Friday, August 21, 2020

A Consultation what Faith and Religion is Best to be Embraced by Lessius (Highlights)

A Consultation what Faith and Religion is Best to be Embraced Lessius
Citation (APA): Lessius. (2018). Consultation on Best Religion [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

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traffike, that may more redound to the profit of your Soules, then your temporall Estates:
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eternall woe and misery, though otherwise one were neuer so fortunate in all worldly prosperity.
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so great variety of forcible Motiues, both sin|gularly chosen, and most apt|ly expressed, to settle mens Consciences in so waighty an affayre as this is; I haue therfore thought good to present it to your View,
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Neither should it offend you, that (your Consciences hauing byn setled· these 60. yeares last past in the Faith that was then proposed vnto you) now a new reuiew of matters belonging to Religi|on should be offered.
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no disgrace, or signe of leuity or inconstan|cy by a diligent and iudicious examen to try which of all these diuers spirits is of God,
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In which important search the Reading of this little, but golden Treatise, will by Gods grace affoard such light to discerne Truth from Fals|hood,
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reade with that humblenes of spirit, as they ought to do, who desyre to know the Truth.
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consi|der attentiuely euery Passage, & ponder the waight and sub|stance of ech Reason,
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GREAT is the variety of Re|ligion in this our age, and great is the contention a|bout the truth therof.
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imbrace any Reli|gion which by chance they light vpon, without either examining or vnder stan|ding
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This busines, notwithstanding, is most worthy of great deliberation and discussion,
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all other things, be they good or bad, are nothing in comparison therof.
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dependeth of good or bad Religion. If thy Religion be good, it shall be easy for thee to obtaine salua|tion; but if it be euill, it is impossible for thee to be saued.
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By euill or false Reli|gion thou canst not please God, [Note: Hebr. 11. ] & con|sequently not obtayne pardon of thy sinnes;
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true Religion is on|ly one, and not manifold; for that there is but one verity, one faith, [Note: Ephes.4. ] one baptis|me, one God
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all Confessions of faith, besides this only one, are false, hurtefull, pestilent, and brought in by the Diuell, as author therof, and the Father of lyes.
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all that shall be destitute therof, although otherwise they liue neuer so well, shall infallibly perish eternally.
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if I should de|liuer my body, so that I burne, and haue not ch[...]|rity, 4 it doth profit me nothing;) may with bet|ter reaso~ be spoken of true faith & religi|on, which is the vary foundatio~ of chari|ty,
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simple people, that thinke it to be inough to their saluatio~, if they belieue in Christ, and that he dyed for their sinnes, although they be|lieue not many other things;
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for so should almost all Sects of beretikes be saued,
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all (except some few) do im|brace Christ (or els they should not be heretikes, but Apostataes)
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wherfore doth the Apostle command vs to aouyd an here|ticall man after one or two reprehensions. [Note: 2. Tim 2. ] Wher|fore should we beware of their very spe|aches, 5 as a certaine infectious canker?
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Let vs imagine (saith he) a man to be chast,
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liberal to the poore, no mans enemy, not contentious, [Note: Aug. l. 4. cont. Do|nat. cap. 8. ] patient
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frugall &c. but yet an hereticke; let there be no doubt at all to any, but that such a one, for this only thing, in that he is an heretike, shal not possesse the kingdome of God.
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who offendeth in one com|mandement is made guilty of all & loo|seth his whole iustice, although he keep the rest of the commandement[...],
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supreme Verity being one and the same hath reuealed all the articles of faith, and doth propose the same to be beleeued of vs, by the Church her spouse, [Note: 1. Tim. 3. ] which is the pillar and firmament of truth.
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but he belieueth them with a certaine humane faith, that is to say, because by his owne priuate iudgment or opinio~ he so thinketh them to be belieued;
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we eyther expressoly belieue, or be ready to belieue them all
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it is manifest, how carefully we ought to endeauour to obtaine true faith and Religion,
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without which most certaine damnation is to be expected.
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Considerations or Rea|sons, manifest and perspicuous to euery one of ordinary capacity,
I. CONSIDERATION. Of the desyre of perfection, wherunto Christian Religion leadeth.
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chiefe end and scope of Religion is to sequester mens affe|ctions from these base and temporall things,
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Such is the only Catholike Re|ligion, and no other.
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persuadeth to abstaine from pleasures of the flesh, and alluiements of this life:
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She counselleth fasting, haire|cloath, lying on the ground
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so many in the Catholike Church, who conte~ning riches, honors, and pleasures, which they either enioy|ed, or might haue done, haue forsaken the world,
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many rich men, many excellent wittes, many most eloquent,
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This is that most worthy enfigne of diuine spirit & true religion.
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this religion can be no other then celestiall, which thus by violence draweth mans nature fro~ these base earthly things,
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worketh such wonderfull changes in men.
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they are so far from teaching austerity of life, or contempt of wordly delight, as they call fasting a humane tradition,
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Abstinence from flesh, they call superstition: monasticall vowes, they say, are wicked, vaine,
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chastity they teach to be impossible, [Note: lib. de vita coniugali. ] all must marry,
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wyuing, which, as Luther saith,is as necessary, as to eate, drinke sleep
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imbrace a loose, vulgar, worldly life, agreable to the inclination of the flesh,
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considering mans in|firmity, doth not commaund pouerty, chastity, single life,
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yet notwithstanding doth he counsell vs, and inuite vs therto with great reward,
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these now Religions altogeather disal|low the desire or study of perfection, as inpossible or superstitious.
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they teach, That man by any good workes whatsoeuer meriteth nothing with God,
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nor shall haue neuer the more reward for his workes,
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only faith is esteemed and crowned with God &c.
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Who will bestow his labour & goods in vaine, & without any profit, but with hindrance to him|selfe?
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he did not only merit Eternall Saluation therby for vs, but also gaue vs force and strengh to merit for our selues.
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whe~ as we say Christ did not o~ly merit for vs, but gaue vs also force to merit for our selues; we do far more ex|toll 14 the force of his merittes then they who teach, that he alone did merit all, & left vs no strength to cooperate to his merits.
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like vnto certaine Philosophers, who taught that things created had no force in the~|selues to cooperate,
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iniured his Omnipotency, as if he could not giue force to things created to worke & cooperate with God.
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as the o|perations of things created are referred vnto God, as the Author of all, because he gaue them force,
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euen so are all the meritts of iust men referred vnto Christ, as Au|thor of them all,
II. CONSIDERATION. That Christian Religion excludeth liber|ty of sinning.
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THAT Religion is also to be pre|ferred, as most gratefull to God, which alloweth no liberty of sinning but by all meanes excludeth it.
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ought it also to feare them from synning, keep them in the feare of God,
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First, by the Sacrament of Pen|nance:
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seing they know that all their synnes must be discouered 16 one by one in Confession, and Pennance done accordingly;
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if any thing be stoine, or any losse or domage done, the same must be restored,
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required sorrow for their syns, and purpose to amend their life:
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Secondly by the doctrine of Sa|tisfaction & Purgatory.
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obligation of some great temporall payne,
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vnlesse we redeeme in this life by the exercise of good workes, to wit by pray|er, almes, abstinence, and the like;
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no euill shall remayne vnre|uenged.
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Thirdly, for that it teacheth, that one only mortall sinne
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Fourthly, for that it many wayes striketh into man the feare of God,
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he wil neuer haue him secure of his saluatio~,
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alwayes intent to do good workes, least at any time he be ey|ther ouercome by tentation or suppla~ted through the fraud of the Diuell,
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or els not pre|pared, suddainly surprized with vnex|pected death.
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in good Catholikes, who endeauour to liue according to their Religion, we dayly see a wonderfull care and sollici|tude in auoyding of synne:
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shaking of all feare of God, open the wyde gate to all liberty of synne and licentiousnes.
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because they take away the Sacrament of Confession, wherby men, as we haue said, are greatly hindred from synning.
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de|maunded, that the Emperour by his Imperiall power would command auricular Confession to be practised:
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they had found by experience, that their Co~monwelth after Co~fession had byn taken away, to abou~d with diuers crimes
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which were vnknowne vnto them before.
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saith Sotus, caused great laughter. For if 19 by Diuine law men were not bound to reueale their secret synnes
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how could they be com|pelled therunto by any humane precept, without fruites of remission of their synnes.
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because they deny the ne|cessity of satisfaction,
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say, if our satisfaction be of any value, that of Christ is insuffici|ent.
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they teach, that only faith is sufficient to the remission of all guilt and payne,
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they teach, that no sin shalbe imputed vnto him that hath a liuely faith. And
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reason Luther said, that the Commandements did no more belong to vs, then the cerimonies of the old law,
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That al these things are thus taught by them, is manifest
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euery man that is but mean[...]ly conuersant in these Sectes doth know it to be true.
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Nay, there is as much or rather more liberty giuen by these Religions, as by Atheisme.
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What should he feare Hell or Purgatory? Neyther: for by liuely faith alone, no syn shalbe imputed to any man,
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Doth he feare temporall satisfaction, or Confession? Neyther:
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What then doth this man more feare then any Atheist?
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What Atheisme teacheth, the Scripture witnesseth, when she fayth: The foole said in hic hart, [Note: Psal. 13. ] there is no God: they are corrupt,
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There is not one that doth good, there is not so much as one. And
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it taketh away the feare of Diuine punishment, wherby men are held as with a bridle from synning.
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this wholsome feare of God, is sooner taken a way then by Atheisme.
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few Atheists do certainly belieue, that there is not any God at al; but many doubt it, and feare the contrary,
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they giue a far greater scope to all wickednes, then Atheisme doth.
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wherfore then should they be sollici|tous, eyther to liue well, or to shun the workes of the flesh,
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Neyther can they feare the paynes of Purgatory, which they beleeue not: nor yet can they feare punishments in this life,
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if there be no liberty, there is pro|perly no sinne:
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yet sinneth not; because he doth it not freely, but by the vehement 24 instigation of nature;
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that which is done by force of necessity, deserueth no puni|shment: Wherefore there shalbe no hell nor any punishment
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it should be a great and intol|lerable cruelty to damne a man to euer|lasting torments for those things which by no meanes he could auoid.
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God is not the reuenger of that wherof he is the Au|thor,
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vnder the colour (forsooth) of diuine religion and honour,
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will thinke such Religions to come from God?
III. CONSIDERATION. Drawne fro~ the Sanctity of the followers of true Religion.
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it cannot be that a naughty religion should lead a man to sanctity,
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That they were most holy men; it is the common consent of all Christian people
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heretikes themselues do also confesse of diuers of them, and specially of S. Bernard, S. Do|minick, and S. Francis. For
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great impudency to deny or call into doubt, that which the consent of the whole world auerreth.
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impossible, that a false religion should lead to true sanctity,
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It cannot be, that a false religion should withdraw the mind fro~ earthly things,
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force the same to vndergo so great labours & paines for procuring the health of her neighbours soules.
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Secondly, for that, without true religion, [Note: Hebr. 11. ] it is impossible to please God.
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how could they please God who is verity it selfe, by a false reli|gion?
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by his lying and deceytes doth euer seeke to corrupt the true religion, thereby to destroy soules.
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Fourthly: It is altogeather in|credible that God should permit men so innocent, so contemning themselues and worldly affaires, so studious of his di|uine glory, and ardent louers of him, to be deceiued for so many ages, in a matter of so great moment, to witt, in the bu|sines of religion
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all their life tyme, aske, seeke, and knocke, that they might obtaine of our Lord things nece|ssary for their health, & to know and fullfill his will
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addicted to the Roman Church, de|testing and hating all other faith and Religion that was contrary to this;
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Roman is the only true, and heauenly inspired Religion. And all Religions besides, are false and inuented by the Diuell.
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without true Reli|gion it is impossible to please God.
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ignorance doth not excuse,
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otherwise any man may obtayne saluation without any knowledg of God or Christ at al, which is repugnant to al Scripture.
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by consent of all, there is no saluation) & did adhere to the whore of Babylon (for so do they call the Roman Church)
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in other Religions there were neuer any of famous sanctity,
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their very first Authors were giuen to temporall commodities, and were fol|lowers of pleasures;
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feare of punish|ment, hope of Reward, and the excel|lency it selfe
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omitting nothing wherby to stir them vp to auoyd sinne
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he that should take away that which is wont to incite men to the study of good workes, should be the cause of their neglect and contempt of the same.
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not to be imputed to their Religio~ but to the liber|ty only of their freewill:
IIII. CONSIDERATION. From the Miracles wrought by the Im|bracers of Catholike Religion.
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miracles are as it were cor|taine diuine seales and Testimonies, wherby Religion is confirmed.
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some supernaturall arguments are therfore needfull, wherby mans vnderstanding may be conuinced. And these be miracles.
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partly feigned and partly wrought by the Diuell.
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yf these miracles were feigned, they might easily haue byn conuinced and refuted
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But neuer yet did any man reiect the~, except he were a Pagan, a Iew, or an Heretike.
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to say that they were feigned is to take away all credit of historyes,
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all things anciently done, that they were feigned, when as they cannot otherwise be proued, then by the wri|tings and testimony of Authors.
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far surpasse the Diuels power: for that the Diuell cannot giue sight to the blind, cure the lame, raise vp the dead,
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exceed all force of nature. Neyther could any Magitian euer do the same
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by only touching, or a few prayers, or the signe of the Crosse,
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those miracles that be wrought by the Diuell, do eyther continue but for a small eyme,
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or if they do continue, they are wrought by 41 naturall causes,
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such false miracles are for the most part not only vnprofitable to men,
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to make fire descend from heauen, to make statua', speake, and the like, which Anti|christ & his false prophets shall do in the last dayes, as out of the Apocalyps is gathered;
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neyther do these false miracles profit any to the amendment of life.
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very profitable to men, styrring them vp to the feare of God, and the amendment of their liues.
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New miracles were neuer approued in the Catholike Church without great and diligent examination therof before made:
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looked into, whether it may be wrought by the force of Nature, or power of the Diuell: all circumstances are considered,
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those, who would willingly exag|gerate the matter, or els make it doubt|full and suspected, if they could, and therfore they leaue nothing vntryed or discussed.
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it is impossible, that the deceyt, if any be, can longly hidden;
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pro|uidence of God not to permit men to be so miserably deluded, especially after so great diligence vsed, to search out the truth of the matter.
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Yf the miracles of the Catholick Church be wrought by the Diuell to retayne men in their false Re|ligion; why doth he not the like then in other Religions, to wit, among the Turkes, Arians, Anabaptistes, Liber|tines,
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he is deligh|ted with variety of false worship, that 43 he may accomodate himselfe to the in|clinations and affections of all men.
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our Lord hath plainly promised this grace of working miracles and curing,
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grace of working miracles should alwaies remaine in the Church, and that not the Apostles alone,
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very many of these miracles haue bin publikely done in the presence of many people; & there are no ancient histories extant (besides those that are conteined in holy scrip|ture) that haue so many and worthy witnesses
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In this very manner did the Scribes & Pharisies suppose the doctrine of Christ to be false and contradictory to that of Moyses, and therehence gathered that his miracles were false,
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we neuer yet read of mira|cles wrought in confirmation of false doctrine, such as many Saintes haue done in confirmation of true.
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We neuer read that dead were raised to life by he|retikes, the blind made to see, the lame straightened, the palsy euered, Diuells cast out of men.
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Indeed Luther sometime did attempt to cast out a Diuell from a feminine disciple of his, but he was in danger to haue byn stran|gled himself by that diuel,
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as witnessethFredericus Staphilus, who was present at the act.
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manner Caluin attempted to raise one to life who by his perswasio~ feigned him|selfe dead, but with that successe, that of aliue man he became dead indeed:
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endeauour to take quite away from the Catholike Church this most strong rocke and firmament of miracles, which altogeather conuinceth the vn|derstanding of man:
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pondering and weighing well the miracles of our Sauiour and his Apostles, with a quiet and humble mynd, setting aside all hatred & other euill affections, could not doubt, but that their doctrine proceeded from God:
V. CONSIDERATION. From the Conuersion of Nations by the imbracers of Catholicke Religion.
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which promise must be fulfilled: But the Religion wherunto Nations in all ages haue byn, and now in this our age also are con|uerted, is the Catholike
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Vincent surnamed Ferrerius, of the order of S. Dominicke conuerted to the Catholike faith fiue and twenty thou|sand, partly Iewes, and partly Saracens,
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12. Age, the people of Nor why were conuerted
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A|drian was an En|glishman and called Nicolas Break-speare
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In the 9. Age, were the VVandalls Bulgarians, Sclauonians Polonians, with those of Denmarke and Morauia,conuerted
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all Nations, which haue byn conuerted from Paga|nisme or Iudaisme to Christ, for these 52 thousand yeares last past, were conuer|ted to the Catholike Roman faith,
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What man is there, that matu|rely considering these things, can any way doubt, but that Catholike Religi|on is the true?
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in her, he seeth fullfilled Gods diuine promise of the co~|uersion of Nations.
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so many remote Nations,
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reiecting the multitude of wiues,
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inflamed with the contempt of temporall things, and loue of celestiall.
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worke such won|derfull mutation in the harts of barba|rous people?
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Furthermore· to Lutheranisme, Caluinisme, or Anabapt[...]sme there was neuer 54 heard of any conuersion of Nations, or Pagan Kingdomes,
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defe|ction, or falling away from ancient Christian Religion, only retayning the name of a Christian [...]esides
VI. CONSIDERATION. From the Name Catholike, & from the thinge it selfe, signed or marked with this Name.
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being dila|ted and spread ouerall the world, doth extend it selfe to all nations and King|domes.
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no Kingdome nor Nation vnknowne to vs, which eyther doth not, or somtymes did, or doth not now begin to imbrace this reli|gio~.
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increase and fructify in all Kingdomes in due tyme and season?
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exten|deth it selfe to all tymes ] euen fro~ the Apostles.
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we shall neuer find, that any one of them was euer called Catholike nor
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euery one tooke their names of their first Authors, as the Simonians, Valentinians, Pelagians, Lutherans, [Note:No sect e|uer spread ouer the world.
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Lutheranisme, Caluinisme and Anabaptisme now after 70. or 80. yeares are yet confined to certayne strayt corners, & do rather daily decay,
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none of them hath continued from the Apostles tymes, but all sprung vp and inuented within these 70. or 80.
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neyther in regard of tyme, place, nor otherwise, can they be called Catholike.
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Catholike Religion is one, and the selfe same euery 59 where.
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these religions are excee|ding different amongst themselues, and disagreeing in their chiefe heads and members, one damning another
VII. CONSIDERATION. From Succession.
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eyther the Apostles successors or haue receiued their order and autho|rity from their sucessours.
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insti|tuted this said power, and doth inuisibly protect and assist the same,
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Pastors haue their Iurisdiction from Bi|shops, Bishops from the Pope;
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not power ordinary but only dele|gated, to witt, no proper Iurisdi|ction of their owne, do receiue the same from their Pastours, Bishops, or the Pope.
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eleerly demonstrate his mission, and shew the same to be deriued from Christ.
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This argument alwaies did the ancient Fathers greatly esteeme and al|leage,
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therby is shewed the continuall suc|cession of our Religion throughout all Ages, vp to the Apostles times. I
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Church of Christ hath alwaies had these degrees, and byn gouerned therby.
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they were not sent by the ordinary Pa|stors of the Church it is euident: therfore they came of themselues, being sent by none.
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But perhaps, they will say, that they were sent immediatly by Christ,
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not inough so to say; for that all Archeretikes do say the same of themselues.
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Apostles did confirme their mission with many and great mi|racles: otherwise we ought not to accept
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For if Luther were sent of Christ, then can not Caluinbe also sent of him, who in many points impugneth Luthers doctrine,
VIII. CONSIDERATION. From the consent of the ancient Fathers and Doctors of the Church: and from the decision of controuersies, without which there is no sodality or followship.
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whole and full con|sent of Doctors of euery age
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from which if once thou chance to decline or fall, thou hast no certainty left,
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consent of many about one thing, especi|ally when as there hath byn no consult or comunication had therof be|fore, is a very great signe of truth,
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myndes and iudg|ments of many enlightened from hea|uen.
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property of Falsity because she is manifold, to dissi|pate, and separate herselfe into diuers opinions and errors.
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manifest signe, that it alwayes remayned in the Church, and came from the Apostles.
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seeing that no new opinion can be brought in with|out great stir, and contradiction.
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we can shew of euery least heresy, in what time and place the same began, who was the Author,
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If all this, I say, can be shewed of euery heresy: how much more easy were it to shew the same of the principall and chiefe heads of our Religion, if any innouation had beene made therein?
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That the opinions of the new reformed Religions do not agree with the ancient, our Aduersaryes themselues confesse,
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they reprehend & taxe the Ancient Doctours of superstition,
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soone deter|mined and ended. [Note: Contro|uersies quickly decided in the Catho|lieke Church.
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infallible Iudge of Controuersies, to wit the Pope with a generall Councell,
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cause & weight of Re|ligion, being common to the whole Church, should not be iudged of any priuate man,
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but of the vni|uersall Pastour thereof, togeather with other particuler assistants and Iudges,
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represent the vniuersall Church it selfe as certaine heads vnited togeather.
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decided of no other, the~ the King, his Counsel and chiefe Nobility of the Kingdome, who represent the whole Kingdome.
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truly vnles the Church had such power and authority, it would be a very imperfect and maimed Church,
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For that there should neuer be any end of contention concerning the principal heads of our fayth, no decision of de|bates and contradictions,
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so soone as euer one falleth from Catholike Re|ligion, he hath no certainty wherevpon to rest,
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or to whome he may safely commit the 72 care of his saluation.
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In this so great variety of Re|ligions, which wouldest thou imbrace? The Lutheran? And why not the Cal|uinian
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Againe if thou wilt needs be a Lutheran, whether I pray thee wouldst thou be a soft or riged Lutheran?
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Againe if thou wouldest needs be a Caluinist, whether then Puritan or Protestant:
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do not a little differ among themselues, as they that liue in England do well know?
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No solide reason therfore can be giuen why thou shouldest imbrace or prefer any one of all these religions before ano|ther; for that euery one of them do both brag and boast, that the word of God makes for the~;
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Nor haue they any other proofe for all this, the~ that it is euident to him that hath the spirit.
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thou must either imbrace all these religions, or els none of them.
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Catholike religion doth far otherwise proue
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Scripture, expounded according to the common sense & vnderstanding of the Ancient Fathers,
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by the sanctity, miracles and prophetical spirit of all such as haue imbraced this religion:
The I. Reason, Deduced from Nouetty.
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Christia~ Religion is a thing most ancient, solid, vnchangeable, and durable to the worlds end;
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when Luther first began to peepe out his head, there was no other religion known to be exercised in the world (besides the 77 Iewish, Mahometan and Pagan) but the Catholike, and that of the Hussites.
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by what meanes then could this religion ly hid for so many ages,
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if before Luther, that Religi|on had byn in the world, how chance that the followers therof, who had hi|therto 78 layn hidden, did not then come publikely forth, when Luther began to preach,
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Luther himselfe was also Catholike before and a Friar, who for 15. yeares togeather had daily and de|noutly said masse,
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no not perhaps so much as any one parti|cular person before Luther, who
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held all and euery of the same heads of beliefe, or the same body of doctrine, 79 which Luther did.
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although Luther tooke some of his opinions from the old heretikes, notwithstanding Luthera|nisme is not therfore the same Religion with that of the old heretikes, but only in part:
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euidently followeth, that Lutheran religion is not Christs religion. For that Christs religion is not new, but ancient:
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if Luthers religion be truely Christs religi|on,
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Therfore Christs Church was not before Luther, because the Lutheran Religion which doth make the true Church, was not before Luther,
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But let vs grant, that Luthers religion was in the Apostles tymes,
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yet at leastwise in the third and fourth age it began to fayle & fall quite away.
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by this accompt the Church of Christ, at least for 1300. years hath fallen away
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Ghospell obscured, Christes Church ouerthrow|ne, vntil the Dutch Prophet Luther rose vp,
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they wryte vpon the fore|fronts of their houses, in great Capitall letters,
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words: Such a yeare &c. appeared the true light
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if the Church of Christ perished for so many ages, how then is it true, that she is built vpon a rocke, and not rather vpon sand?
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grant that it was hidden all that while; but then was it not the Church of Christ: for that she is a [Note: Matth. 5. ] Citty placed vpon a mountayne
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rea|cheth from [Note: Psal. 71. ] sea to sea, and from the riuer to the bounds of the earth.
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she, as it were, may intice Gentiles vnto her: so as they that will become Christians, may know whither to go,
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her Doctrine and faith must needs be also manifest, or els the same would be vnprofitable to the world, nor could she conuert Gentiles.
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So as in the greatest persecutions that euer were, she neuer lay so hidden, but that she might be knowne to all,
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wherby it came to passe that she had so many martyrs.
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how may she be called the Church of Christ, that dareth not publickely to professe the true Doctrine of Christ?
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so faint|harted & fearfull of death, as to hide her|selfe in a darke cormer, so many ages togeather
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how can she be called the Church of Christ, that for so many ages hath not only hidden herselfe, and sup|pressed 85 the true profession of faith; but hath professed also a false faith, to wit Papistry,
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before Luther, all Christians did carry themselues outwar|dly in all points as Catholikes, or els straight would they haue byn apprehen|ded and accused
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should the Church of Christ haue byn more miserable, then the ruines of the Synagoge,
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had their Synagoges and free pro|fession of their Religion, nor was euer constrayned, at least generally, to the worship of Idols.
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there was neuer any Sect of any name, which had not her temples,
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that so she might be knowne of all.
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no|thing can be more absurdly said, then 86 that the Church of Christ hath layen hid for so many ages:
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Lutheran or Caluinian religion, was eyther before their Authors (to wit Lu|ther and Caluin) or it was not. If it were not, then is it altogeather new, and therfore cannot be the religion of Christ: which is ancie~t.
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proued also of Caluinisme and Anabap|tisme,
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for perspicuityes sake, and not often to repeat with tediousnes all three names, we haue only nominated one.
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Thou must (saith hee) remayne in that Church, which was founded by the Apostles,
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Marcionites, Valentinia~s, Montanistes &c. know thou certainly that, that is not the Church of Christ,
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Nor let them flatter themselues, if out of certaine places of Scripture they do seemete affirme that with they say: for that the Diuell did also alleagde Scripture for his purpose:
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denomination is a signe of nouelty:
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vsurping of Scripture, is common to the Diuell himselfe, and all
The II. Reason, Taken from the defect of Succession.
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they want an orderly and conti|nuall Succession of Ministers in the Church, from the Apostles;
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must bring forth the succession of their Bishops, and reduce the same vpwards to some one of the Apostles,
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they do not only want succession of Chayre and authority, but euen the ordination of degrees, descen|ding from the Apostles.
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to wit, Power of Order, by which Sacrifice is offe|red and Sacraments are made to sanctify 90 the faithfull: and Power of Iurisdiction, by
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ordained by some other Bishop, to whome by the Constitution of the A|postles themselues, must be adioined two other bishops,
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those Bishops who togeather with the Bishop 91 that doth ordaine, do lay their hands vpon him that is ordained,
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the Apostles, as we haue shewed before: seing that all power spirituall ought
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as the corporall life of man is deriued by cer|taine meanes, through a continuall suc|cession from our first parent Adam,
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in the old Testament, there were no priests except those that descended from the Tribe of Leui·tho|rough Aaron: so in the new,
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Congregation of Lutherans and Caluinistes, had neuer any such mini|sters; had neuer any Bishops-lawfully ordayned amongst them,
The III. Reason. From the defect of their Mission.
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no man may preach in the Church, vnlesse he be sent by lawfull authority,
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sent?otherwise there should soone arise a great confusion in the Church, for that euery one might take vpon him the office of preaching and gouerning the Church, and sow abroad what errors he listed.
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if in a temporall Com|mon wealth
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he must first be appointed therunto by the Prince:
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one threatens destruction to the soule, the other only losse of goods and fortune.
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with|out lawfull Mission and Auchority, he entreth not in at the dore, but climbeth vp some other way,
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he that speaketh of himselfe seeketh his owne glory: but he that seketh the glory of him that sent him, he is faithfull,
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they do not speake for truth, but for their owne praise and comodity, and thither do they direct all their doctrine.
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our Sauiour did so often incul|cate to the Iewes his mission, to wit, that he came not of himselfe, but was sent of his Father;
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not to be heard, but their doctrine altogeather to be shunned:
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it is manifest, that they were not sent by any lawfull authority, but came of themselues. It is also mani|fest, 96 that they vsurped vnto themselues
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they are to be accompted for theeues and robbers.
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it is not inough to say, and stoutly to affirme but it must be proued, and conuinced to be true,
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Pro|phets and Apostles, did not only say that they were sent of God, but shewed 97 the same also abundantly by heauenly signes.
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all Archeretikes and false Prophets throughout euery age haue affirmed the same, to wit, that they were sent of God, & from him receaued their Authority. And therfore eyther we must receaue them all or none.
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Thirdly, if Caluin were sent of God, then Luther was not sent of God;
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if they were both sent of God, it seemes that the spirit of God doth oppugne, deny, and ouerthrow it selfe, destroying by one, what he had built by another.
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these our new Prophets were so simple, that they did not thinke of feigning any such thing,
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therfore they made no mention at all therof; which is a most certaine and manifest token of lying and falshood,
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they would haue presently published the same in the first front of their writings, and haue manifested the same to the world, to wit, the expresse tyme, place, manner, commandement of God,
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if they were sent of God, they were not only sent as reformers of Manners, as the Prophets were; but as reformers also of the whole doctrine and Religion: and therfore a 100 most exact description of this mission
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in God his name, and in the very word[...] that he spake them, as the Prophets were wont to do
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haue gone from one opinion to another vpon mere chaunces, and as times and things haue so required:
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they learned by experience to preferre most their owne comodityes, and oppugne the Sea Apostolike, that condemned them.
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it is not inough for a man 101 that is sent from a Prince, who is far off, and cannot be spoken with, to say that he is sent from him to execute such or such Authority;
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sealed with the Princes seale, which are notwithstanding care|fully examined for feare of deceyt;
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Reformers also of the whole Religion, wheron the Church consisteth, vpon pretence and colour only, that they say they are sent of Christ,
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computa|tion of tyme is also mightily against them. For if the Church from 600. yeares 102 after Christ hath byn decayed and fallen away,
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Why hath God forsaken his Church for whole 900, yeares, and suffered her to be thus ruina|ted,
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Iewish Syna|goge, to whome he sent Prophets,
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euen to her very last end and destruction, his seruants; and ende|auouring by al meanes possible to reclay|me her.
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they should haue feigned the Church to haue peri|shed 103 a little before,
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great space of tyme betweene, doth confute their mission, and show it to be imprudently fei|gned.
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most certaine signes of their not sending from Christ: as for example, their bad life, their pride, their contempt of the holy Fathers,
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they teach that nothing is to be belieued but what is in Scripture. Let them then shew vs out of Scripture that they were sent of God to reforme the Church;
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what place and in what words the Scripture saith this Authority was graunted vnto Luther or Caluin; or otherwise we may not belieue them
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The numbers of the letters of this verse, they say do make M. CCCCLL. VVIIIIIII. or 1517. in which yeare of our Lord Luther began to preach.
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yet therby should not be signified a reioyeing and exultation of heauenly Spirits for Lu|thers preaching,
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but an excecation or blinding rather of Luther, & of althose which were to imbrace and follow his Doctrine:
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For that God is there prouoked in such sore that he reuengeth with condigne pu|nishment so great wickednes & impiety,
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if we wryte these Names, accor|ding to the Hebrew, by M. and not by N, to wit CherubIM & SeraphIM, as they are truly to be written,
The IIII. Reason, From the want of Miracles.
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su|spected, [Note: Miracles necessary. ] because they were brought in without any miracles: which miracles were very necessary,
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it is manifest out of Scripture, that many false prophets were to come into the world
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no new teacher is to be admitted but rather to be suspected, that ca~not giue a ful testimony of his do|ctrine: which full testimony can not any way be giuen, but by diuine & heauenly signes, as are, for example, Miracles, fortelling of things to come,
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all the Prophets confirme their mission, eyther with miracles, or with reuelation of mysteries.
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al|though he might haue cleerly conuin|ced out of Scripture, that he was the true Messias, and that by the testimony also of S. Iohn Baptist: yet notwithstanding presently in the begining of his prea|ching, he shewed by many miracles, that he was sent from God the Father,
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the greatnes of his mira|cles, they should belieue him.
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as also did the first preachers and Apostles of diuers nations 109 who brought them from Paganisme to our faith & religion.
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Besides the austerity and sanctity of his life was no small miracle; so as no man can doubt, but that he was sent of God.
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What great miracles had there needed to haue byn; to haue conuinced the world to beleeue these meruailous and wonder|full 110 things;
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cu~red an hundred thousand lame, blind, and diseased, yet had it scarse byn in|ough to haue giuen credit to so great an innouation.
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Angell from heauen do euangelize vnto yow any other doctrine then that which we haue euangelized
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repeating the same againe for greater confirmation,
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if we should not belieue an Angell, that should preach any least thing
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what great need of miracles should there be to giue credit to any man that should preach so great matters as these,
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all the miracles of the Apo|stles, yea of Christ himselfe, should be renewed againe in such a reformer?
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these signes must be so perspicuous for the conuincement of mans vnderstanding, that there be left no place of doubt or tergiuersation; for els their be not bou~d to belieue, but rather still to adhere
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Catholike reli|gion hath shined with the greatest glory of miracles, of wisdome, and of sanctity
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needfull therfore of greater and more 112 euident miracles now, wherby lawfully put her out of possession and reiect her; as also there is more need of greater knowledg, sanctity,
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although our Lord might most clerly haue conuinced and shewed out of the Scriptures that this mutation and change was to be made, and that himselfe was sent of God
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he thought good notwithstan|ding to co~firme the same with very ma~y & most wonderfull miracles, that there might be left vnto them no occasion of doubt
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how greatmi|racles then shall we thinke to be needfull now for the changing of religion in the new Testament, when as the Scriptures do cleerly denounce that there thalbe no more changes made
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so much against Scripture and iudgment of all the ancientt Fathers, without ex|traordinary great miracles?
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vn|lesse we do belieue all vpon their bare word, they presently raise vp grieuous presecutions against vs.
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their arguments like vnto 114 spiders webbs are very easily dissolued by Catholike Doctors:
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all do make Scripture the only foundation of their building: and therfore, the proofe of all is to be admit|ted, or of none.
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seing that this their new Doctrine doth banish all austerity and sharpnes of the Catholike Religion, and giue all liberty to the flesh, what miracle is it, if many follow and imbrace the same?
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our corrupt nature doth most of all incline to liberty, which it findeth in these new re|ligions,
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not because we being persuaded by the force of reason,
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because we find in them, that which we sought for, and that which without feare we might enioy, vnder the colour of religion and piety.
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many haue ioyned themsel|ues not only to the Caluinists, but also to the Lutherans and Anabaptistes; and therfore they must be all holy and come from God
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But God cannot deny himselfe,
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cannot be Author of so contrary religi|ons, & the one damning the other
The V. Reason, From the Conditions of their Liues and Manners.
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Nunne whome he enticed out of her Cloister,
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twofold synne of Sacriledge, and did alway reiterate the same as often as he abused her body:
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so exceedingly giuen to good cheere and lust, that he was dayly occupied in ban|quetting and drunkennesse,
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affirming that a woman was more necessary then, to eat, drinke, or sleep:
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life of Caluin is
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murthers, robberyes, filthy and lewd behauiour: all which things haue byn obiected against him by diuers wry|ters, wherunto I could yet neuer see any answere.
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twice contracted sacrilegious mariage, and dayly vseth sacrilegious copulation?
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far more filthy thing to be an Adulterer of Christ, then an Adulterer of the wife or hus|band.
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from this fountaine, to wit of pride, all his do|ctrines toke their beginning.
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certayne Indulgences were to be pro|mulgated 119 in Germany,
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office therof hauing heertofore belon|ged to the Augustine Friars,
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Luther taking in very ill part, began with a splene to preach against Indulgences:
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wonderfull troubles and garboyles throughout all Germany,as
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This pride and anger then was the first origen, and ofspring of all Luthers doctrine, without which perhaps Lutheran Religion had neuer byn, nor, so many other new sectes nei|ther,
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we may and oftentymes ought to obay euen a Tyrant, when he co|maundeth things lawfull.
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Augusti|nes. Also, Christian Princes, Kings, and Em|perours 121 he calleth Tyrants, Idiots, fooles,
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enemyes of God, most wicked knaues; & inuen|teth scurrilous songes and rithmes a|gainst them.
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his own praises, dignity & merit in the Church, which he alwaies published, eyther in other mens, or some feygned name,
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Many the like trickes might I alledge
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but that I am very vnwilling to occupy my selfe in 122 such affayres.
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let his read the life of Beza, written also by D. Bolsecke,
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who can once thinke with him|selfe, that God would choose and vse such men as these were
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Apostles or Pro|phets, who were all most humble, and no wayes infamous for any wickednes? And although they were vnlearned and simple, notwithstanding vpon a sud|daine the were indued with admirable wisdome,
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of wonderfull meeknes, they contemned the pleasures of this life, and the earthly delightes of all thinges;
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they were wonderfully modest and circumspect in 123 all their words and actions.
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Dominike, S. Francis, and others, by whose exam|ple and doctrine, very many haue byn stirred vp to the contempt of earthly and transitory things, and loue cele|stiall.
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that God would euer vse such men, for so meruaylous and high an enterprize, as were not only not endued with any holines of life at al, but rather to the con|trary,
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to giue occasion to such as haue but the least dram of wis|dome not to admit them, but as false im|postors to auoyd and detest them? For if those, who be infamous,
The VI. Reason, From their errors and inconstancy in Doctrine.
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very inconstant in their doctrine; which is an euident signe, that they haue not the infallible direction of the Holy Ghost,
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there was neuer any the least error found in the doctrine of the Prophets or Apostles;
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fiant. One iote, or one tittle shall not passe of the law, till all be fulfilled.
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if in any writer one fault only should be found, it were inough to discredit the whole authority of that wryter. For he that is deceaued in one, might be deceaued in more,
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him. Luther himselfe also tea|cheth vs the same thing
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whosoeuer is once taken in a lye, know most certainly that he is not of God, but ought to be suspected in all things
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Nay moreouer our Sauiour himselfe gaue vnto vs this signe in the Scripture,
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a Prophet fortelling any thing that was false, we 127 should certainely know that he was not sent of God. This being layed as a sure foun|dation, I make this argument: Whoso|euer in his doctrine doth erre but in any one point, he is not sent from God: but Caluin and Luther in their doctrines
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falsly affirme to be noueltyes in our Doctrine, and vnknowne to the ancients:
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errors, I wil lay forth only two of theirs of most moment which are common to then both. The one, That we haue no fre|will,
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other, That God is no lesse the Author and sorcer of euill works, then of good.
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Moreouer the punishing of all kind of wickednes shalbe vniust also: for that whatsoeuer is not free of it selfe, & what soeuer is done by God as the author and compeller therof, deserueth no punish|ment.
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These very two opinions, haue giuen occasion to many, to go fro~ Calui|nisme to Turcisme, or els to Atheisme.
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there was neuer found a writer so inconstant, so forgetful and so contrary to himselfe and ouer|thrower of his owne doctrine, as Lu|ther.
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lay man of Saxony, and published to the world, to Luthers vtter confusion, and no small cracke of his credit.
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the whole booke of Cochlaeus intituledLutherus Septiceps, conteyneth no|thing els, but Luthers contradictions, and contrary opinions, almost of euery article in controuersy, set downe and expressed in his owne very words.
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These things being considered, what wise man can euer be brought to belieue, that these men were sent of God to reforme the Church?
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so simple, and of so small wisdome and circumspe|ction, that he cannot auoyd so manifest contradictions, in matters of so great moment?
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whosoeuer is con|trary to himselfe,
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he without all doubt doth not speake from the spirit of God. For
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The spirit of God cannot be contrary to it selfe, nor deny it selfe.
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most certaine that my Doctrine is not myne, but of Christ;
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like manner Caluin was wont often to exclayme in his sermons, that he was a Prophet, and, that be could not be decey|ued,
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they be impostors also & deceyuers of the people.
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whosoeuer affirmeth his Doctrine, wherin there be so many errors and contradictions, to be of God; is presumed not to deale sincerely, but to speake against his conscience, and to beguile the people:
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now and then they erred in the beginning
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but afterward they neither erred, nor chan|ged their opinions.
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whosoeuer haue byn sent immediatly from God to teach and instruct the people, they had presently in the very beginning of their mission an infallible assistance and di|rection from God, so as they could ne|uer erre the least iote in their Doctrine,
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specially necessary that straight in their begining, their Doctrine had byn solide,
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Againe I demaund, of them, when and at what tyme did they at length re|ceyue that fulnes or plenitude of spirit, that they could not erre any longer?
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might presume, and that worthily, that they would erre as wel after, as they had done before.
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in all their life, they were variable, chan|ging, correcting, or contradicting themselues almost in euery booke and worke they set forth;
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what they spake but mildly in the be|ginning, that they eyther exaggerated, or changed
The VII. Reason, Taken from the fraudes and de|ceipts which the Sectaries commonly vse.
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true Religion doth not need any such helps, but false Religion; which when she is destitute of true and solid reasons, she must necessarily place all her hope in lyes.
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they do falsely charge the Catholikes with many ab|surdityes, wherby they may more easily impugne and defame their Religion:
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they deale not sincerely.
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they know wel inongh, or may know if they will, that in the Catholike Church I|mages of Saintes were neuer adored as Gods, or with any worship that is due vnto God alone,
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externall signe of adoration, Which is made before an Image, is the worshiping of the first patterne or pro|totype therof.
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For that we do so highly respect God, that we thinke those whome he hath so highly exalted in glory, to be worthy also of some honour.
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many simple people are beguiled, and misled about this point.
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as Bread|worshippers; 138 by which name Caluin often|tymes calleth Catholikes.
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they know well inough that Catholikes do not belieue, that in the Eucharist there remayneth bread,
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nothing els indeed, but mere impostures and deceytes, inuented to defame the Catholike doctrine.
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hundred of like articles, falsely imputed
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they lay to their charge also false crimes
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to wit, Murders, Treasons a|gainst Princes, and diuers kinds of such like villany. Good God! How many libels
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accuse Religions men (innocent God wot fro~ such crimes) of most outragious and filthly wicked|nes?
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so blynd is that their feruent hatred, that they care not with what probabi|lity they charge their Aduersaryes, so they may hope to hurt them therby.
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impudency of their ca|lumniations is once discouered, it re|doundeth to the great comendation of those who were accused,
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egregious fraudes and deceyts, eyther by adding, taking away, or altering somthing in the allegations of Scriptures & Fathers;
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I will 141 haue it so, I comaund it so, let my will be a rea|son. For, we
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con|cerning the word (only) but tell them, that Lu|ther will haue it so, & that he is Doctor of all Do|ctors in the Popedome &c. Behould the mo|desty of this Prophet in excusing that fraud.
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election, lea|ueth quite out the words, per bonaopera, by good works, because they were plainely against his Doctrine,
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putteth in the margent a Loue-song in rithme, to this sense: Nothing is more amiable on earth then the loue of a woman, to him that hath the fortune to obtaine it.
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woman-sister? Luther addeth heer unto of his owne, in vxorem, for our wife; as though the Apostles lead wiues about with them, for coniugall vse.
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translateth it thus: Hoc significat Corpus meum: This signifieth my body.
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inferno: Thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell. Beza translateth
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sepulchro: Thou wiltnot leaue my 143 carcasse in the graue;
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Caluin doth so expound almost all the places of Scripture, wherby the An|cient Fathers dyd proue the Trinity
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he doth eueruate all the force therof; wherin he doth not alittle symbolize with the Iewes, Sabellians, Arians, and Macedonians.
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whole Chapter of Isay, which is manifestly meant of the passion, death, and satisfaction of Christ,Caluin expoundeth it metapho|rically
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And what can be more violently or absurdly spoken? or what can be more fitly accommodated to the Iewes perfidiousnesse?
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Monsieur du Plessis a principall Cal|uinist in France, in a little booke of his which he published Of the supper of our Lord hath corrupted more then an hundred testimonies of Fathers & Doctors, partly by cutting of and mangling their words, and partly by adding therto of his own.
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arguments, which by Schole do|ctors, as the manner is, are obiected a|gainst the truth, and afterwards solued and answered by themselues, as if they had byn set downe expressely by them for their owne doctrine and opinions.
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very same deceypt and craft do all their writers vse, when they go about to proue their opinions and do|ctrine out of the Fathers.
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obscure~ and darke sentences of theirs, were they do but by chance, and as it were by the way, touch the controuersy in hand.
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there is nothing so cleare and euident in our faith, which by certaine obscure places of Scripture, or Fathers may not seeme to be impugned;
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Or that man hath not free will? And yet do they alleadg many obscure places, both out of Scriptures & Fathers to establish those their fancies.
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Y[...] they seeke for truth, why then do they omit those places which be plaine and perspicuous, and fly vnto such as be obscure and darke?
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when Catholikes to the contrary do alledg any thing out of the Fathers, which is euidently against 147 them,
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they make answere presently, and say[...] that the Fathers were me[...] and consequently subiect to error, but they rely vpon the word of God, which can|not err[...].
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Fathers do also rely vpon the word God: they answere, that the Fathers haue not at|tayned to the vnderstanding of the Di|uine word, and therfore were deceyued.
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how is it euident, seing there beso many, and so diuers interpretations amongst them; and that all the ancient Fathers haue interpreted otherwise them they;
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The interpretation (say they) is euident to him that hath the spirit, but to others not. And thus do the Patrones of euery Sect answere, and reduce their final iud|gement of euery controuersy to a prin[...] spirit.
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Caluinists say; that all the ancient Fathers,
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wanted the true-spirit of vnderstanding the Scriptures, as also do the Lutherans and Anabaptists
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only themselues haue the true spi|rit, and to them it is specially graunted from aboue:
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say the Lutherans, to wi[...], that the Councells Fathers; & Doctours of the Church did want this true spirit, as also the Calui|nists, & Anabaptists do:
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How incredible is it, that all the Catholike Doctours, and Fathers of the Church, should want the true spirit of vnder|standing Scriptures, and that it should 149 begiuen now to the Caluinists only, or to the Lutherans only,
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haue no other proofe thereof, then that the same is manifest to him that hath the spirit, and he, to whome it is not manifest, hath it not? And is not this now to walke round in a circle,
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Euery proofe ought to be made by that, which is most manifest to the Aduersary, so as it may be therby the more easily graunted by him:
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only re|lyeth vpon the iudgement of a priuate man,
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you cannot proue vnto me, that you haue this spirit, but only by your owne testimony, which 150 you giue of your selfe:
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would haue vs to beleeue them on their bare word and asseueration, be|cause they say, that they are certaine thereof.
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there is no reason why we should beleeue them; but great reason father to the contrary not to be|lieue them at all. For that the spirit of God cannot be contrary to himselfe: but these men are most contrary to them|selues: Ergo, they
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vnder pretence of this their liberty, they raise vp tumults and seditions
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But when they haue once gotten the vpper hand (God so permitting the same for our sinnes) they will not graunt any liberty to Ca|tholikes, but stir vp most sharp persecu|tion against them, and force them with diuers torments, and losse of goods to forsake the old Religion,
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Is this then to deale vprightly, and with a sincere mind & equal right? Is it not rather a kind of lionish society, 152 whose right consisteth in strength and power of armes,
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our new Maisters do force and con|straine men to imbrace their Noueltyes,
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and this also before they can conuince them of errour.
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their whole forme of fayth is reduced to the testimony of euery ones priuate spirit;
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compelling Catholiks to be|leiue,
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against the testimony of their priuate spirit,
The VIII. Reason, Drawn from the ouerthrow of good Workes.
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that these two religions take away the study and care of good workes, is manifest.
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shall haue neyther lesse nor more reward in heauen whe her he do few good workes, or many, or none at all.
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It is a folly for vs to weary our selues out in them, & to be sollicitous about the exer|cising of them
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] If all our good workes bee truly sins, foule staines, and filth that merit Gods ire, who seeth not that it is much better to abstaine from them, then to do them? For
The IX. Reason, Deduced from the liberty of life, which they yeald vnto.
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vtterly spoile mens minds of the feare of God, and do open a most wide gate to all wickednes, and to all ma~ner of impurity of life.
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holy writ doth euery where inculcate vnto vs the feare of God,
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yeald a li|berty to all manner of wickednes, as far as doth Atheisme: therfore
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the Text it euidently appeareth, that the ten pre|cepts also do nothing concerne vs: for as much as our Lord brought not vs, but the lewes only out of Aegypt.
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as I am not bound to keep the cerimoniall law, for example to circumcise the flesh, to eate the Paschall [...]ambe, to obserue the Sabboaths &c. so neither the morall law, or the ten Commandments.
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he teacheth, That it is impossible also for holy men to keep Gods law. For if it be impossible, it bindeth not at 161 all:
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to the good workes of the iust they attri|bute a secret malice in regard of the in|ternal concupiscence, by reason of which 162 malice they will haue them to be mortal syns before God.
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if it be so, wher|fore should I rather attend to good works with the affl[...]cting & punishing of nature, & with the wasting of goods, then to bad that go accompanyed with great pleasures,
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sith both be bad before God, wherfore should I not prefer those, in which there is a tem|porall both pleasure and ga[...]ne,
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incredulity a|lone is syn, and that the incredulous, and vn|beeleuing alone are to be damned: and that he, who retayneth his fayth, cannot be damned at all. The
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All syns be to vnbeleeuing mortall: to the beleeuing all be veniall. He
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therfore, while this fayth continueth, no syn can hurt him, because he abideth in Christs iustice,
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can Atheisme giue greater liberty to all manner of wickednes, & to all impurity of life?
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in so much as from this tyme forward no law bindeth vs in conscience.(Heere we are in expresse words freed from the decalogne,
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In all other things God leaueth you in your liberty to follow your own will. For you may do all things without scruple of cons|cience: for you cannot perish, nor be damned, whatsoeuer you shal outwardly do, or leaue vndo~e. All
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he plainely insinuateth, that hell is no|thing els, but vaine terrors. For if God inflicteth not any paine, but only affrig|teth the damned, certainely vaine is that terrour and to be laughed at,
The X. Reason, That they renew old Heresies.
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they seeme to be nothing but a masse, and heape of diuers heresyes, in scueral ages taught by diuers arch heretiks,
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that Berenga|rius himselfe thrise abiured his opinion, and in conclusion died very penitent in the Catholike fayth.
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againe VVicliffe held the same, as ap|peareth by his third article. After his death againe there was a deep silence of that matter for the space of an hundred yeares, vntill Swinglius renewed it, and Caluin, and
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Church in former tymes visible, peri|shed notwithstanding for many ages, & that in this tyme it only remayneth in their congregations. The very like was the heresy of the Donatists, as
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chiefest opinions, whereof Lu|theranisme and Caluinisme consist, be anci|ent heresyes, long since condemned
The XI. Reason, From the want of a Rule of Faith.
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Generall Councells, which haue hitherto had 172 most great authority in Gods Church (for they be as it were the Parlaments of Princes, [Note: In art. 115 & sequen|tib. ] & Peers in Christs Kingdome)
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For by the Scrip|ture it cannot come to be knowne for certaine, that such a book is truly Scrip|ture, is not Apocripall, nor composed. by some deceiptfull person: that this, or that sentence is not peruerted,
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so the whole foundatio~ of our fayth shall rely vpon vncertaine coniectures.
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Luke. He would willingly haue reiected them, 175 because they plainely proue & establish the merit, and necessity of good works, and the obseruation of the commaunde|ments, and do recommend chastity, and pouerty.
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at this tyme there be reckoned thirty one principal Sects of Lutherans, different in name, and disagre|ing in many points of doctrine. The Caluinists be at variance among themsel|ues,
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there be almost as many heresyes, as there be heretiks.
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where they thinke they haue the Scripture for an infallible rule of their beliefe, insteed of Scripture they haue, and follow their owne imaginati|on.
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For whiles men wearied with the auncient Religion, & loathing it, do auerse the truth, & longe to heare nou[...]lt yes, they are by Gods iust iudgment suffered to be begnyled by the Diuell.
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] For that they haue not receyued the Charity of truth, that they might be saued, there|fore God will send them the operation of errour, that they may belieue lying. He
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by giuing more power to the Diuell for the decey|uing of them, who haue contemned the truth, or ancient Religion, and the thru|sting of them into a thousand errors.
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how do they with an humble hart search out the truth, who contemne & makeno esteeme 183 of the iudgment of the Doctors of the Church,
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who refuse to vse the way appointed, and shewed by God, and require vnnecessary reuelations?
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an Idiot, ignorant of all anti|quity, and good literature, should prefer himselfe before so great authority and holynes, and so great a number of Do|ctors?
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they shall rather be deceyued by the spirit of pryde and of lying, whereunto they are by Gods iust iudgment for so great a cryme delyuered.
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Gods spirit reucaleth not contra|ryes.
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the holy Scrip[...]ure no where remitteth priuate men in doubts of fayth to the fearch of the Scriptures, but to the Church,
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There is not giuen to all the spirit of vnderstanding the Scriptures, as is plaine by testimony of the Apostle:
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We are not to giue credit to euery spirit; but the spirits are to be tryed, if they be of God.
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For it is certaine, that infinite numbers haue been, and are de|ceyued, & cuery heretike vaunteth him|selfe of this spirit.
The XII. Reason, Drawne from Absurdity.
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faith necessary to iusti|fication, as this religion holdeth, is that whereby a man stedfastly beleeueth, that himselfe is iust before God
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cer|taine it is, that this faith was vnknown to the world vntill Luthers tyme: neyther doth he deny it but gloryeth rather, that he notified and reuealed to the world the true manner of iustification, obscured by antiquity.
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they condemne that security of saluation, and will haue a man to worke his salua|tion 187 with feare and trembling, and to be alwayes sollicitous and carefull:
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Fayth, by which a man certainly beleeueth himselfe to be iust, as meere presumption. For though
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yet it is not manifest vnto vs, whether we haue done all that which is on our part necessary
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Neither can it be sayd, that their igno|rance excused them, because none can be saued without faith,
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no ignorance can make or cause, that any may be saued without them.
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they eyther be all damned, or els Luthers and Caluins Religions be false, and im|pious
X. CONSIDERATION, and conclusion of this whole Consultatio~.
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we make an election of that here, which in the article of our death may make most to our profit;
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shunne that which may at that tyme procure or cause our certaine ruine & perdition: or at least hazard the same.
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many, who, though they haue lyued as heretiks, yet when they come to dye, do desire to dy Catholikes:
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euery one then wisheth he had done many good works, and that he had carefully taken heed of all sins,
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rather brin|geth in a contempt of good works, and liberty of life.
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absolution of Priests, the Sacraments o[...] Extreme Vnction & holy Eucharist, which cause great comfort, and confidence
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But a naked faith is a very cold, and weake help in that article.
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to be by Christ saued, who contemne the [...]eme|dyes by him appointed,
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All lects of this tyme do brag of this fayth, but all of them shall not be saued:
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there is but one true religion of Christ, out of which none can be saued,
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therfore your speciall fayth will not profit you any thing, vnles you professe Christs true re|ligion.
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it teacheth me to abstract my mind from [...]errene things, and to transferre it to the loue of c[...]e|stiall.
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to maister and mortify my flesh, and to crucify it
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to attend to prayer, and to cut off all li|berty of synning.
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admirable to the whole world, for wisdome, sanctimony, mi|racles, and the spirit of prophesy,
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in euery age giue testimony of it by many mi[...]a|cles:
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perpetuall successi|on of the Chaire,
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In it is a speedy decision of all con[...]ro|uersyes.
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immoueable against all heresyes, and persecutions of Tyrants,
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whiles all the contraryes be found in the new Religions.
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I haue followed that religion, in which I see men of most holy life, and most celebrated for miracles S. Malachy, S. Bernard, S. Dominicke, S. Francis, and alothers,
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I did therefore forsake the Catholike fayth, because I thought it full of Idolatry, superstitions, and hu|mane traditions: because I thought that Antichrist did command and beare sway in it:
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But what if the Diuells bewitching you, which now hath a possession of your mind, should then be taken away, & you should plainely see your selfe deceyued,
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Will you perad|uenture alleadge ignorance? But that wil not excuse you, because you might easily haue knowne the truth, if you had vsed the diligence, that you were bound to do in so important a matter.
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Wherefore as it shall not 195 excuse the Iewes that they erred of ignorance, because they might haue knowne the truth, so shall it not ex|cuse you.
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so as there might be left no further scruple in your mind, nor any iust cause of doubting in the matter.
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by what probability, or pre|tence of truth could you be persuaded to thinke that, that religion was obnoxi|ous to Idolatry, and to so great errors, which
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you saw honoured with such, so great, and many miracles, & martyrdomes?
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How can it possibly be, that none of the Doctors, nor no holy man did for so many ages togeather note and obserue this Idolatry, these superstiti|ons, and errors?
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how could you perswade your selfe that, that is Christs true reli|gion, that
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openeth a most wide gate to al manner of wickednes, as doth Atheisme?
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reuiueth and bringeth many ancient and condemned heresyes to light againe, the authors whereof be not recommended for any austerity, conuersation, or sanctimony of life, nor celebrated for any miracles, but me~ giuen to the pleasures of the flesh, couetous of things of the world,
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sacrilegious Mariages, giuen ouer to lust, and withall wonder|fully inconstant in doctrine?
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if any of these new vp|start Religions be true, then there was not any religion of Christ for so many ages past:
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the gates of hell preuayled against it. The Gospell was then for so many hundreds of yeares preached in vaine: in vaine was it belee|ued: in vaine were so many conuerted from paganisme:
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in vaine were fasts kept, and mortifica|tions of the flesh practised: in vaine were martyrdomes endured, and the bloud of so many thousands shed
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you could not think, that those religions, out of which so horrible things are manifestly dedu|ced might be false, or at least that you doubted not of the~?
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And if you doubted, wherefore laboured you not to vndersta~d the truth, on which your whole soules good dependeth?
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Lord admonished, that we should carefully take heed of false Pro|phets,
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what fruite is this? 199 Seditions, warres, the spoyling and o|uerthrowing of Churches and Monaste|ryes, the ruining of Cittyes, the aboli|shing of ancient piety and deuotion, the giuing scope to all enormityes and wic|kednes.
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We know by testimony of the A|postle, that many heresyes shall rise in the latter tymes, and that many false Prophets,
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conceyue of this busynes throughly; and attentiuely con|sider, 200 whether they stand vpon a solid and sound foundation:
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that instant of tyme, when an eternall, and immutable sen|tence is to be receyued.
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Let them not rest vntill they shall haue duly discussed all, and gotten the plaine euidency in a busynes so greatly importing them.
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how great a pu|nishment attendeth on them, if the reli|gion that they hold, be heresy, & them|selues be heretiks.
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those who follow it, the number of whome, compared with others, is very little, & their learning very meane)
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Heresy is a most grieuous syn. First, [Note: How great a syn Here|sy is. ] because it is the cause, that a man preferreth his owne iudgment before that of all the Fathers,
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he contemneth them all, as men destitute and deuoid of Gods spirit, which he arrogateth to himselfe alone,
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he casteth forth many blasphemies against the holy Eucharist, and Gods Saints.
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he handleth al holy, & sacred things after a most vnworthy manner.
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he calleth Christs Vicar on earth Anti|christ,
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many sacriledges, and an ex|treme & deadly hatred against Christs Church.
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Heresy, consorted with these her Impes and ofspring, is a greater syn, then be an infinite number of sinnes of Catho|likes.
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if but for one sinne of theft, or of fornication, vnles a man here help himselfe by the antidote of pennance he is to endure fire euerlasting,
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sinne of he|resy which exceedeth a thousand thefts, and a thousand fornications.
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The false Prophet was throwne into a poole of fire and of brimstone. The
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true fire there more intensiue and more scorching 204 then our fire here, wherein all heretiks shall burne,
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smoke of their torments shall ascend in the sight of our Lord for euer and euer.
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hauing been so blind, negligent and slouthfull in dis|cussion of a matter, that so neerely con|cerned them.
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let them with all care, study, and diligence exa|mine this whole busines of religion,
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one thing there is, that is most of all wont to hurt this sincere delibera|tion,
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anticipating and foregoing opinion, that possesseth very many touching the Idolatry,
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for a time lay aside this their preci|pitate and fore-running iudgment, and thinke that they may be deceiued in the matter.
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did either not see this Idolatry, if there were any, or if they saw it did not onely not reiect it,
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This is a calumniation of old, both of the Ma|hometans, and of the Image-breakers.
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such a pretence meete was it for them to vse, that they might seeme to 236 haue had iust cause
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let them not cease to craue light from God, whereby they may clear|ly vnderstand, which is Christs true religion,
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For fayth is Gods gift.
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let them labour to procure this illustration, this light, and this drawing, by earnest and con|tynuall prayer:
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]Lighten mine eyes, that I may neuer sleep in death:
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Make known vnto me the way where in I may walke,
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O Lord, to thee haue I fled for succour, teach me to do thy will, because thou art my God. And
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To prayer let them ioyne almes and beneficence towards the poore and 207 needy.
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how much these two auaile, and profit towards the obtaining of light for the imbracing of the true reli|gion, is manifested by that example of Cornelius the Centurian,
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Angell: Cornelius thy praiers and thine almes haue ascended to be remembred in the sight of God.
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ponder and consider those things, that be in this Consultation proposed:
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if they find therein any thing eyther doubtfull, or not suffici|ently vnderstood, let them repaire to Ca|tholike doctors, who will with facility giue them such satisfaction
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they haue been seduced, misled, and carried away by the guile and deceipt of the deuill,
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Disolue & vndoe the deuills bewitchings of them, whereby the eyes of their mind be blin|ded, & their fancy and imagination per|uerted.
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true vnderstanding of the fold wherin they formerly were, that it was not thine, but the diuells,
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refresh the~|selues with the healthful refectio~ of thy doctrine:
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how ex|ceding great a benefit this is of true reli|gion, which hath by diuine fauour hap|ned to them before infinite others, who are debarerd of it:
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This is the gift & priuiledg but of a few, if we consider the infinite number of such as go astray, or stand in doubt, and therefore for this respect the more is it to be esteemed.
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The margarite perle of true religion doth exceed all these by infinite degrees: and he that is possessed of it, though he want other things, and is most poore of al tertene things, is most truly rich,
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yet so as he must haue a will to lyue con|formably thereunto.
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It is a Doctrine of A|theisme, that euery one may be saued in his owne religion.
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by an improuident and vncircumspect conuersation with heretiks, or out of a desire of pleasing, and contenting some, or for feare of some hurt in temporall life also,
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a little recko|uing of the ouerthrow of the Catholike religion, so they may themselues enioy temporall peace for the gathering and keeping of the poore things, and trifles of this life.
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madnes, and light est|ceme of so great a good, will cost them deare,
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Many seducers haue come into the world,
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Our Lord admonished vs more the~ once to take heed of them: the Apostles incul|cated no lesse,
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that shall touch pitch, shall be defiled of it: he that loueth da~ger, shal perish
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who do make a light esteeme of that noble and great gift of the Catholike and Orthodoxe Religion, & prefer their temporall and externall goods before it.
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it is a super|naturall gift, which can neyther be obtayned, nor kept and held without Gods help, whiles so many and so great daungers, and enemyes beset vs on all sides;
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craue help at Gods hands incessantly to that end, both for themselues, their children, and their family, and seeke to ap|pease God by almes,
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many vnprofitable and hurtfull desires, which drowne a man into destruction, and perdition.
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walke on in safety amidst the daungers of these tymes, conserue and maintayne vnstayned the gift of the true and only Religion,
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The first Question shalbe, VVhe|ther it be sufficient for saluation to be|lieue in God, and do no man iniury?
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it seemeth vnto them incre|dible that al Iewes and Turkes, many of whom do deuoutly worship God, and deale iustly with their neyghbours,
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seeme not to deserue much blame, they being from their infancy trayned vp in a religion different from Christia|nity.
The I. Reason.
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although in naturall reason it may seeme to carry some colour of truth and equity,
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it is a meere Paradox For if euery Turke and Iew may be saued in their beliefe, then iuvaine haue the Apostles and holy Fa|thers so much laboured in preaching
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For they might haue abstayned from this doctrine & profession without any preiudice to their saluation,
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For none of all these thinges was necessary to mans 219 saluation, it being sufficient to send prea|chers about the world to perswade men the beliefe of one God.
The 2. Reason.
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hence it must necessarily follow, that the whole Scripture is false, since that it telleth vs how Christ is our Sauiour,
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all this must needes be friuolous and false, if euery man may 220 be saued in his owne Religion.
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it is sufficient that we belieue, that all our good commeth and proceedeth from the bountifull goodnesse of God vnto vs: neyther is it needful for vs to know by what meanes it is bestowed vpon vs.
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Christs redemption is not appli|ed vnto vs but by fayth, and therfore, all such as are destitute of the fayth of Christ are voyd of their iustification,
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requireth, that we ac|knowledge the benefit,
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honour him as it be co|meth 221 vs with all thankes-giuing:
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benefit of our redemption is so great
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meanes wherby he bestowed it vpon vs, so strange and meruaylous; it is requisit we should acknowledge
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liue and dye vngratefull
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least insteed of blessing & thanking him after the manner of the Iewes, we curse and blaspheme him.
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absurd thing, to esteme those who do not beleeue in Christ, to be partakers of eternall saluation prepared for vs by Christ.
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none can be saued who doth not know God and the bene|fit of his creation, for otherwise all Ido|lators might be saued: neither therfore can he be saued, who doth not know the benefit of his redemption, because the benefit of our redemption is farre greater
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we must also know what, and how great the be|nefit is, as also by what manner, way, and meanes he bestowed it vpon vs:
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most admirable man|ner, to wit by ioyning our nature vnto his,
The 3. Reason.
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that fayth is sufficient to saluation which is not a 223 gift of God, but an humane perswasion, [Note: The gro|und of faith a|mong [...]e Iewes & Turkes is false.
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their faith notwithstan|ding is not of the holy Ghost, but of their owne priuate iudgment, or rather of the Diuel: for they do not belieue so, because God hath reuealed it vnto men by any true Prophet, but because Mahomet, whome they thinke to be the Prophet of God, & his instrument to teach mor|tall men, hath so set it down in his Al|coran.
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How can that which is vncertayne, deceitfull, & pestiferous, be made the foundatio~ of our instice before God, or of eternall saluation?
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the whole reason or cause of their beliefe is, because the Rabbyns and Doctors of their Synagogue, do so interpret the ho|ly Scriptures vnto them.
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no lesse hurtefull to belieue, that their Rabbyns interpre|ting the holy Scriptures are indued with the spirit of God, then to belieue that Mahomet is the Prophet of God:
The 4. Reason.
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to make Mahomet equall with Christ, or rather manifestly to bring in Atheisme. For to approue euery Religion is to take away all Religion,
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if it be not in|credable that God for the space of some thousands of yeares hath left the whole word in Idolatry, excepting only the Iewish nation being but a little portion or corner of the whole world, and to haue permitted it to be vtterly ouer|throwne, albeit there were so many rare 226 wits among them, so many diligent worshippers of God, and all humane iustice,
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it should not also seeme incredible, if we say that now, also he suffereth the Turkes and Iewes to perish.
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Turkes and Iewes are lesse to be excused now, in that they do not belieue in Christ, then the Hea|thens were in times past in not acknow|ledging one God
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common custome carried all by force
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neyther if there had byn doubt obiected vnto them could they find out any easy way to know the truth.
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many occasions are offered vnto the Turkes and Iewes of doubting of their Religion. They are bound therfore to discusse, and conferre 227 the matter with the Christia~s
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if they do not, but auert their minds fro~ these kind of thoughts,
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they make themselues vnexcusable before God:
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when there is any iust reason of doub|ting offered, it must with all diligence be examined, albeit we should for that pur|pose be forced to go into farre countries for our resolution.
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things, which they haue done agaynst the law of nature, the which by help of God they might haue eschewed:
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None therfore can impute his damnation vnto God, albeit the way be straite to saluation, but vnto himselfe, to his owne negligence,
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Question is, whether it be sufficient to saluation to belieue in Christ, and that he dyed for our sinnes
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euery one may belieue 229 what with a good faith he pleaseth, but they will haue the Apostles Creed belie|ued of euery one, in that sense which seemeth best vnto any of them. They conclude therfore, that any which con|fesseth Christ may be saued in his owne faith,
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doe labour very much to make one Church of the Luthe|rans and Caluinists, and they goe about to perswade vs, that there is no diffe|rence amongst them, but in some small points,
The 1. Reason.
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it saueth almost all 230 the auncient Heretikes: [Note: The same re|futed by ten Rea|sons. ] for most of them do confesse Christ
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if eter|nall saluation may be obtayned by this kind of fayth, why haue there byn
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Bishops throughout the whole world being assembled togeather with so great labour and charges?
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why haue Catho|likes so much detested the conuersation and company of those heretikes?
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vayne, foolishly, and wrongfully, if in these sects eternall sal|uation might haue byn obteined:
The 2. Reason.
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alwayes iudged, that an heretike cannot be sa|ued,
The 3. Reason.
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] Eschew an heretike after one or two admonitions, know|ing certaynly, that he which is such a one, is ouer|thrown,
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iudgment. Why doth he command him to be esehewed, if his error be not a hindrance to saluation?
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canker is a disease which killeth a mans body vnlesse it be cut a|way, so is an Heretike vnto a com|pany of Christians and Catholikes.
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he should not be an heretike who should take away both the old, and new Testament,
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that those things are eyther feygn[...]d, or written by the spirit only of a man, and as the writings of prophane authors subiect to many errors:
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not an heretike who should deny hell, or the eternity of the paynes therof,
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He were not an heretike, who should say that there are two persons in Christ, whom notwithstanding S. Iohn calleth an heretike, and Antichrist Epist. 1. c. 4.
The 4. Reason.
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this opinion doth make all the foresayd heresyes, and sects equall with the Catholike faith and Religion,
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both in it selfe is most absurd, and nothing els but to induce a new Atheisme.
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if there be a|ny Religion, it cannot be but one, as there is but one Truth, one Iustice, one Faith,
The 5. Reason.
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there is but one only truth, the which if we do not attayne, we belieue that which is false: but a false faith a|uayleth nothing to saluation.
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all one whether thou belieuest the Creed after such a manner, or after no manner at all:
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if it be sufficient to belieue the holy Scriptures vnder|stood in their owne sense, seing that this sense may often tymes be erroneous, it will also suffice, albeit thou doest not be|lieue 236 them at all,
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whereby one doth absolutely belieue nothing at all.
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seing that there is but o~ly one Truth, it necessarily followeth that all Religi|ons sauing one doe erre from the truth,
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otherwise Catholikes and Lutherans hold, who say that such a~ ex|position is not the sense of that Article, but a blasphemy of Caluin.
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Lutherans, and Vbi|quitarists who hold Christes body to be present euery where and in all places, as his diuinity
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God only in his diuine 238 iudgement will principally esteeme, & reward a speciall fayth only.
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the Catholikes do vnderstand it of the visible company of Catholiks, wherein many are predestinate, many are reprobate.
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how great a difference there is in the vnderstanding of the Creed. Seing therfore that there is but only one truth,
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his faith, albeit he belieue that which is true, relyeth vpon a false and deceytfull reason: by the force whereof he is moued to belieue many false and blasphemous thinges,
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that Christ is not God, and that Christ is inferiour to Mahomet,
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That faith therfore by reason of the foundation is both deceitfull and hurt|full: the same hapneth vnto alheretikes;
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How can the true Religion where[...] 242 we please God, be grounded in a false deceitfull faith?
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truth is grounded vpon lyes, wisdome vpon error, and vertue vpon folly.
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they belieue their o|pinions for the authority of their Apo|stles Luther, Caluin, Melancthon, Zw|inglius &c. whom they iudge to be en|dewed with the spirit of God,
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both they might, and haue byn often decey|ued, for they haue reuoked many things, corrected many things, and in many things haue they contradicted themsel|ues,
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wherfore their follo|wers also do leaue them at their owne pleasure, when they thinke they haue found any thing fitter for their purpose:
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many things which before seemed true are 244 afterward iudged false.
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great variety and inconstancy in many of them concerning matters of faith,
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mans iudgement is weake, especially in the mysteries of our fayth, and the vnderstanding of holy Scripture, the which far exceedeth the reach of mans wisdome and reason.
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vpon the holy Scriptures which cannot erre,
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all the sects do say, that they rely vpo~ holy Scripture, wher|as notwithstanding they differ among themselues
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the holy Scripture is no where contrary vnto it selfe, neyther doth it any where disagree from it selfe: that therefore they so greatly iarre & dis|agree among themselues, is caused, by that they make a sense to the holy Scrip|ture 245 according to their owne priuate iudgment,
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holy Scripture doth not only consist in the bare words, but in the sense and meaning therof:
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the whole reason of their fayth therefore is their priuate iudgme~t,
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how deceitfull oftentymes it is, may easily be declared by the disagree|ment of so many sects.
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it is all one whether thou saist, that thou reliest v|pon Scripture as it is interpreted by thy proper iudgment, or that thou reliest v|pon thy owne iudgment precisely in it selfe.
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among the Anabap|tists, 246 who aboue all others are guyded by the instinct of the spirit, there is the greatest variety of sects,
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manifest that this spirit is not the holy Ghost, the spirit of truth, who cannot teach contraryes, or be op|posite vnto it selfe, but it is a wicked spirit, the spirit of error,
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euery heresy is the doctrine of the Diuell. And S. Iohn saith, [Note: 1. Ioan. 4. ] Do not belieue euery spirit but try their spirits, whe|ther they be of God or not.
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they might easily perceiue that spirit whome they feele inwardly, not to be the spirit of God, or at the least they might begin to doubt therof, seing that all sects
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do all equally feele, boast of, and follow that testimony of this spirit,
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Iewes who would not receiue Christ were permitted to be blinded by the diuell,
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heretiks because they haue for|saken the Catholik fayth (the which is no lesse a fault then that of the Iewes) are deliuered vnto him, that he may as it were bewitch their minds, and driue them into all kind of error.
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diuell doth soo|ner be|witch He|retiks then Iewes.
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Iews agree in the same faith, neither is there any variety of sects
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among the Mahomets there are only two sects, and there is no great difference betwixt the~.
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condemne one another of heresy, and all these are risen within the space of 90. yeares,
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manifest signe, that the diuell meruailously possesseth inwardly the hartes of these men,
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Iewes and Turkes do not rely vpon their owne iud|gment,
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they forsake them as men subiect to error, and they rely wholy vpon their owne iudgment,
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the Scripture only, vn|derstood after the sense of their owne iudgment & priuate spirit,
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free from error; but al the holy Fathers to haue byn men subiect to error.
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they must wander vp and downe in vncer|taintyes, as the priuate spirit leadeth them;
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ignorance of their predecessors alto|geather vnlearned.
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foundation of faith wherupon the sects of our tymes relye, is false
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faith which relyeth theron is vnprofitable, and auayleth nothing to saluation.
The 8. Reason.
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if euery one, who doth acknowledge Christ may be saued in his owne faith, Why is there so great disagreement among religions?
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Anabaptists call those only 252 of their owne sect, to be the faithfull, & Christians, and account all others as In|fidels?
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this new opinion of doctrine is not only co~|trary to Catholike religion, but to all other sects also,
The 9. Reason.
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it is not sufficient to saluation to beleeue two three, or foure articles, but it is necessary to belieue all those things
The 10. Reason.
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it maketh a man that he careth not what religion he hold,
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heare out of S. Fulgentius what antiquity hath alwaies holden,
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not only all Pagans, but also all Iewes, Heretikes and Schismatikes
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what almes soeuer he hath made, albeit he shall shed his bloud for the name of Christ
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neither bap|tisme nor large and charitable almes, nor death it selfe suffered for Christes sake, will auaile that ma~,

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe