign Bishop, Prince of Bishops,
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In Primacie Abel: In Patriarchie Abra|ham: Moises in authoritie: S. Peter in power:
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euerie one flokes assigned a part: to the all flockes are co~mitted,
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not onely Pastour of Sheepe, but Pastour of Pastours.
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Origen saith that the gouernement of the Church hath bene gi|uen to S. Peter:
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S. Greg. Nazianz.
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disciples of Iesus Christ, all great & excellent, & wourthie to be heades, haue neuer the lesse bene very wel content, to be put behind S. Peter
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S. Basil: Iesus christ him self is trulie the [Note: Basil. de paenit. ] immouable Rocke, S. Peter is so by Reason of that Rocke:
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who art after me the stone, and the foundation of the Church,
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S. Thomas citeth out of S. Cirill
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As Iesus Christ hath receiued of the father the scepter of the Gentiles;
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co~mitted it to S. Peter and to his successors;
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S. Hierome haue applied that place of S. Paule to the Romaines,(your faith is preached through the vniuersall world:) in
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As if S. Paul should giue thancks to GOD for the conuersion of that place, which should be the oracle of the vniuersal Church, and wherof dependeth the conuer|sion of the whole whorld.
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Conversion whereof depends conversion of whole world
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that, as Moises was head of the societie of the Hebrewes; euen so was S. Peter of the Church of Christians: And as the one was Prince of the olde Testa|ment: so the other is likewise head of the new.
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appointed S. Peter Prince & head for euer, not onely of the Latines and of Greekes, but of Armenians, of Arabians, of Iewes,
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General Councels,
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doe testifie the Primacie of the chaire of S. Peter,
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Romain [Note: Concil.Nice. ] Church is the Rule of the others.
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Councel of Calcedon, where Pope Leo is caled Bishop of the vniuersal Church,
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Councel of Constantinople, where Menas the Patriarche was president,
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we folowe the Sea Apostolike, & it we obey,
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those which are condemned by it, we condemne also.
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He should make a great volume, which would gather together all the testimonies of the supremacie of S. Peter,
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so cleere in the primitiue church, that certain heretikes,
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to procure authoritie to their sect, did faigne to haue co~munion with the Romain Church,
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Bishop of their sect, whom they caused to remain at Rome secretely, that they might say that they had that marke of the true church, which is of the chaire of S. Pet.
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to proue by the~ that he was bishop of Rome & succes|sour of S. Peter,
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conuicted of this falshood were co~founded and made ridiculous.
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Emperours the~ selues haue acknow|leged the bishop of Rome to be head
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so publik|lie, as the Paymin Authors make mention therof,
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doe not enter here into the groundes of the doctrin of the Catholike Church; The principal scope of this present treatise, was onely
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out of the Catholike Church, man can not be saued whatsoeuer thing he doth,
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outeward, markes, the which without farder disputa|tion may be sufficient to euery Christian ma~, to resolue him selfe, touching all difficulties whatsoeuer, for all the controuersies which haue bene, are, and euer shal be, in the faith,
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Sufficient without farther disputation
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reduced to that onely head, to finde the true Church. Which being ones found,
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there is but one Church: and that the same can not erre, being (as 105 saith S. Paul) The piller and seur grounde of truth. And
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whosoeuer shall doubt of any thing,
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he must onely marke that which the Church doth teach
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resol|ue him selfe more assuredly, then if an Angel of heauen were descended expressely, to in|forme him of the same.
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name Romain,is not to the town of Rome but the to chaire of S. Peter,
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sathan hath ouercome the Churches of the other Apostles, and ouerthrowen their chaire, In Hierusalem, in Alexandria, in Ephesus, and
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world. She hath destroyed Paganisme, ouer|throwen Idolatrie, expelled al heresies, tamid kingdomes & Empires, ouercome the Phi|losophers, driuen away the darkenes of the world, & hath gained to god all men of good will.
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A burning light not to be quenched, and an infallible Pole starre,
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To her onely in the troublesome and tempestous sea of variable opinions of men, we must haue regard.
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Sea of variable opinions of men
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quickening plant that God hath planted in earth, hauing her Roote in heauen:
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Plant on earth with root in heaven
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not possible for men to root her out,
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victorious, ouer all her enemies, not by 107 the merits of men, but by the efficacie of that prayer which our sauiour made
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promises of the truth it selfe can not be vaine.
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Christ sayd of the temple of Hierusalem, that there should not one stone remayne vpo~ an other: and so it came to passe, The Iewes edeuon|red them selues with might and maine to build the same again, but fier came
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Let these wicked Spirites, heretikes. Schismatikes, Hypocrites, and deuelishe men, lay their embushes, conspire,
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They fight against the prayer and promise of our Sauiour: they doe fight against GOD him selfe.
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Many Angels did fall, many mem|bers of the Church doe fall dayly:
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108 kingdom of Angels was neuer wholly ouer|throwen, so the whole Church shall neuer be vanquished.
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Hel may shake the earth, but not the heauens.
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a thowsand hels shal neuer be able to preuaile against that church
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goe 109 where thou wilt searching the truth, thou shalt not find the same out of this Church.
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chaire of S. Peter is the chaire of Iesus Christ, and of the truth it self, al other chaires are the chaires of pestilence.
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what so euer they be in their maners, those are particular matters personal, and separated from the chaire, which is a dignitie,
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in manie ther is not a cromme of the holines of S. Peter; & that they be scandelouslie gone a straie from the life Apostolike, but they teach the faith of S. Peter
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Looke not then vpon the faultes of the persons: haue re|gard to the promise
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thow art vnwoorthie of any other prayer and promesse of our sauiour.
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The chaire of S. Peter is the maistresse of the faith: I wold that she were also the example of holie life.
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Doe not say apart to thy selfe that thou doest worshippe Iesus Christ; that thou doest beleeue the Gospel; and that thou doest re|solue thy self according to the expresse word of God; euen so sayd Arrius, Mani|cheus,
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Thou doest not worship Iesus: It is thy ima|gination and thy particular fansie (wherof thou doest make an Idol) which thou doest worshipe:
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doest bowe thy self downe before the woord of the deceiuer that hath 111 seduced the; & not before the woord of God:
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That which the here|tike doth teach, is the expresse woord of the deuil, which doth vsurp the iudgement of the expresse woord of God,
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There is no crime which se|perateth more from God, than heresie:
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Adulterie, Meslanghter, couetous|nes and other, doe depriue men of the grace of God, but thei doe not driue a man from the Church,
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heresie doth not onlie take away grace, but doth also cut away the root of life,
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faith is the foundation of all Christian building.
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onlie heresie is a sufficient cause why the heretike can
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neuer haue the life of the iust of God.
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a stone drawen from the wall, which doth much hurt to the building: But heresie is as it were the vndermyning of the founda|tion,
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no man can saue him selfe without the Sacraments of the Church: The Sacraments be not admi|nistred but by the priest,
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then what so euer thing that man doth, it is im|possible by all impossibilitie to saue him self out of the Catholike,
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Doe not resist thees argume~ts: the more thou doest enforce they self to auoide them by euasions, so many more hal|ters doest thou put about thine owne neck, & smitest the axe in to thine owne foot:
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heretike is subuerted and condem|ned by his owne proper iugement,
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fornicator, the adulterer, the manslaer and other euil doers, be driuen out of the Church against their willes by the priestes:
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throw|ing them selues downe hedlonge from their proper fredome, in to the bottomlesse pitt of euerlasting perdition.
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as the Angels of God did exhort the handmaide Agar, that was departed with her sonne
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thinke on thy estate, that thou comest from a noble house, riche, ful of the blessings of God: that thou goest to 114 cast thy self as a strayed sheepe into the throte of the woolf,
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thou goest in to the sect of a deceiuer, which is one particuler man, by whose mouth sathan
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bottom|lesse pitt of heresie, which is the bottomlesse pitt of death and euerlasting damnation.
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] If thou hast erred vntil this tyme, cut the threde of thy errours:
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be the disciple, not of any particular man what so euer he maye be, were he more holy and more elo|quent then an Angel, but only of the Ca|tholike Church, the which can neuer erre;

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe